MovieChat Forums > Focus (2015) Discussion > Will Smith playing.....WIll Smith

Will Smith playing.....WIll Smith

Sooooo do we all just have to come to terms with the fact that Will Smith just plays himself in everything now?

"hey we need a smooth looking guy to be a cowboy, lets get Will Smith"
"hey we need a smooth looking guy to hunt aliens, lets get Will Smith"
"hey we need a decent actor to show some range, lets get somebody else"

Not saying I dont kind of like him and most of the films he is in but when was the last time he did something with some edge?

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at least he's not being the Fresh Prince of Bel Air.


Isnt he though? I see all of his films being in the same universe where he just has multiple persona's. So after he grew up in the fresh prince he went to work for the MIB, lost his kid, went back in time and shot some cowboys, went to the future and played with his kid some more then became a conman. Add in all the other Will Smith films in there but hes pretty much still the fresh prince without the comedy relief of his family haha

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THIS!!! And Focus is a terrible movie



Will Smith's always been playing Will Smith.

There are maybe two exceptions to this rule in his entire acting career.


I agree haha. So Im thinking pursuit of happiness and maybe I am legend?

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I was going with "Pursuit of Happyness" and "Ali".

I think he was even nominated for Best Actor in Ali.


Pursuit of Happyness, Ali, I am Legend, & Enemy of the State.

Other than that, 100% agree. I am Legend is the best performance he's ever done, if it wasn't for a terrible ending (not his fault) he could have been nominated for that film.


Add Seven Pounds to that.

I think he's actually improving a lot as he's getting older. I can see why people would think this role he is most like himself but that's the downside to celebrity for actors, you see to much.

Even in parts of Fresh Prince he had great dramatic scenes.

the user formerly known as jah-84
Take me as I am, or leave me the way you found me


Every actor has his or her own style and it's bound to come out in all their work. That being said, IMO this was one of the best films Smith has done in years. Definately one of my favorites. It felt like a 1950's hitchcock flick. I loved it. If it's Will Smith playing Will Smith so be it. The o/p sounds like he's jealous of him.

Actors are mere products of a good writer's imagination


Well i must agree I really enjoyed it, i dont get the bad ratings. It was a little bit slow to start granted, but once it got going it was really good. I never saw the end coming at all, it was brilliant.

All the scenes with the pickpocketing, and stealing were brilliant, and I thought oh thats how they do it was fast paced and I had to keep my eyes on it, the slight of hand was great.

I loved the scenes in watching the football, and thought it was clever how it was all worked out.

I dont know what people want nowadays.

As to him being himself, I didn't even recognise him to start with, he looked really different, and there wasn't much comedy in there it was quite dark in places especially towards the end.

Its on Sky premiere now, and I enjoyed it. I wont say it was the best film i have ever watched but it sure as hell wasnt the worse either lol, that i have paid good money for in the cinema.


same could be said for Tom Cruise even


Most actors play a version of themselves in every character.


Yeah wills not the only one take Bruce Willis, he is always a smirking wanna be tough guy, Jeff gold lim always an everyday sort of guy with genius intellect, James spader, always slightly arrogant and aloof.


To those that question Will Smith's range, I implore you: Watch 'Six Degrees of Separation (1993)'. He is certainly not my favorite actor in any sense of the word, But he is famous for more than his looks.

"You're wrong. We were always alone. Never lonely."


I was going to say something similar to those talking about Will Smith's range as an actor. It's obvious many of these youngsters or idiots haven't expanded their range of produced movies because not only is 'Six Degrees of Separation (1993)' an example of Will showing impressive change in character but also 'Where the Day Takes You (1991)'.

But outside of those two, yes, I agree that Will Smith, as of late, is purely just Will Smith anymore. No range.


Totally agree....I actally think he only really is effective in the bad boys films as a foul-mouthed hothead,he should make a third. He was good in Enemy of the state though,an exception,I do not get how he got an Oscarnom for Ali with that OBVIOUSLY fake voice,it was painful watching Jon Voight eat him alive.

But look at that smirking fart Clooney,4 oscarnoms and he is ALWAYS himself,except maybe in Syriana. Alot of big stars AND"actors" are one-note....i´s all about how good they are at that one-note,though. I can enjoy Sean Bean as a villain in any movie,I know what I get is good.

But no,Will Smith is not exactly Benicio Del Toro.


Its how he makes money nowadays.

Lose the Game!!!!!!!


.....Wow I get what you are saying about Will Smith and his film roles, I feel the same way about Morgan Freeman, Jack Nicholson, Samuel L. Jackson, Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, and now I see Kevin Hart is headed in the same direction, just playing themselves in every role. Kinda sad.


Yet in After Earth he played a guy with zero emotion.
