I had great hopes for this series, Gillian Anderson playing detective again! but I am really disappointed.
It started really good but then I noticed one after another male character was portrayed either as a incompetent loser or a corrupt wife beating cheater, there's no middle ground for males in this series and on the other hand almost all female characters are hardworking and successful smart women, even the cheating wife of that dead cop was portrayed as a victim. It reminded me of the book, "The girl with the dragon tattoo" every male character in that book was a either a corrupt womanizer or a loser.
Women in UK are far better protected than anywhere else, this Show could've been better without feminism's victim complex and whining, it destroyed the police work and the drama it's all about feminism and somehow the writer think a promiscuous female cop is going to help women.
So let me get this straight. After a century or more of American culture,(because, let's face it, movies are a western civilization invention). You are actually shocked , or......dismayed by the progression of the way women are portrayed on film, in the era of technology, and knowledge?
This is the 21 century, and yet you are not educated enough to know that women aren't what you deeply want them to be?That is...god forbid....their own person.
Maybe, you're masculinity is threatened. Are you a man, or are you some weak, little boy who didn't get what he wanted?
Blueblazes, you're not responding to what the OP said. As I read it, the OP's objection isn't to the portrayal of strong women; it's to the portrayal of men as being weak. The OP's observation is that every man in the story is weak and ineffectual, or just a brute, with few redeeming qualities.
So let me get this straight. After a century or more of American culture,(because, let's face it, movies are a western civilization invention). You are actually shocked , or......dismayed by the progression of the way women are portrayed on film, in the era of technology, and knowledge?
This is the 21 century, and yet you are not educated enough to know that women aren't what you deeply want them to be?That is...god forbid....their own person.
Maybe, you're masculinity is threatened. Are you a man, or are you some weak, little boy who didn't get what he wanted?
What are you talking about? please read the post again.
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Can we please stop with praising these kind of shows has being the start of feminism on TV when the 70s were littered with pro-female shows.
He has a legitimate point, every man is portrayed in a negative manner and every woman is an angel.
What happened to TV like Cagney and Lacey, Bionic Woman and Charlie's Angels were the female leads were strong and powerful but men weren't all terrible human beings either.
They were great shows, also in those 3 shows the women were all people you could probably have a chat with and get along with, GA's character is a person I'd hate if I met in the real world.
The only male characters who were explicitly bad were Paul, Jimmy Tyler, and the cadre of corrupt cops. Burns had a few emotional problems and hadn't gotten over his affair with Stella, but is not otherwise portrayed as evil or ineffective. Stella herself is characterized by the extremely standard "damaged hero" personality, which we see with male and female detective characters in just about every crime program of the last thirty years. She's extremely driven and strong but at the same time emotionally fragile and damaged, withdrawn from others and unable to form lasting relationships. Hardly an "angel." Katie is a burgeoning sociopath. Sally is a bumbling idiot who had no idea she was married to a serial killer. Eastwood and Anderson are portrayed as highly capable and moral men, as are the rest of the male detectives and officers who are not given as much screen time and not involved in the police corruption. The journalist is opportunist but not evil or ineffective.
IMO, anyone who watched this thinking all the men were bad and all the women were good is watching with a particular agenda.
He has a legitimate point, every man is portrayed in a negative manner and every woman is an angel.
I don't think every woman was an angel. Stella certainly was FAR from an angel. I really didn't pick up on the guys being so negatively portrayed while viewing it (my bias, I guess) but since reading this board I can see it now. I really don't understand this irrational need by some "feminists" to silence any discussion a man attempts about his dissatisfaction with how males are treated.
Every female depicted as an angel???? Bwa ha ha ha ha ha
-Teenage Katie is portrayed as a horrible man-luring vamp -His wife is portrayed as a naive moron -The heroin is deeply flawed and has massive issues -The females all wear ridiculous stilettos and so on and so on
What is good about this series is that it portrays ALL people as flawed. Which is much closer to the truth than most people care to stare in the face.
