MovieChat Forums > True Detective (2014) Discussion > 30 Minutes Into Season Four And

30 Minutes Into Season Four And

It sucks already


Yup. The true horror of True Detective is watching it stumble around like someone shot in the head but isn't dead yet.


I'll give it 2 more eps before deciding whether to bail, but I tend to agree. The 1st season was pretty but with a lame horror movie rub that didn't live up to its set up; 2 was an abomination; 3 wasn't bad; and 4 is off to a lame, and painfully obvious start, with elements that feel completely disconnected from the series.


From the TheWrap review, it seems Nic didn't write it or help the script. And it shows.


I didn't pay attention until watching the credits tonight, but I could tell that the band wasn't back together behind this one even if I had not. I thought the script, the direction, and even the acting -- from those who are normally better, like Foster and Hawkes -- was weak.


S1 was great.. s2 was really bad .. s3 was just meh.. s4 is off to a bad start. Most shocking is even Fosters acting is shaky at times


I haven't watched it yet, but it doesn't look promising.


Caught a few minutes and it reaked.
Description said something about and activist killed.
Last thing I was to hear about are activist.
Atleast they didn't use an influncer.


Aw, did he get triggered?


I stopped at 40 minutes in. Not sure if I will watch any further.

The brooding, I hate white people, Native woman police officer, the lesbian daughter reveal, and the screaming in the jail cell woman, was enough to tell me it is most likely not going to get better.

Season 1 was lightning in a bottle perfection.
2 was a huge let down, I didn't finish it.
3 was better but tough to watch to the end
4 is just going to be garbage, and I adore Jodie Foster. A shame.


I haven't seen it yet, but one of the leads wearing cheek piercings, especially in a TD season sounds dumb, lol.


Cheek piercings, tats, brooding personality. Guess they thought it would make a female Rust Chole type, with Jodie Foster being a female Martin Hart.


good to know your complains have to do with the same old "woke" nonsense and not the actual writing. I'll check it out, then.


>the screaming in the jail cell woman

That was incredibly annoying. That woman shouldn't ever touch alcohol if she becomes that unreasonable.


For me, S3 was the only one worth watching. It was brilliant and unique, and really well done. 1 & 2 were average TV mystery/detective fare, not really memorable. S4 sounds like it may not be so good. I don't really care much for Jodie Foster.


Yeah I just watched season 1 again the other day - truly great tv.. mystery and a bit of humor mixed in.. nihilism and cults .

Watching season 4 I yawned when I saw they are giving us yet another cop that is brooding and troubled . I mean come on writers!

I have to admit I love the setting in season 4! The isolated town during a snowstorm reminded me of the Thing - I got a bad feeling that the Indian folklore angle is going to have me bored and falling asleep though


S1 was so homoerotic I'm surprised Harrelson and McConaughey didn't just explicitly suck each other off. Most of the people who love this season are probably closet gays.


I knew it would.

It reverted to the mean to just be another formulaic story with
stars that people get suckered with.

I keep saying Season 3 was the masterpiece of this series, like
nothing else ever seen, very unique and relevant, though no
terrible gory story. The characters were great.


I just had a problem with Season 3 for some reason. Think I'm going to watch it again.


I almost stopped watching it because it was so unique and different, but glad I stuck with it. The two characters were very realistically portrayed, and the plot was unpredictable.


3 is no 1…but it’s very good and deserves to be along side 1.


it has the moonlight/new blade guy as the main actor = gonna be bad any way you slice it


I spit and shit on all the woke crap they force into movies and shows as much as most people on this forum, the daughter just HAD to be lesbian right?

Anyway , if we manage to put that aside the crime mystery story seems kind of good to me


I guess if it ain't white (male), it ain't right. You're pathetic.


nop however being racist towards whites is unacceptable please dont be a bigot


No one said anything about racist towards anyone white. Screaming about wokeness is exactly what that is.


But there is blatant anti-white racism in episode 1.. did you not watch? This sort of thing is why many of us despise wokeness


Yeah, you clearly don't get the point.


No but anti-white racism seems to be perfectly ok in the new woke universe . Fighting racism with racism will definitely work 🤣


I think they were going for a Mare of Easttown vibe, but it gets muddied with the woke elements. Mare was authentic and that’s what helped sell it.


Mare of Easttown was pretty good.


No, more saddened.
