MovieChat Forums > Jobs (2013) Discussion > Worst casting of the year?

Worst casting of the year?

Ashton Kutcher as Steve Jobs

But I'll let you guys decide. What other 2013 movie made a bad casting decision of a main character?


Worst casting in the history of film. Zero talent.


Ashton was an awesome choice I think. Who would you have casted?


Are you out of your mind? I heard he recently joined 'over-actors anonymous' !


Noah Wyle. Oh wait, he already played Steve Jobs in a made for tv movie that was leaps and bounds superior.


Saw that movie. While it had potential, it had the look of a movie made by high school students. Wyle did fine, but the film looked like crap.


You obviously hate Kutcher, If you actually watch the film his portrayal is excellent, funny that as soon as a few people dislike someone the sheep come out and follow....baaaaabaaaaaabaaaaaa.


speaking of sheep.. i bet you use an i device... kutcher is a horrible actor.. i cringed during the opening of this movie.. he does resemble steve jobs.. but that's it..



They could have found someone better than Ash lol



Casting Ashton BUTcher was a complete mistake from the outset.


Ashton is the most annoying overrated overpaid douche bag that has ever walked on planet Earth.

He makes Brendan Fraser, Matthew McConaughey and Dane Cook all look cool.

Who was the dumbass who hired him for playing Steve Jobs? Really. I would rather watch an Adam Sandler movie than watching this bad excuse for an actor. And I usually get nosebleeds when watching Adam Sandler movies.

Skull Fist


Okay, you went a little too far when you said Kutcher makes Dane Cook look cool. A new Ice Age wouldn't make Dane Cook cool.


Yeah I think you are right!

Skull Fist



I could tolerate 5 Matthew McConaugheys in the same movie before I could sit through Ashton Kutcher for 2 hours. I mean that sincerely.






I thought I was the only one, i think his Punk'd series did it for me, he just came across as a hollywood brat with a massive ego and an annoying too in your face personality. Sure that was part of the show, but he was just irritating.


hooo, wait a minute. Please don't bring Matthew McConaughey or Dane Cook into this. Although Dane Cook may have been miscast, he is an outstanding comedian with talent. And Matthew McConaughey? Havn't you seen Mud? But yes, Brendan Fraser is fair game!


Come on Mathew McConaughey has become a pretty good actor. Late bloomer but I guess he needed to work the right directors. He was excellent in Mud and Killer Joe. And he'll probably do great in Dallas Buyers Club and The Wolf of Wall Street.

Ashton Kutcher on the other hand is pathetic. His best role is easily The Butterfly Effect. And imo Ashton Kutcher was the weakest thing about the movie.


There's nothing wrong with Brendan Fraser.
McConaughey is indeed underrated. He was very good in Lincoln Lawyer for example.
The only time I just couldn't stand him was in "Failure To Launch", but also because it was a terrible movie where EVERYONE acted bad. Especially Kathy Bates. God, did I hate her there!


Mate, LOL, I feel your pain! :D I completely agree with you! Especially on the Adam Sandler part! :D


I think it is. Steve Jobs is probably spinning circles in his grave.


Nothing shows how mad a dead person is like them doing circles. The ultimate insult. If it was just a square you'd know he's a little miffed, but circles are just hellfury level pissed.

Nobody would even have batted an eye if he did a triangle.


I couldn't agree more. He's a completely irritating douche who should never be playing someone as important as Steve Jobs.


Bottom line is he is not an actor.

Gary Oldman is an actor.

I can't think of anything I have seen him in where he isn't the same.


"someone as important as Steve Jobs"
Your credibility in life just ended there.


I am shocked many reviews are coming in saying that Kutcher actually is good in this movie. They say that Ashton is good in it BUT the movie isn't that great.