***So I've seen 4 movies/wk in theatre for a 1/4 century, call me crazy?**
This. Also found it tiring how she referred to women in sweeping general terms. "Women do this,,," "woman are like this.." not ALL women are the same Stella. Nor are men.
It's revenge. These feminists "fighting for equality" are actually saying they're doing it for revenge against an entire gender for things the overwhelming majority haven't done.
It's revenge. These feminists "fighting for equality" are actually saying they're doing it for revenge against an entire gender for things the overwhelming majority haven't done.
Agreed. It's thanks to these deranged, hypocritical bigots that have hijacked the term "feminism" that people have fled the movement and are too embarrassed to label themselves as feminists any longer.
Funny I thought it was only me who could sense the feminist stench. I really liked the first episodes then I started to get annoyed with this whole tomboy style of Gillian Andersons character, and the feminism in some aspects of the story. Not all aspects though. The villain isn't one dimensional and is actually partly likeable, a good father etc
Something similar happened in "homeland" where I also found the female lead annoying. But that show wasn't half as annoying as this. And even if I disliked claire Danes character in that show at least she felt more human.
I got no complaints on the acting though. They are good actresses though.
I wouldn't go so far as to say it 'ruined' the show, but I noticed this issue as well and it definitely bothered me. I still enjoyed the show overall.
"Top of the Lake"--an excellent and thematically very similar show with a strong female protagonist--did pretty much the same thing. Every adult male character is basically evil, stupid, or cruel, while almost all of the female characters are strong, independent, and honorable.
The thing is, I really like the way Gillian Anderson's character approaches her work and it's absolutely her choice to sleep with whomever she wants to--that wasn't the issue. I like strong female protagonists. What I don't like is when a show takes a strong female protagonist and then surrounds her with nothing but horrible men just to highlight how strong she is.
and it's absolutely her choice to sleep with whomever she wants to
Except that they seem almost exclusively younger men beneath her in rank. I'm not so sure that the reverse would be quite as celebrated. It seems more predatory than "strong."
What I don't like is when a show takes a strong female protagonist and then surrounds her with nothing but horrible men just to highlight how strong she is.
I honestly didn't see this while watching but in hindsight, it does seem like she leads a bunch of less capable men. That's still not really a problem for me as leads are often propped up by being the smartest person in the room, by comparison.
Her two one-night stands are not "celebrated", they are derided. She does not "lead" them, she is underwhelmed by each after merely a couple of hours, the first for sending her nude pics, the second for thinking she could think a sociopath "fascinating". Stella is not portrayed as happy or celebratory. She is portrayed as a deeply sad and lonely woman who occasionally reaches out for intimacy and is constantly disappointed by humanity.
This is what is well done about this series, it portrays everyone as flawed, instead of the sempiternal "good and bad" binary that is usually presented in pop culture.
***So I've seen 4 movies/wk in theatre for a 1/4 century, call me crazy?**
A very rare programme flips the sexist stereo type of men being strong and women being weak and you can't take it. Well you'd better get used to it: feminism still has a long way to go.
OP has a point. I went in seeing this completely blind. I hadn't heard anything at all about the show and i could almost immediately pick up a very strong feminist vibe that eventually turned in to pure misandry.
That is some interpretation. I just see a cop trying to do her job to catch a sociopath, who is physically strong and whose victims are ALL women. If you want to see competent men, you can watch almost any other show, like 99% of the shows on tv and all the other females are young pretty things.
Where's the "middle ground" for moral upstanding men that never gave into corruption or amoral lifestyles when I see those shows like Breaking Bad or Boardwalk Empire, or every bond film portraying women to be weak and incompetent or turncoats. I don't go on about how it's masculinity "ruined" the show. Or how everyone has to be an antihero ruins the show. Most don't nitpick over every violation of physics in some action move and say that "ruins" the movie, because we accept that: Maybe sometimes people in the workplace ARE incompetent, I think that included the female cop too. The protagonist's gender lends an air of urgency to this particular story.
