Glaring plot holes

The first one that comes to mind is the prison visit scene where the two creeps are discussing their "ring" being discovered. You're telling me the detectives are trying to track down a massive child abduction ring and they didn't bother checking out who was visiting one of their prime suspects in prison?


That was the biggest plot hole for me. Glaringly stupid. Then he is at the gala, or whatever it is when the cop disappears, yet no one seemed to put two and two together?


The DUMBEST part of the film is when Rosario's character shows her face to the computer in which the kidnapped girl was speaking.

Stupidest cop ever.



Walking in front of the computer was probably my biggest gripe. Like, it was all about to be set up and you went and *beep* it all up. You're trying to win a case, and you're that close, yet you intentionally *beep* it up.


This whole movie reeked of bad plot. Where was the Amber alert? Where was the crime scene workup? It moved immediately to the pedophile dept without an investigation. And if I were a wrecked father, I don't think that sorry looking old kidnapper could come close to standing up to me. I mean Reynolds slugged the young cop but let the old geezer chase him in a car? Plot holes after plot holes. Not many movies bring out my ire but this was a waste of time.


Well they were cousins so maybe it was seen as a familial visit.


At least you were paying attention to the dialogue...

When I'm gone I would like something to be named after me. A psychiatric disorder, for example.


All the of the so called "Plot holes" listed here can easily be explained.
Bottom line: people are not perfect, and neither do film characters have to be.


A thread title like that and you come up with ONE minor point of criticism which isn't even valid...

In the dialogue the guy who got caught calls Mika "cousin", but the way he does indicates that's not really the case.

Mika, a man who is able to kidnap a police officer from a party, should be able to get a false ID, visit his "friend" pretending to be a concerned family member and then disappear, no ?

When I'm gone I would like something to be named after me. A psychiatric disorder, for example.



WHAT ABOUT...all the clues like the trophy, the tooth, and other things the mother got at that SAME ROOM she worked in....DID SHE TELL THE POLICE ABOUT THIS...HER HUSBAND??...WTF??


How long did it take her to have a tantrum when finding these things in rooms? Not until she sees multiple windmills on a balcony!

I suspected as soon as I read Mirelle Enos' name in the credits, that this film was going to be a bomb. Her character -- and acting chops -- in The Killing are so similar to her appearance in this turkey that I don't know why she has a career.

There were many many many things wrong with this movie and the editing just underscored all of them. As a reviewer said, it serves no purpose except to be gimmicky, and emphasizes that The Captive reeks of amateur night. For instance, we never saw if Bruce Greenwood was even apprehended. He was part of the bad guys, right? I'm not sure that was officially established, but the truth is I don't care, either.

The only good thing about sitting through this Tomato Fest was the snow scenes. Here in the middle of a Texas summer, those were fun to see.


That was the worst for me. Hey someones sneaking stuff into the hotel rooms that belong to your daughter. Maybe think there's something to that before the very last one. Even without finding the cameras they might want to put some surveilence on the the place to see who it is that's SOMEHOW sneaking into the room, especially since you only clean the rooms after the guests check out, so he had to sneak in, during the day, after check out, before the maid cleans the room.....

To Love and win is the best thing. To Love and lose, the next best.


I know the daughter had stockholm syndrome and everything, but why wasn't anyone interested in her when she was freed? She helped lure kids into the pedophile network. They didn't seem to care about that, how many dozens of kids did she lure into that life?


That would take a whole other movie though wouldn't it? And an abducted child couldn't be made responsible for things she had been made to do.
