MovieChat Forums > Jobs (2013) Discussion > Seeing what a jerk he was...

Seeing what a jerk he was...

further confirms my happiness about my own choices to not own an Apple.


He was MUCH bigger an *beep* than portrayed here, watch pirated of the silicon valley from 1999.


so you will also not buy any gasoline anymore since the oil moguls killed millions of people including children etc ?


Steve Jobs certainly had a bit of a reputation for being an ass (maybe even a sociopath), but I think that was part of what made him so good at what he did. He refused to follow the crowd, or give in to people who didn't share his vision. Even if he crossed the line a few times, his personality certainly helped break the mould.

As much as I respect the man he was though, I'm sure working for him was torture. Also I generally don't buy Apple products because I feel they're designed to control the user, rather than the user control them. I'm a technical person though, so wanting to have full control over what I do and how I do it comes with the territory.

So my point is, you don't have to like the man or what he created, but at least recognise how brilliant he was, and how he changed the technology sector for the better. He deserves at least that much.


You don't have to believe everything you see on the screen or hear in the media. Except this time it's correct

I have always known he was a bastard and are happy never to have bought an Apple product.

I'm also glad he is dead. That is a very rare and serious thing to say. But, the world is better of without him.


the world will never know that you came and left, but it will live always in the minds of few geniuses who matters like jobs, you and your whole family are not more precious than birds crap.


And the people like you who desperately try to follow in the footsteps of others to gain the illusion of a little self worth will surely be remembered.

It does not matter what he did or did not archived. Fact is he was a horrible human being.

I don't need your crappy insults. You are beneath me and so was Jobs.


fact, is you are a stupid B. worthless nothing






I hate blind emulators who like to form their own little cults around prominent personalities but the naysayers like you are just as nauseating. Neither group understands the essence of this man's and other people's lives. Steve Jobs was cruel, sometimes terrible but he actively chose to be the best he could ever be and do the best he could under the circumstances he had to live under. That is what one should remember on the surface,not the unflattering parts. That is not to say those parts did not exist but giving them prime importance makes you think you're better when you are not. They should be used as a warning to people who think only of the good and shamelessly copy the guy's principles without understanding the context. Thus, what one needs is to draw the right lessons from people's lives.


You are putting words in my mouth and making assumptions. If you want to be small philosophical fine, but not on my expense.


the real issue is that you can't see what a jerk you are, which should be more important to you.


Oh poor Windows User - probably doesn't realize that working for Bill Gates in those same years was as much a Pain in the A** as working for Jobs. It wasn't ice cream and fluffy bunnies at Microsoft sweetheart - so pull your delusional head out of your A** and grow up.

So continue to be blissfully a hypocrite while you surf the web and type away on your Win-box.


Steve Jobs vs Bill Gates is not the hardest debate in the world. Jobs was worse to work for - everyone who has ever worked for both would agree.

Gates never had the "elevator ride from hell" like Jobs did. When Mac wasn't doing well and he was in a foul mood, he would go to where ever he was going and take the elevator to get there. If you got onto the elevator with Jobs, he would ask you who you were and what you did at the company. If you couldn't describe it to his satisfaction, you would lose your job before the elevator ride was done.

It was one of the *many* things Jobs did that got him his sour reputation. He also loved to take credit for designing many things that were not his design. This film displayed that well with the Apple I, Brick Breaker, and the design concept of the Apple II all displaying that. What it doesn't show are his blatant theft of ideas from Xerox, or his outright theft of the title of creator of the modern Mac.

You know that English guy towards the end of the movie? the guy who designed the look of the iMac? He's widely regarded as the actual brains behind the "sexy" design of practically everything that they have done since Jobs became CEO. Jobs was credited for that design, even though he clearly was barely a part of it. He took credit for it too. Listen to his speech about the iPod at the beginning of the film - he takes credit for it with the rest of a "secret" team. What they don't mention is that Creative fired an engineer who had been working on a personal project in secret. Creative had a few entry level MP3 players but hadn't made it big yet. Well, this guy went to Apple and according to some, walked in with a *working* demo of the iPod. It hadn't been patented by Creative and he had been working on it on his own time. Part of his agreement for being hired on at Mac was turning over the device. He got an entry level job while Jobs took the credit for the iPod. If you look at the button layout of the first gen iPod and compare to the button selections of the Creative Zen or other same era devices, it's painfully clear that it was originally going to be a creative device. The "wheel" design didn't come until later.

Steve Jobs is a modern day Thomas Edison. Edison received credit for so many things that Tesla and others created. Many worked for his company, and received a wage while they lost the creative rights to whatever they created. In many cases they stole the ideas and designs from others.

Steve Wos was the Tesla, Jobs was the Edison.


After watching this movie, Steve Jobs seems egotistical and lonely. I can't believe how many of his original partners he screwed over or simply took for granted until they left. Sad man.


With you
