Funniest damn ending ever!

Old asexual perv ends up becoming hetro due to her story and hiding his boner from her the whole time....

"You've *beep* thousands of men??!!"



If you mean funny as making me smirk then yeah.

I've just experienced the most memorable punchline...

Damn! To justify his action all he's saying was "But you've F thousands of men."


The ending seems a plot hole to me. No pun intended with the h word. He had to know how damaged that area of her body was. It wasn't safe for her to be doing that anyways.

The director was saying all nice guys are rapists, and I disagree with that completely. I was a nice guy my whole life up until my first relationship. I never once tried to rape a woman. And at one time in my early 30's I thought I might be asexual as well. It just turned out I had to find the right woman. Never once did I try to rape someone. I can't consider myself a nice guy anymore now I have sex on a regular basis. I no longer have that innocence, and it's been replaced by cockiness.

The director may hate himself, and hate all men because of it. But not all men are like that. Some men are actually decent people.


Even though throughout the entire film I half expected some sort of twist involving Seligman (or Joe) attempting some form of sexual contact between the two of them I still managed to feel totally trolled by the ending. I literally laughed out loud. After listening to her story carefully for hours, being compassionate and understanding as he displays his intelect and deep insights with her. In a matter of seconds however he is reduced to a drooling neanderthal as he clumsily attempts to engage Joe in sex despite supposedly being aesexual and knowing of Joe's newfound resolve to reject her sexuality and when rejected can only respond with "but you've *beep* thousands of men" before being shot by Joe. If intended the ending was at the very least a great bit of black comedy.


Right. Some men are decent that is true. I too would consider myself decent. I'm not asexual and to speak frankly, If I were at Seligman position I would also feel aroused by the erotic story even if slightest. But would I do the same thing as Seligman did eventually? No! Some man could hold his dick and some just couldn't. In this case it just show the true color of Seligman hiding behind his asexual excuse. Many feel cheated by the ending but I don't see it's really that big deal at all.


I think people are focusing way too much on the literal thing that happened, and not what it means for the story. Throughout this film, there are numerous cases of mirroring and foreshadowing. Right before Seligman found Joe, she was humiliated and betrayed by the two most important people in her life. She tried to kill at least one of them, but the gun failed (or she failed to operate the gun properly). She thought they understood her and shared their entire life story with them. Cut to Seligman. She just spent days telling her life story to this guy and how does he respond? Yes, by humiliating and betraying her. Only he told her how to operate the gun properly. So, she manages to shoot him. All the ending means is a nice opportunity to let the 2 stories come full circle.


Days? I thought everything happened just over one night.

If you love Jesus Lizard and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature!


I remember there being a scene in which Joe says "You'll have to wait for the rest of the story, I want to rest now." Could be just me though, but I do recall that scene being there. Maybe it's Directors Cut-only, I'm not sure.


Just watched Nymphomaniac yesterday and my impression was that Seligman Joe and Seligman are opposites, yet similar. They both have a condition that isolates them and makes them lonely. This is why they understand eachother and makes them connect. While Joe is sexual, Seligman really is not. Like Joe observes in the movie, this is the reason of the strange digressions. Joe remarks that a normal man wouldn't react as Seligman does to her stories. We get to know Joe through her stories and Seliman through his digressions.

In the end, like Joe wanted to be rid of her sexuality, Seligman wants to be rid of his asexuality - opposite problems with opposite solutions that are ultimately beyond them. He could have asked Joe for help with losing his virginity, but instead we get some rapey behaviour. It is not very sexual; he seems to have problems getting erect. I doubt he could've gone through with it. If Seligman had been a regular old perv the whole time, he would have been erect in that final scene.

So I believe Seliman was asexual. If he hadn't messed up somehow in the end, he would've been much too perfect a guy for a Von Trier movie. It would've been a discrepancy in the Von Trier universe.

What bothers me most is that Joe pulls the gun on him AND shoots. This seems more out of character to me.
