MovieChat Forums > The 5th Wave (2016) Discussion > Don't understand what's with the hateful...

Don't understand what's with the hateful comments?

This movie was fresh and not over the top si-fi
I hate super space movies. This 1 was simple to understand and enjoyable.
I loved the twists and didn't see some of them coming.

Army crew being "the Others"

This was good in my opinion.


2 reasons:

A) there's a few Chloë haters, who just have to spew their hateful comments on anything she does.

B) People are like sheep, and the flock is following the opinions of so called "movie critics" (who in turn often times don't even watch the movies they review, and feed off each other's comments), without going to see a movie and then make up their own opinion.


Don't know how people can hate Chloë she's hot, pretty, and a great actress :p


Nope. You must have missed Carrie! Terrible in that.


Compared to what? The first Carrie?


The first Carrie is a masterpiece. No, Chloe stunk on her merits-I wouldn't humiliate her further by daring to compare her to Sissy!


That's why I mentioned it. Anyone who saw the first Carrie will automatically think the new one sucks.


I personally felt both carrie movies sucked so your argument is invalid.


Agreed. I never liked the first one either.

Still Shooting With Film!


No she wasn't, She is a great actress and played the character of Carrie tremendously


"Don't know how people can hate Chloë she's hot, pretty, and a great actress :p"

I think it's safe to say there are a great many things you probably "don't know". Simple people are just that way, simple.

She's weird looking, and a mediocre actress. And no amount of adoration from the simple-minded will change that. She's slightly popular though, so she'll continue making films until her weird looks become excessively weird. After that, she'll be doing Sharknado films.

The smaller the mind, the greater the adoration.


well put same here shes not hot at all and people using the word "great" actor im sorry this total bs greatness in acting is a very very rare thing these days


"yea, but she's hot so she must be good" or something, idk how their logic works

i *beep* hate the people that enjoy this *beep* your taste is terrible and you have a terrible personality and we are ALL the worse for it. *beep* you.


Heyyyy, what's wrong with Sharknado?


I think the blowback comes from the mass of positive shill reviews. 90% of the positive reviews here are from accounts solely created to rate this movie or clearly duplicate accounts using all the same grammar, diction and adjectives.


She has no neck. Head goes straight into her shoulders.


She is a very good actrice and she is hot haters are morons without life.


Yes the critics do watch the films that they are reviewing. Don't be childish just because you disagree with their opinions.


Some do and some don't.
And, sometimes, they don't give their own opinions.
Just like some Academy Members don't watch the movies they nominate and vote for.

Look, I really like Ben Mankiewicz when he's on The Young Turks (2005), but he's done reviews on What the Flick?! (2010) where he reads some other Critic's review on his laptop and goes: "that's exactly my opinion".

Christy Lemire herself has said:
"I've been a Movie Critic for 15 years, and I've never been to Sundance. And, I have no interest in ever going."
Would you ever bet that she won't be on a reviewing panel of a movie that's been released at Sundance? Of course she will, she's one of the main Hosts of What the Flick?!.

Rex Reed wrote a scathing review for Hick (2011), my problem with that review? He references and rants about things that never happened, were never shown, in the movie.


A QUICK note about your rex reed reference:
I have witnessed what you described from various critics over the years. The notion that ALL critics see ALL movies they review is naive. What should be "on trial" here is some of the critics themselves, not the movies they criticize.


Just watched this movie, and even though it lasted 1hr 45mins, it was not slow by any standards, a good twists in the plot. And, going by what is said in the movie, there will be a follow up, at least. But I will not state where or why I assumed this. Chloë's character in this movie was quite good, and as played in better movies like The Equalizer and Kickass I & II.

Chloë's movies are not that bad 'Carrie' even with Julianne Moore playing opposite Chloë 'whom played Carrie' it just didn't grab you. Totally, different to the original, but did not pay off.

Chloë is still in her early stages of her career, but she has got a few good movies behind her now, and more on the way.
I liked 5th Wave, it was interesting and different from your normal alien movie!


"Yes the critics do watch the films that they are reviewing."

