The 4th of the trilogy

It will be awesome.


Had to have a origin story.


Did you watch? I didn't entirely get how it fit in with the series, didn't remember the first 3 well enough.


No, only the 1st 3. It just came out.


Yeah, I watched on Shudder yesterday.


It's not really an origins story, there's just a few moments that try and tie it together and those parts aren't that good when you look back at the first 3. But the movie itself was great, my second favourite in the franchise now after the first one.


Can you detail that a little, how they tried to tie it together? I was pretty lost on the connections, other than them mentioning the Abaddon hotel.


I saw the hell house films years ago. I watched this movie just now. I don’t know what the connections are between the this film and those other films. But regardless - this movie still works as a standalone film


Sure, I'll just spoiler cover it for others.

Going from memory (I just watched it once the other night) the main thing was mentioning Andrew Tully and that he met two men (forget their names) and started their cult, which lead them to start the Abaddon Hotel. But it was just mentioned without much elaboration. Then in the video flashbacks to the 80's they show that those men were the original owners of the clown that is in every Hell House and that the son of the Carmichaels is inside it (that part doesn't make sense when you look back though, unless at some point in between the 80's and the first Hell House he died and came back as the clown).The figures they see in the woods when Margo and Jessica decide to walk back to town (and once in the house) are also the dead cultists that come out of the wall in the first one in the basement...or possibly new cultists

Also, like what the other poster redban said, the movie is fine as a standalone without having to get the references.
