Attn: Netflix users
I know that there has been alot of talk about how countless plot summaries of Contracted have incorrectly said that Samantha had a "one night stand" instead of the reality that she was raped. Unfortunately, Netflix is among the guilty parties (for lack of a better term), but there is something we can do to alert the company about it.
If you haven't done so already (and I hope many of you already have), go to the main page for Contracted and locate the "report a problem" link below the poster image. A form then will pop up with a series of problem types; select the one that says "wrong or missing summary" and then there's a space below for further explanation.
I first reported this problem a few days ago, and I haven't heard anything from Netflix nor have any changes been made. I understand that solving problems takes time, but you would think this would be an easy fix. Either way, I'm hoping that if more people report this problem, that will move it up in terms of priority.