
looks just like a continuation of GDTs Hellboy (thought they said it was going to be all dark, gritty realistic take on HB etc if anything this looks even more humorous, fun etc probably due to Deadpool/Venom)...except with someone else as Hellboy (so bit like Robocop3)

also was that the Blade 1 temple?


Yeah, I'm not seeing much that separates it from the Ron Pearlman Hellboys except Liz is British now and isn't carrying his babies.


Hellboy looked good on the poster but in the trailer he looks like an orc. Why not model him after Perlmans?


I read in elsewhere comments that he looks like a giant red version of Leprechaun. And he totally does!


That looks awful.


wow....I cant believe how much I cant stand his voice....

every time he talks it just sounds so awful that its not Ron's voice...

lol I think thats going to be a HUGE problem for the movie....Ron's voice is just so Iconic to the character, I think Its really going to turn people off.

other than that...looks good....lots of action, CGI....I'll probably like it....IMO its going to BOMB at the box office...but I'll like t


It breaks my heart we could not have just gotten Hellboy 3 by Del toro. I felt like the Hellboy films were so overlooked. I mean hell are they great cinematic masterpieces no. However I found them more entertaining and better made than the lower tier MCU films. Hellboy 2 I think is visually interesting and Perlman is great in the role.


this happens every now and then where I'll watch a trailer and it Immediately reminds of another movie I like and I then have to watch that...

I'm getting ready to watch Hellboy 1 right now....

watching The New Hellboy trailer just made want to see Pearlman in the role again...

Hellboy 1 is among my favorite CBMs ever...

Hellboy 2 is excellent as well...I have it just slightly under part 1

But BOTH are IMO extremely under rated....It truly is a shame we wont get a completion of the trilogy.....although, IMO I thinks its entirely possible this new Hellboy might BOMM so horrifically hard, The studio might come to the conclusion its not worth doing another Hellboy without Pearlman

and Maybe 5 years or so down the road that MIGHT lead to Hellboy 3 with Pearlman and GDT coming back


See I actually like both Hellboys. Personally i found the second one a bit better. So i guess that is where we are opposite. It's a bit more visual, more fun action and i just had a blast. It utilized practical effects quite well.


Agreed....Perlman is Hellboy, just like RDJ is Iron Man.


Bah, link it next time as well :/

I'm not digging David Harbour's hellboy version for some reason. Guess it's the light hearted voice compared to Ron Perlman's more deeper range. Judging by the amount of dislikes, I think it's safe to say this is going to be in for a rocky ride even though the CGI monsters look pretty cool.
