MovieChat Forums > Afflicted (2015) Discussion > seriously amazing movie

seriously amazing movie

Go in knowing as little as possible, and enjoy this Canadian gem!


Absolutely. I didn't know anything about this, went in expecting quite literally nothing-at-all and came away really REALLY enjoying it.


My friend and I were bored one night and trying to decide what to watch and he was looking through the movies he'd downloaded on his PS4 and came across Afflicted which I'd never heard of and he just put it on without me knowing absolutely anything about it. It was such a great way to watch the movie. Very well made movie.

I was surprised to see some negativity on this board for the movie but no-one who didn't like it can seem to be able to explain why. I'm curious as to what people didn't like about the movie specifically.

I'm a bit of a snob and don't seem to enjoy 90% of movies these days but Afflicted is definitely one of the better movies I've seen in the last 5-10 years.