Even if the protagonist was male, he would be doing everything he can to catch the killer no? And that includes empathizing with the victims, who are all female, and analyzing psychological motives for THIS particular killer, which is misogynistic. Doing that kind of work is expected, you can call that feminism, I just call that a normal human being empathizing with people most likely to end up as victims of violence, since women are physically weaker than men, they are more prone to being physically overtaken, by men. That's a no brainer, the "victimhood complex" is based on that fact and no different from other cop shows like Law and Order or CSI. Her "promiscuity" has nothing to do with the central plot and that's just characterization, which lets be honest, wouldn't be second guessed if she was a man like Don Draper or Tony Soprano.
I guess everyone has their own reasons for liking/ not liking something. I don't use one angle and judge an entire series based on which gender is "whining". By the way, if a man was calling someone out on BS, would you still call that "whining" or airing his grievances? If a man initiated a tryst would you still call him "promiscuous" or macho/masculine?
I'm sorry to say that domestic violence is still an issue in first world countries. And no, even though much of the western world is better for women, it's a sham to play down violence on women, and how easily they can be physically overtaken. At least it doesn't pretend that a woman can take down a man twice her size with a flashy roundhouse kick like some of the other action shows.
Worthless comeback. Refute by offering a contrary contention with facts and opinions, don't try to belittle with ridiculous one-liners that try to insinuate that you are right and everyone would see your light if they only watch the show a sufficient amount of times.
Thank you for offering one of the few insightful comments on this thread. It's utterly absurd, and simultaneously very revealing, that the OP responded to your thoughtful, considered words with a brief line that wasn't even relevant to your comment.
Women have had centuries, MILLENNIA, of being treated as second class citizens. We still live in a patriarchy. Two women a week die in the UK from domestic violence. Women aren't paid as much as men for the same work. The majority of television shows still favour male perspectives and treat women as eye candy or give them shallow, two-dimensional characterisations. This one show offers a different perspective, and it offends the OP utterly.
The ironic thing is, you'd think that being given a taste of his gender being negatively portrayed would make him more sympathetic to feminism, as it would give him some insight into what women experience on a regular basis. Instead, he's so blinded due to his own privilege and being used to having entertainment a certain way (i.e. with characters that reflect well on men in general), that all he can think about are his own feelings.
What has 'women in the UK being protected' have anything to do with this show? It doesn't. Also, some of us are really tired of the male driven, high octane, high testosterone, bar brawling, car chasing, shoot em blow em up films that are geared SOLELY towards men as if ALL MEN know how to fight properly, drive an auto like a professional race car driver, know how to shoot a gun perfectly, fight like a pro boxer because ALL OF THAT IS REAL BELIEVEABLE...oh and no matter how ugly the male lead is, he always manages to get a perfect 10 with a perfect arse and big tits. So pointless androcentric films are spewed all over the place so seek them out as they aren't hard to find. It just seems to me that men EXPECT to have PERFECT MALE CHARACTERS portrayed on tv and in the movies. I have news for you, there are no perfect males. Most films are directed and written and produced by and for men.
I'll tell you in another life when we are both cats.
Hi Alice! I have bad news for you. Despite what your mum thinks, there are no perfect females either. Also, not all men are horrid rapist swine. It's only some of them. Just because your mum has a bee in her bonnet about all men being evil rapists and child molesters doesn't mean it's even remotely true, because it isn't. Your mum's potty views are her own.
Most films are directed and written and produced by and for men.
Even if it is true, and I'm not convinced it is, are you blaming men for that? Just look at your mum Jane Campion's work as one possible reason why women aren't dominating the film world! Top of the Lake is the sort of thing that has people black listed for life. She really is doing far more harm than good.
At least we have a genuine talent like Gillian Anderson to look up to as a female role model.
