MovieChat Forums > Spectre (2015) Discussion > The best 71 seconds in the whole movie

The best 71 seconds in the whole movie

I remember fondly falling out of my chair in the theater when I saw this. The slight smile back at her as he goes out the window, the suit, the strut, adjusting the shirt cuffs, just everything. Everyone else in the world knows this too because the YouTube graph shows a sharp spike for his rooftop swagger.


Meeting with mr White was the only good part of this movie.


To me Spectre marked the transition from the original vision for the Bond reboot to the Bond who is in touch with his feminine side. I prefer the Bond attitude from Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace.


I agree, altough No time to die was better than I expected after all.


Great post. Thanks for reminding me of this scene. It was very cool how he walks this path like a cat and how they filmed it from above to increase your awareness of his light feet and the heights that had no effect on him.


Great point about how the walk is like a cat, and the high vantage point intensifies that! I had never considered that.


Full confession. I've watched these 71 seconds about a hundred times in the last few days and read a bunch of the comments on the video which were fun to read.

I love how his face morphs as he crosses the window. The slight smile/look of lust at the woman is completely gone, and he's thoroughly in work mode. I have since learned that it probably wasn't hard for his face to look like that because he did that scene with a broken leg and was in horrible pain. Here's an article about it --

The broken leg explains his "slash my wrists" comment when he was asked about filming another Bond. I'm really amazed he did five movies as much as he was injured.

I think his rooftop catwalk will become the iconic image of his Bond tenure. It's an amazing scene.


The fight in the train is pretty darn cool as well.


The closing credits are the best part.


I'll watch the whole Craig series again at some point but my impression of this one was that something along about the first third or half of the film was rather good. It seemed almost like a horror film, with the mystery angle working rather well. I can't recall where it became apparent that the whole thing had gone completely and totally stupid... but it did.
