How long did it take her to have a tantrum when finding these things in rooms? Not until she sees multiple windmills on a balcony!
I suspected as soon as I read Mirelle Enos' name in the credits, that this film was going to be a bomb. Her character -- and acting chops -- in The Killing are so similar to her appearance in this turkey that I don't know why she has a career.
There were many many many things wrong with this movie and the editing just underscored all of them. As a reviewer said, it serves no purpose except to be gimmicky, and emphasizes that The Captive reeks of amateur night. For instance, we never saw if Bruce Greenwood was even apprehended. He was part of the bad guys, right? I'm not sure that was officially established, but the truth is I don't care, either.
The only good thing about sitting through this Tomato Fest was the snow scenes. Here in the middle of a Texas summer, those were fun to see.