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I've always said there are no perfect females either on previous posts. I never said all men are 'horrid rapist swine'. You did. Women not dominating the film world has absolutely nothing to do with Jane Campion. It has to do with the male dominated film world and also the choices females have made in reference to how they work in reference to film. Whether you like it or not, Jane Campion has done nothing but help women in film. So it's ok if you are totally horny over Gillian Anderson being in a show that some on this board consider to be misandric and shows many males in a negative light, but it's not ok if someone does it in a Campion film? Right. Your hypocrisy is showing sweetie darling. You can continue to call me Alice, it's a great compliment. Thanks!
I'll tell you in another life when we are both cats.
But tigerbos the point you seem to not be seeing is erikaridpath believes the Fall does not portray all men as bumbling criminals at all but the Top of the lake series does do that.
In Germany that show was released this month. I did try to watch it but the first ep was not at all to my liking. Perhaps it improves? But it certainly did not see any men who weren't really unpleasant so I understand where erikaridpath is coming from.
The Fall has male characters in a range from good to bad and women are strong and intelligent. Gillian herself definitely plays a marvellous role! Any who say it is "anti men" isn't watching the same show as the rest of us clearly.
Please calm down now. If you find erikaridpath's postings to be so aggravating it is probably time for you both to take a break yes?
Top of the Lake has more male criminals first of all because there's a gang of criminals involved and the police force is corrupt. There are actual countries that are like that now (such as Mexico for example...I'm sure NZ is not like Mexico) so yes, it does have more 'bad men' in it. My dispute with Erik is because she continually says really stupid crap like 'all of Jane Campion's films have wretched men in them and perfect females' which isn't true. Erik has never seen all of her work. Also, he/she/it continues to act like there's tons of films made by women who make all men bad and all women great and that is not true. Most film makers are male. Obviously Erik has not seen many films. Top of the Lake is definitely a slow mover and not for everyone. You may or may not like it. I have no problem with people who can discuss it in an evenhanded manner. Erik does not. Thanks for your comments.
I'll tell you in another life when we are both cats.
Again, 'women in the UK being protected' doesn't have anything to do with it does it? You just said this show addresses the 'abuse British females face.' If the females of the UK are 'protected' as you claim they are, then no such abuse would have to be addressed.
As far as my statement about perfect male characters, yes, more and more I see a lot of whinging about bad men being portrayed on tv. I'm not sure what men want as far as tv viewing because men 'get off' on violence and high octane action flicks (on the whole)...at least in America they do.
The lead of this show was promiscuous because she slept with two different men? How many women do men have to sleep with before they are considered "promiscuous"? Again, you have totally missed your own biast against women in your post.
I'll tell you in another life when we are both cats.
Again, 'women in the UK being protected' doesn't have anything to do with it does it?
It's feminist crap that pretending to be a crime show.
You just said this show addresses the 'abuse British females face.' If the females of the UK are 'protected' as you claim they are, then no such abuse would have to be addressed.
Yes they are protected by the law one complain can land you in jail, you can lose everything that doesn't mean that abuse doesn't happen. Thick much?
The lead of this show was promiscuous because she slept with two different men? How many women do men have to sleep with before they are considered "promiscuous"? Again, you have totally missed your own biast against women in your post.
Where did I say it's ok for men to be Promiscuous?
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As opposed to the masculinism that is pervasive in about 95% or more of tv and films. Right. Do you ever complain about THAT? I'm sure you don't because it meets the male criteria for entertainment. When it's all about you and the protagonist is male and the script is androcentric, you have no problem with that I'm sure.
Unlike you, I don't think every show is feminist propaganda just because there's a female lead.
So sorry that a woman can 'complain' (whatever that means) and 'land you in jail' which certainly doesn't make sense because you've not said what that claim might be...If she was beaten or raped, then are you saying someone shouldn't be in jail or are you avoiding the fact that this DOES happen on occasion? Perhaps in your own way you are saying oh women just say things and its not true. (Because of course men are always honest all the time) Well, then I guess the laws need to change in the UK don't they? In any case, you still avoided my comment that if abuse was addressed and women protected, then you wouldn't have this problem. Obviously abuse still DOES occur and you turn a blind eye to it because you think all women are liars and just want to have men thrown in jail 'for nothing'. This is like the mindset of someone thinking that all men are murderers or rapists which they are not.
