will this bomb?

Looks like Tom Cruise and Russell Crowe is the only good thing in this

another Wolfman for Universal where they get good actors but forget about the script


This movie will do well. Tom Cruise us a big draw and it does look like fun. I do however believe that Wonder Woman will keep its number one spot this week.


It's gonna hella bomb in North America. But i'm sure everybody will get paid by the time it completes its global turn in.


i think it will do just fine at the B.O.


I think it will gross at least 400 million worldwide.
Will underperform in the US.


King Arthur tried to start a Universe until reviews and word of mouth killed that one. I believe both will be equally detrimental to this. But Universal seems to be putting a lot into making this work so it will probably not be the only film in the Universe.

I'm trying to go for an engaging, funny youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance. A review of the movie here-https://youtu.be/rrT_CyvSp5c


Where were they going with it?