Its incredible just how niave some people out there really are, lol. Not only do some critics not watch some of the films they rate, there are also reviewers out there that skim through movies and wind up watching maybe 30-40 minutes of a roughly 2 hour film, when they are given screeners and DVD's to review. In all honesty, those reviews can be pretty easy to spot at times, although some reviewers are much better than others at doing it.

Still Shooting With Film!


A) there's a few Chloë haters, who just have to spew their hateful comments on anything she does.

That is true, but then she IS an addle-brained, dumb blonde bimbo who brings this all on herself.

People are like sheep, and the flock is following the opinions of so called "movie critics" (who in turn often times don't even watch the movies they review, and feed off each other's comments), without going to see a movie and then make up their own opinion.

This way is much cheaper. I feel sorry for the people who actually shelled out $13 to see this crap.


"This way is much cheaper. I feel sorry for the people who actually shelled out $13 to see this crap. "

Compared to who, the people who shelled out $13 to see the last Transformers film or the people that shelled out $13 to see Batman v. Superman? Honestly, I consider those films VASTLY worse than the 5th Wave. So maybe you should just feel sorry for movie goers in general. Or here is an idea, how about you worry about what you watch and let others worry about what they watch. Suggesting you feel sorry for people when you don't even know if they enjoyed the film or not is a pretty arrogant stance to take. And no, your subjective opinion regarding this film, or any film for that matter, is not superior to other people's subjective opinions.

Still Shooting With Film!


A) there's a few Chloë haters, who just have to spew their hateful comments on anything she does.

The Equalizer and Kick Ass did pretty well for themselves and she's in both of them.

B) People are like sheep, and the flock is following the opinions of so called "movie critics" (who in turn often times don't even watch the movies they review, and feed off each other's comments), without going to see a movie and then make up their own opinion.

That is all 100% speculation on your behalf. People are not "sheep" just because they have a different taste in movies to yourself. Also, if you are following any sort of decent reviewers they most certainly do watch the movies they are reviewing.


The Equalizer and Kick Ass did pretty well for themselves and she's in both of them.

And how does a movie being successful at the box-office diminish the fact that there are a Chloë haters around? They're not mutually exclusive.

That is all 100% speculation on your behalf. People are not "sheep" just because they have a different taste in movies to yourself.

Quite a reasonable speculation or hypothesis. Considering the amount of comments on this board that follow the line of:
"This is a horrible movie, I haven't seen it, but reviewers agree that it's bad and the box-office isn't overwhelming"

Also, if you are following any sort of decent reviewers they most certainly do watch the movies they are reviewing.

Read my reply to KazLuigi above.


And how does a movie being successful at the box-office diminish the fact that there are a Chloë haters around? They're not mutually exclusive.

You were correlating the fact that this movie is garnering hate with the fact that there are a lot of Chloe haters. I was stating I don't think that is the reason this movie is garnering hate as other movies have not had this issue in the past.

Quite a reasonable speculation or hypothesis. Considering the amount of comments on this board that follow the line of:
"This is a horrible movie, I haven't seen it, but reviewers agree that it's bad and the box-office isn't overwhelming"

My comment stands. People are not sheep just because they have a different opinion to yourself.

Read my reply to KazLuigi above.


Anyway, no big deal but you made some unfounded comments that really have no evidential support. Thanks for the reply though.


Chloe stinks. She was good in Kick Ass. That's it.


Or, you know, people just didn't think it was a very good movie.
Weird concept, I know.


A) I don't know who Chloe is, never heard of her.

B) Not read any reviews or hear anything at all about the movie until I saw it.

So maybe you just have to realise that this is not a very good movie despite your fandom.


Yup...those are definitel the only two possible reasons. It's not like everyone has an individual opinion or anything...

When you're 17 a cow can seem dangerous and I alone here?



JADEN.... I'm sure that you can figure out that there are people who hide behind their identity and can pretty much post and say anything they want and do it with anonymity and immunity. Most of us fall into that category. The difference is what we do with that "power". As in any part of life, there are those who build up and those who tear down.
It is not difficult to figure out which is which.
This is not to say that there are not movies that deserve criticism.
Then there is constructive criticism and destructive criticism to consider.
There are those who like to bully. Bullying is destructive. Its this same attitude that motivates those who feel the need for attention no matter how destructive or negative. After all; who is going to know and who is going to do anything about their behavior.