Yes I DO BELIEVE a woman can sleep with more than two people in her lifetime and still not be promiscuous. Apparently you must be one of those people who feels a woman should be a virgin until she gets married. Not sure why you watched such a progressive show in that case. I don't know, DO YOU THINK IT'S OK for a man to sleep with two women in his lifetime? What constitutes male promiscuity in your opinion and would you post something about it here if it met your criteria? Probably not - particularly since you left out that the two men she slept with happened to be married at the time and your silence was deafening in respect to their promiscuity.
"Almost all female characters are hardworking and successful smart women" <<<your quote from your original post. So if you view the main female character as "promiscuous" that means she's far from being a perfect character right? If you agree, then you cannot say that all the female characters are simply better than the male characters because they are imperfect as well.
Again, you've avoided the question because of your biast against females. Stick to watching manly man t.v. where women are objectified and are nothing more than back ups for sex scenes or are wives who stay at home and cook since your primary interest seems to be to view women only in subordinate roles (you can get THAT from just about ANY western by the way) or perhaps a gay show where there are no women at all or do you have a problem with gays and lesbians as well?
A lot of alliteration from anxious anchors placed in powerful posts!
This is a common problem in the arts. Too many women writers and directors seem to believe that all men are horrible criminals of the worst kind, and all females are perfect or merely victims.
I might almost be able to under stand this way of thinking if the women were portrayed as awful in every film made by a male or every book written by a man, but that's completely not the case. In fact men appear to be much more even handed in these things than most women!
What I mean is for every stupid 'man' book or film portraying women as sex objects or stupid or evil, there are many more books and films where the women are not those things, and in fact where the men are the 'baddies'.
Some times it is almost as if only the most radical feminists are making films.
Yet Gillian Anderson still makes you foam at the mouth and all squishy in your nether regions....what a little hypocrite it is. Most films are WRITTEN BY MEN, PRODUCED BY MEN AND DIRECTED BY MEN thus the reason WOMEN are the object of male gaze in film. You really know nothing about the percentages of male and female writers do you or the percentages of men vs. women directors either do you? It was A MAN WHO WROTE THIS SERIES.It was men who produced this series. It was a man who created and directed this series. So the joke is on you. Dumbarse. Get your facts straight before you go spouting off that women are at fault for feminism in film when the majority of films are written, directed and produced by men in the film world. LOOK IT UP if you don't believe me. Oh and just one more factoid to put in your panty drawer tonight: YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE A WOMAN TO BE A FEMINIST...WHO KNEW? Not you apparently.
I'll tell you in another life when we are both cats.
Yet Gillian Anderson still makes you foam at the mouth and all squishy in your nether regions...
No actually that's my boy friend's job.
what a little hypocrite it is. Most films are WRITTEN BY MEN, PRODUCED BY MEN AND DIRECTED BY MEN thus the reason WOMEN are the object of male gaze in film. You really know nothing about the percentages of male and female writers do you or the percentages of men vs. women directors either do you? It was A MAN WHO WROTE THIS SERIES.It was men who produced this series. It was a man who created and directed this series. So the joke is on you. Dumbarse. Get your facts straight before you go spouting off that women are at fault for feminism in film when the majority of films are written, directed and produced by men in the film world. LOOK IT UP if you don't believe me. Oh and just one more factoid to put in your panty drawer tonight: YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE A WOMAN TO BE A FEMINIST...WHO KNEW? Not you apparently.
