Pointless feminism ruined the entire show.
I had great hopes for this series, Gillian Anderson playing detective again! but I am really disappointed.
It started really good but then I noticed one after another male character was portrayed either as a incompetent loser or a corrupt wife beating cheater, there's no middle ground for males in this series and on the other hand almost all female characters are hardworking and successful smart women, even the cheating wife of that dead cop was portrayed as a victim. It reminded me of the book, "The girl with the dragon tattoo" every male character in that book was a either a corrupt womanizer or a loser.
Women in UK are far better protected than anywhere else, this Show could've been better without feminism's victim complex and whining, it destroyed the police work and the drama it's all about feminism and somehow the writer think a promiscuous female cop is going to help women.
(pardon the mistake I dont speak english)