MovieChat Forums > Jobs (2013) Discussion > Seeing what a jerk he was...

Seeing what a jerk he was...

further confirms my happiness about my own choices to not own an Apple.



Well, you cared enough to take time out of your life to chime in...

Your mama was a snowblower!


You do know that your response is a Non sequitur, right, Jay?


I know he is but what are you?


Everybody I know ownz an ipad

Werd 2 ur mudda, bruddafcker


judging from the z at the end of the word "ownz" i'm gonna assume you are a douchebag and thus congregate with other douchebags.. or douchebagz...



Way to prove his point.


Do that through your iPad I'm guessing, Apple's spell check is almost as bad as their maps.



Then you don't meet a lot of people, Buddy


Same here im not a fan of apple products but me being an IT guy i had to watch this movie for the historical content. Loved the movie but hate this company


I hear ya! And not ALL, but MOST people who have Apple products, make sure you know it is an Apple product! It is kind of ridiculous. "Oh, I ONLY buy Apple products." "All other products are inferior." PUKE!


Tell me about it, I recently saw a guy doing a youtube review on a scanner (Canon as I recall)...
His video description was, testing the bla bla scanner on my Mac Pro (something something). Recorded using my iPhone 4S!
Need I say more? :D


Consuela, yes because that's how Jobs and Apple marketed their products.

Most people are sheep, and Jobs realized it very early on. They follow the herd of Apple users because Jobs and the company made them to believe that owning Apple products are cool. I don't care much for these people, they seem to be doomed anyway.

Apple products are good, they're just not the only product on the market. And everybody who uses the phrase "I only buy apple products" with pride is a goddamn moron.


Most people are sheep, and Jobs realized it very early on. They follow the herd of Apple users because Jobs and the company made them to believe that owning Apple products are cool.

^^ THIS! I always thought only pretentious wannabes would buy into the overpriced iCrap hoopla, and this quote says it dead on! If he was smart enough to know what people wanted (ie. the IMAGE that Apple products portrays), then he deserves to be as rich and famous as he is!

Overall, an interesting movie.


"Could you please get your head out of your ass? It's not a hat!" - Pitch Perfect


it is so funny to see the IT people who know stuff about it avoid apple like the plague
the people who think they know something about IT go for apple just like the people who don't know crap about it (they just pick it for the looks/name)

always funny to see how the dumb massess make products like apple rise to the top

a fellow IT guy


They don't avoid it like the plague, they just know that Apple products are *beep* if you only care about function, not form. Apple target their products towards what they themselves probably call "low information consumers".


Do you know what else rises to the top slag. and that useless junk gets scrapped off and tossed.


Wozniak has a thing or two to saw about how historically accurate this movie is..

It isn't

Please don't move forward with your life thinking this movie is `the word`



I haven't seen this movie yet
but from what I know is that Steve Jobs once took a tour at Xerox, stole lots of ideas like the GUI for mac and the mouse and sold it as his own.

Then tried to sue others for stealing "his" idea.

if that is in the movie, at least that is historically accurate


Your claims are not historically accurate.


oh no?

which part isn't according to you?

I'm pretty sure all of this is public information

do you like what you see?


What "historical content"? Do you think Steve Jobs really was amazed to see a keyboard attached to a CRT? That isn't what Woz invented ... and Jobs wasn't motivated by grand ideas about freedom, but rather he thought they could make a few bucks selling what Woz was already giving away.


Go rent Pirates of Silicon Valley sometime to see more of his history and battle with Bill Gates. It's a great movie.


why rent it you can watch the whole thing on you tube for free.


I never did see it, but as I recall, it wasn't a theatrical movie, was it?

It'll be good if it is not broken up into parts but that's not very likely...

There's a slogan written here. 'Happiness Will Walk Away'...


I think your choice in a gadget shouldn't depend on that rather than its quality. That said, yeah he seemed really mean and temperamental. It's ironic because he was into all this peaceful meditation, guru/hippie/healthy related things.


So what are you going to buy? Bill Gates had his cylindrical steak moments.
That leaves you with Unix and Android.

The only thing that really pissed me off was how he denied this little girl. The crayon-written letter she sent him asking to see him was heart breaking. What a prick.

I will say this; of all the cheap Chinese-made crap that's on the market, his products are the nicest.




To me, the movie put Apple under a different light than I view it in. I'm unfamiliar with the history of Apple, so I don't know how much is fact and how much is Hollywood. I owned an Ipod. I even own an Ipod Touch. I bought these products because they were revolutionary. Yes, we had the MP3 Player. But in my opinion it failed to do what the Ipod could. I did not buy an Iphone, Ipad or a mac because I found an Android could do the things I needed to do at a cheaper price, The PC was much simpler for me, and I have no use for a table or Ipad. I have a lot of respect for what Steve Wozniak and the late Steve Jobs did. They were ahead of their time. I think the Ipod Touch is an amazing product, but don't have much use for their other products.

On to the movie. It was ok at best. This was one of the best performances I've seen of Ashton Kutcher, but it was still missing something. The movie had a lot of potential. It just didn't come through like I hoped it would.