You're an absurd fool. I have defended this series against claims it has an extreme feminist agenda. I don't care if it was written by a man and in fact I already mentioned that men seem far more even handed than women when it comes to gender portrayal. In this series women are shown as being strong and competent and at least the equal of the men, but women writers and directors such as your mother refuse to do the same. She will always present men as either evil incarnate or as utter weaklings, and the female characters and their behaviour is always beyond reproach. It's absurd.
For every unflattering portrayal of women in film by a male writer or director there are always several or more in which females are accurately presented as being no better or worse than the men. I doubt whether the same can be said for the films of people such as your mum Jane Campion and others who always portray all men as 'bad' and all women as 'good', or as members of the little sisters of victimhood.
It pains me to see these truths. The difference between me and you is that I'm willing to see the truth. You choose to live in some bizarre mad feminist's fantasy.
No that's Gillian's job to get your panties all damp. We can all tell YOU DO NOT HAVE a boyfriend...That's priceless! lol
No one is going to take you seriously until you stop posting drivel and grow up.
You can't stick to topic. YES YOU DO CONSISTENTLY BLAME WOMEN for feminism in film. You just mentioned it in THIS THREAD.
I consistently blame certain women or certain kinds of women for making films that are only ever about pushing an absurdly extremist man-hating feminist agenda. Women such as your mum, Jane Campion.
"Too many women writers and directors seem to believe that all men are horrible criminals of the worst kind, and all females are perfect or merely victims." <<<YOU WROTE THAT...
Yes, because it's completely true. Too many women writers and directors do seem to believe that sort of twaddle.
You deny the fact that film is still mostly done BY MEN.
Where did I do that? I said just the opposite and mentioned The Fall is written by a man! You should read all of what other people write instead of just the things that inflame you and give you an excuse to go off on a silly rant.
Nope. Sorry. You've not seen all Campion's work either have you?
No, I haven't. In those films and things I have seen she portrays all men as scum and all women as saintly. That's the sort of stupid extreme feminism that pre vents all feminist view points from being taken as seriously as they deserve to be.
"Some times it is almost as if only the most radical feminists are making films." <<<<YOU WROTE THAT...The fact of the matter is very few women, let alone feminists, make films at all! Oh denier of truth.
Are you really that stupid? Honestly? Of the women making films too many of them use film to further a stupidly extreme feminist view point such as all men are evil scum and all women are martyrs.
It's pretty damn obvious else you wouldn't make such stupid statements. For the record, some of her female characters aren't exactly the Virgin Mary either but you wouldn't know that AS YOU HAVE NOT SEEN ALL HER FILMS.
In all her work I have seen all men are presented in a terrible light. I am safe in assuming it's likely her view on men.
The difference between me and you is that you are an idiot and I am not.
If that's true you aren't selling it well here.
Continue sniffing Anderson's panties. I know you get off on that.
No, you're not selling it well at all, are you?
Why would you think I " hate" Jane Campion? I dislike what appears to be her radical feminist view that all men are vile rapists and child molesters but that doesn't mean I dis like her as a person. I am beginning to dis like you, I must say.
lOL...you are a sad little baby. You are nothing more than a troll. You hate Campion's work yet consistently go there and whinge.
Thanks you very much for consistently making my point for me.
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"No one is going to take you seriously until you stop posting drivel and grow up" Yeah, this is from the one who constantly accuses me of being Alice Campion. Tell me again about growing up?
"I consistently blame certain women or certain kinds of women for making films that are only ever about pushing an absurdly extremist man-hating feminist agenda. Women such as your mum, Jane Campion." <<<<prime example of a hypocrite...Previous line from you said for me go GROW UP...
"No, I haven't. In those films and things I have seen she portrays all men as scum and all women as saintly." Which of her films have you seen exactly? Which films of hers portray women as saintly? Where is your proof of all of these saintly women? You won't come back with any examples because 1) You've not seen anything she's done. You didn't watch all of Top of the Lake. 2)If you had seen her work you would know that her women aren't saintly.
