MovieChat Forums > Jobs (2013) Discussion > Worst casting of the year?

Worst casting of the year?

Ashton Kutcher as Steve Jobs

But I'll let you guys decide. What other 2013 movie made a bad casting decision of a main character?


Its a perfect example of how physical resemblance does not, on its own, mean you are right for the role. Noah Wyle is a much better Jobs


Ed Helms in WE'RE THE MILLERS. He does his usual schtick while playing a drug lord.


I think with all the talent that exists in Hollywood today, both known and unknown, they could have found a better actor than Ashton Kutcher. He was good in the sense that he looked like Steve Jobs, but I found his performance forced to the point of distraction. I kept thinking in my head, "that's not how Ashton Kutcher talks!" But I've felt the same way about other actors in other films: Tom Hanks, Jack Nicholson, Leonardo DiCaprio to name a few. It's not that they're all bad actors. In fact, I really respect the former three. But when big names who we all know very well try to force certain components of their performance, it's hard for me to buy into it.

I would have rather Ashton played the part without the accent, without the stoop in his step. Yes, it mimics Jobs and that was the goal, but it looked and sounded wholly unnatural and remained a distraction throughout the film. I guess at the end of the day, Kutcher just didn't do a good enough job making me believe he was Steve Jobs.

However, the script was also faulted. It's a shame they skipped so much history. And I didn't like the over-glorified soundtrack which was supposed to make us feel warm and fuzzy inside. Again, it felt forced. When I think of a grand score I think of something like Lawrence of Arabia. The music enhanced the performances and the story, but it didn't drive it. And in this film the music tended to drive certain scenes that would have otherwise been fairly ordinary. I don't like that.

Movies should be an escape, where you forget about the real world and get lost in a story. It's too bad this film didn't do that for me.


I rate it all.


It was pretty bad casting. I think they could have gone with an unknown actor, or a lesser known actor, just so we can believably see them as Jobs rather than their previous roles.

Of course, that's probably too risky for the studio execs, which is a shame. Because I think Kutcher really detracts from the movie. No matter if his potrayal is good or not (I can't say, since I never watched the real Jobs), he's just too distracting.

Giggidy! Giggidy!