Even so called "Professional" critics can fall into these categories.
Bottom line, what we post here is largely "opinion". But some are not truly honest about their opinion and even if they are, they chose a very bad way of expressing it. I am not going to say that I myself have not stated things that could have been said stated better. Like anyone, the mood of the moment sometimes influences me. I'm human!

As for the movie, I liked it very much. Some part were difficult for me to watch. There are things and subjects that I am a bit sensitive to. But the movie presents some thought provoking ideas.
Science fiction does not always have to conform to every fact of logic. We judge things on terms that are familiar to US. The possibility that there are things outside our realm of thinking that dont conform to OUR rules of thought is what makes science fiction possible.
Like many movies, there are too many people who are busy tearing it apart to consider some of the messages that it has to tell us.


I didn't hate it but I didn't like it either. It started off strong but quickly became a ripoff of Invasion Of The Body Snatchers. I'm a Chloe fan but her last few projects haven't wowed me. I loved her in Kickass, Let Me In, and The Equalizer. At first I want even interested in seeing this because it looked like it was trying to cash in on the upcoming Independence Day sequel. But my girlfriend wanted to see it so we went. Like I said, I felt it was a clone of Invasion Of The Body Snatchers aimed at teens and preteens. A lot of things in the movie didn't make sense and the special effects were pretty bad for a movie with this kind of budget. I give it a 5/10.


I found all actors in this movie were doing quite well, although Alex Roe had a slight tick of keeping his lips parted similar to Kristen Stewart, friendly avice, he should work that out. But the problem of this movie is how it tried to stay afloat when the introduction of Evan Walker brought us some very corny, sappy love scenes that were completely out of place. Everytime Cassie and Evan got googly-eyes for each other, it cut the pacing short, horribly.



Says the troll. Nobody cares about what a troll has to say.



@SupperBruceJenMan and you have educated opinions? You movie scores are bs.
Beginning with Mad Max, how exactly does Mad Max qualify for a 1?

"Experience is the teacher of all things." -Julius Caesar



Per all reviews and the bad box office, this ones a stinker. Chloe is one of those rare good child actors who has no skill as an adult. She really *beep* up Carrie!


Ruined by overdone feminism and the fact that it was made for teens and not adults.

By the way, I liked Chloë (maybe because I don't follow what she says in interviews?) - Ron Livingston and Liev Schreiber. The other actors were really *beep* and/or got *beep* scripts.

Also, Chloë looks like a kid.. and she was supposed to be some student.. and then they had sex.. it was like watching child porn, and they did it without a condom.. *euw* and it means she could get pregnant after this with an alien baby *euw*

Also, I bought a ticket because I thought Scarlett Johansson was on the movie posters..


I'm 15 but I don't think this movie is only catered to my age group. I have a disagree I think adults can see this movie also.


No offence, but this movie is catered to your age group, and that's okay for you to feel like this is a great movie, it happenned to me too with Twilight, and this one is basically the same. I mean, all of the young main cast are practically super models. The hot guy automatically falls in love with the girl even if she keeps on complaining everytime she is with him, let me tell you that it was wish-fullfillment for teens who want a man like that.


How would you know?

You're age group is brainless. You'll see that once you grow up...

Prepare to be judged....with a FGM-148 Javelin!


Anyone who uses feminism as a critique isn't worth listening to. This film sucks but that isn't the reason.

Anyone who sees equality between the sexes as a problem is an insecure child.


Anyone who thinks feminism is about equality between the sexes is a fool.


Anyone who equates feminism and equality between the sexes is a naive moron...

Prepare to be judged....with a FGM-148 Javelin!


Feminism is defined as the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men.

Whatever Fox news and other misogynist have brainwashed you into believing feminism is about is a lie. I'm sorry your life is a lie.


It delivered on what it promised in the trailer, if you saw the trailer, thought it wasn't your type of movie but went to it anyway then you are probably one of those people who said they hated all 9 years of X-Files and both X-file movies but are still planning to watch the new series.


I didn't see any previews for this. I had no idea what it was about. It hurt me pretty bad.