"Are you really that stupid? Honestly? Of the women making films too many of them use film to further a stupidly extreme feminist view point such as all men are evil scum and all women are martyrs." Tell me again all of these films made by women that portray women and men like that? Again, you can't because you are making this up. You have no evidence to support this view of yours.
" Why would you think I " hate" Jane Campion? I dislike what appears to be her radical feminist view that all men are vile rapists and child molesters but that doesn't mean I dis like her as a person. I am beginning to dis like you, I must say." You do hate Jane Campion and she doesn't portray 'all men are vile rapists and child molesters' That is a lie.
YOUR REVIEW FOR RACE OF THE YANKEE ZEPHYR: "Recently a Kiwi friend has forced me to watch a pile of New Zealand films with her, and all I can say is that I now no longer have any desire to ever visit New Zealand." <<<<Your extremism at it's best. It also shows how you judge filmmakers and film making and your narrow view and of how you box everything up. You are obviously one of those people who when viewing a film, takes it too much to heart. Why would you judge a country in this way...For God's sake DON'T WATCH ANY AUSSIE FILMS THEN, particularly Bad Boy Bubby or you're sure to stay away from that country as well. That is like a foreigner watching Silence of the Lambs and deciding to stay away from America because all Americans MUST BE a deranged lady killer who skins women or a sick professional head shrinker with a taste for human flesh.
You are in denial that this series portrays men in a bad light but that's ok because IT WAS WRITTEN BY A MAN and because your love interest Gillian Anderson is in it. As I said before READ SOME OF THE COMMENTS HERE, and you will see that others think The Fall is just another misandric piece of garbage showing men in a bad light...Do you agree with that stance or are you only taking up for it because Gillian Anderson was in it?
My point is 1) Very few women make films. About 95% of directors are men; 2)Logically this means very few women are directors; 3) Very few of those women portray this 'toxic agenda' that you absurbly claim that Jane Campion is making.
Top of the Lake was about a gang of criminals and a corrupt legal system. This is NOT saying YOU SHOULD TAKE ALL THIS SERIOUS BECAUSE ALL MEN ARE CRIMINALS AND ALL MEN ARE BAD COPS. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? You can't take one or two films that happen to be made and written by a woman and say well they are all like that. Also, AGAIN JUST FOR THE RECORD, Campion co-wrote this film with A MAN and it was co-directed BY A MAN. I find it odd that people like you only seem to object to 'bad men' when a female director/writer is involved. There are literally hundreds of films directed by men, written by men and produced by men that show nearly every single character as bad. Also, I wonder if your complaints are strictly for films that portray men in a bad light yet do you show any objection at all to when rampant misogyny is on the screen? Probably not. Your silence is deafening in those cases.
You accuse me of needing to grow up but you need to do a bit of it yourself.
I'll tell you in another life when we are both cats.
Wow. Do you hear yourself? So few movies are directed by women (5%, despite 50% of all film school graduates being female - no sexism there), I just don't understand how you can possibly think it's females driving what you refer to as 'extreme feminism'. And how are these movies getting produced? Who is investing in such an extreme agenda, when most investors and filmmakers - both above and below the line - are male? What you're saying doesn't match up with real numbers. It's a sexist paranoid fantasy.
Has it ever occurred to you that YOU are the one with extreme views? Maybe you're the one who is far right and all of these 'extreme feminist' movies directed and produced by men for men are just reflecting reality in western society? You probably think everybody agrees with you, because you take your soapbox to an echo chamber website, filled with angry guys who can't get laid and need to blame women for not liking them enough.
Fact is, most female directors do mainstream moves, because they have to get this thing call FUNDING and DISTRIBUTION, which are both impossible if you're making a movie that has a small projected audience.
Also, where are these throngs of female directors? I'll bet you that you can't name ten female directors of note who are currently working, offhand. Nobody can, because most women aren't given much of a chance with tent pole films.
