Whites Are Evil
Pure Evil.
shareYou might need to provide a little context with that statement. What the hell is G20, and why would you say that phrase?
shareSome whites are evil!
shareEvil is everywhere, especially among religions that invented the term evil in the first place.
There are evil people in all groups of people, in all countries, in all religions, in all skin colors, etc., and there are also good people in all groups of people, in all countries, in all religions, in all skin colors, etc., you just cannot use a broad brush to declare an individual group generally evil, no matter what criteria you would separate them by.
Where would we be without Uncle Humbert's sage wisdom!
shareWhites Are Evil
posted 15 hours ago by TheHardSell (2048)
4 replies | jump to latest
Pure Evil."
Good!! And proud of it
Too bad. Another mindless person buying into some fanatic's agenda, which eventually will lead to another senseless act of violence.
What is really sad is that the poster thinks what someone else thinks.
devilishly evil