Here are a few you MAY have heard of, but I'm guessing not all of them: Kathryn Bigalow (the most famous) only does testosterone heavy movies like Point Break and Hurt Locker. Sofia Coppola does small indie movies - like Lost in Translation - that don't necessarily skew female. Julie Taymor does biopics. Nancy Neyers is known for family comedies, like Parent Trap and Father of the Bride. Valerie Faris did Little Miss Sunshine - an indie family drama. Sarah Polley does depressing dramas about death.
Not one of these quasi-prominent directors specializes in 'feminist propaganda' films. But honestly, you've gotta at least wonder why what you call 'feminist propaganda' exists. Things dont exist in a vacuum. Could it be that women feel sidelined by men? Could it be that douchey posts like yours are what prompts people to create characters like Stella Gibson in response to sexism? The irony!
I might almost be able to under stand this way of thinking if the women were portrayed as awful in every film made by a male or every book written by a man, but that's completely not the case. In fact men appear to be much more even handed in these things than most women!
Another question avoided by you. Of course you don't complain when it's the other way around because you are conservative and feel women should remain out of the workplace and at home where you feel they belong. Why be progressive when you can be a neandrathal instead?
A lot of alliteration from anxious anchors placed in powerful posts!
Thanks for proving my point that you are a Neanderthal. I'll be happy to help you out when you bring home some deer and fight in a few wars...You make feminism not so 'pointless' after all.
A lot of alliteration from anxious anchors placed in powerful posts!
I agree with your earlier point that The Fall has no "feminist" agenda. Gibson is clearly a superior investigator. This is why she is called in to assist with a case that has baffled local law enforcement. She is not ridiculed or belittled by sexist men who don't think she can help (This kind of sexism was deftly handled in Prime Suspect over 20 years ago). There would have been some resentment to any "outsider" detective brought in to help on a case. Pride getting in the way of welcoming the fresh eyes of a superior detective is not driven so much by sexism, in this case, as simple ego and human nature. The arc involving minor sexist attitudes toward a woman who is sexually confident and assertive was not overbearing at all, in my opinion, and struck me as natural character development, rather than any kind of axe grinding. As has been noted, a superior male detective brought in to help would likely have been admired for his sexual "conquest," yet the point was not belabored, nor was it "pointless feminism."
Gibson is interesting because of her intellect and her ability to be her own person without fear of the judgements of others. She is complex, rather than an unrealistic fantasy of heroic perfection. That such a female character still has the power to threaten some viewers is a reminder that true gender equality remains very much a work in progress.
Thanks for your thoughts on this. I totally agree with your post and in particular your opinions in reference to Prime Suspect. Apparently the OP is indeed threatened by this type of female and continues to show his sexism by his snarky comments which is a true reflection on what sort of person he is.
A lot of alliteration from anxious anchors placed in powerful posts!
I think the OP brings up a good point that every man in the show is at least somewhat corrupt/bad in some way. Acknowledging that, I would in turn argue that the positive portrayal of the female characters works to balance out the horrific violence and degradation that Paul's victims are subject to.
You never see men like the OP calling out the same problems in film as far as gender inequality when it goes against females though. That's my problem with insipid comments such as his...plus he proves what a hypocrite he is by telling women on this particular thread to 'get back into the kitchen' which shows what sort of pig he is.
That was all rather thrilling. Anything more cinematographic could scarcely be imagined.
The OP brought up an aspect of the show that I wouldn't have thought about on my own. That's why I come to these boards, to gain new insight by reading the thoughts and opinions of others. But I didn't reply to the OP or address his other comments because he clearly didn't come here to discuss his thoughts and opinions, he came here to declare them. What's the point of responding to someone who only comes here to reinforce their rigid ways of thinking? You can always spot these people by how personally they take the actions/behavior of fictional characters. It's easy to get drawn in and want to argue with them, but you're just giving them more opportunity to spread the crazy.
I take it that you called out the sexism that exists in The Fall. You have likely heard the saying, "two wrongs don't make a right." While I enjoyed the series, the sexism was pretty obvious.