MovieChat Forums > Watson (2025) Discussion > There's Literally Nothing Wrong With Hav...

There's Literally Nothing Wrong With Having A Black Watson (Nor Holmes For That Matter) If That's What The Producers Want To Do

News flash assholes: Sherlock Holmes is a FICTIONAL character! 😲

If the producers want to make a production to cater for a particular target audience - whether that be black people specifically or black people and knowing they will also pull a percentage of the white audience (whether that be that they genuinely don't care about casting skin colour or even if they do and see it as some positive, virtue signalling or whatever to watch) - they're totally free to do so. Their putting the own cash / career reputations on the table, not you, so watch it if you're happy or don't bother if it offends you so...

But really any argument against is as stupid as saying kids in a school in Africa, Tanzania let's say, shouldn't do a Sherlock Holmes play as they aren't white.

Imagine flying off to Tanzania and standing in that school's assembly hall, shouting your mouth off to any of the kids / staff who'd listen "You CANNOT do this Sherlock Holmes play because you are all BLACK and the Sherlock Holmes character as originally conceived by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was WHITE!! So stop doing your play right now!!".

You'd look like a complete fuckw-t. And that's what you look like complaining about non consequential nonsense like this...


all true , you wont convince anyone not already agreeing with you though

None of the "But what if they did a white Malcolm X?" / "us whites are being persecuted boo hoo" guys will say "ooh you're right"

The upside is that its only those guys affected as they cant watch any movie or TV with blacks or women in the lead role .
... Except Alien because they all agree that in that case "it was done right"


At the beginning of the seventies there was still a lot of controversy about racial mixing, guys with long hair and flamboyant clothes. By the end of the seventies that had largely disappeared. Even the squares had long hair and all sorts of crazy clothes. And nobody was making nauseating political crap out of it.

That lack of historical controversy over Ripley at that time wasn't because "They did it right." It's just that weenie complaints like that had no currency back then. They do now thanks to the efforts by some in politics to pander to an infantile demographic that they've cultivated.


None of the "But what if they did a white Malcolm X?" / "us whites are being persecuted boo hoo" guys will say "ooh you're right"

When they write stuff like that always makes me laugh as I recall the spoof post I did on the Zulu board on here re that mindset seems to be strangely absent from insisting Zulu is remade showing Zulu-landers as white savages being chased after and shot by the superior black people... Michael B Jordan to take Sir Michael Caine's role. πŸ˜‚

And you're right re Alien as well - It's just embarrassing when you see someone write that - "Yeah, we liked that one woman lead role, so we're really not all a bunch of bigots, it's just that we like proper character development..."


Yeah, I think it is really hard to write an origin story for a brand new character. Most of all because the writers have also to include all that woke shit... πŸ™„




Maybe but not talking about "brand new characters" here, talking Sherlock Holmes / Watson...


Without misusing the Watson character they had to find a new background story for a so far unknown doctor with an interest in crime investigation. They could have made him a fan of Sherlock Holmes, inspired by the original Watson to become a doctor himself. An origin story that took about a minute to create...


But "they" don't need to. That was literally the point of the OP...


"They" - the "creators" of this mess - were just lazy. Why bother with story development when the storyline is already well developed, right?
The OP? Compared a school theater project in Tanzania to a million Dollar TV production. Because, yeah, it's basically really the same... 😏


Why bother with story development when the storyline is already well developed, right?

That's ridiculous.

You'd have to be completely disconnected from western culture to not know that's basically all they do with superhero and franchise films. They made about 20 James Bond films which were basically all the same.

They continuously reboot Batman, Superman, etc...

Yet you can't redo Sherlock Holmes / Watson unless it's with a white cast! πŸ˜‚ Seriously...

And yeah, obviously flown clear over your head but yeah, it is basically the same thing - Whoever wants to do a story should be free to the story.

It's laughable to claim because it's high budget TV show that means they have to adhere to some specific casting choices to pacify racists!


Yeah, sure. And when this show fails it is not because of missing authenticity but because the audience is racist... πŸ₯±


No. It will probably fail because Holmes and Watson has been done to death EXACTLY Like those other bastions of western culture have been...

And, as I said in the OP, the producers are probably banking upon hitting a different target audience of primarily black people and white people who don't give a stuff / do give a stuff and think they are fighting racist attitudes like the one you are projecting in order not to fail...

Elementary really. πŸ™„


Practically every myth and legend in history had been rewritten and had their main characters replaced with one of a different tribe, people or race long before the printing press was even invented.

King Arthur is a great example. Might have been an Cumbrian Celt. Might have been a Briton of Strathclyde. Might have been a Gaulish Roman. But he was certainly not Anglish or a Saxon. And yet the story preferred by the English, and written by Frenchmen incidentally, installs him as the King of the Anglo Saxon Britons. In other words they invented a King Arthur and gave him the "history" of the Arthur belonging to the people who had been Britons before and after Roman occupation but before any Angles or Saxons were around to be the King of.

Do you think Moses was the first to be washed down the river in a basket, bring plagues on his enemies and part seas?


Do you think Moses was the first to be washed down the river in a basket, bring plagues on his enemies and part seas?

No. That would have been Superman obviously...


Dear fuckw-t.
Don't be so fucking stupid. Of course an African school could have non nonwhite kids playing a white person from fiction. That's not race swapping for political reasons. What is wrong is when Holywood takes a white character and puts a nonwhite actor in place just for the sake of it. It's not whiteys fault that nonwhites haven't got many fictional or factual characters worth making a film about. If they have then make the film. I'm sure plenty of nonwhites would go.


Moronic response.

If you are happy with African kids playing Holmes and Watson then you have 0% viable reasoning to say black American kids who have now grown up can't.

Amazing with your racist attitude you have the brain power to actually quote that these are FICTIONAL CHARACTERS. Therefore it makes no odds as to the skin colour of the actors.

Also adding to the moronic nature of this response is the time framing it has in place. What happens in a few decades when there are barely any white people left? The percentage of white Americansnis dropping like a stone and white woman are particularly attracted to hooking up with black men. So you understand where that's going yeah? So basically, you're saying American culture shouldn't produce stories of white historical figures (not even the FICTIONAL we're talking here) once there aren't white people to play the parts...

The country should just abandon it's heritage just because the racial demographics don't line up with what you'd like to see? πŸ˜‚ Clownish mindset...


What happens in a few decades whn there are barely any white people left? The percentage of white Americansnis dropping like a stone

There are roughly 700-800 million white people on this earth, circa 200 million of them in america. They aren't going to disappear in a few decades, that is just anti-white copium.

The irony of your statement is that non-whites in the west would literally die off without any whites around, as they are incapable of maintaining anything close to a prosperous society by themselves, and that would include cinema and television, which would all cease without whites to be their driving force. Don't believe me? Go look at your movie collection and check who writes and directs all your most cherished films. It ain't Mohammed, Krishna and Tyrone who made them, I can assure you.

Nothing is going to improve with less white people around. It goes the opposite way. So be careful what you wish for, you stereotypical liberal weakling.


The irony of your statement is that non-whites in the west would literally die off without any whites around...

Hahaha 🀣 Thank you!


Do you get this angry when you see a car that has been painted non white?
Perhaps a traditional english car from the green rolling hills before there were black people around with their BMWs - like a LandRover ?

After all , they did that just for the sake of it , they could have painted the car white.


I see a red car, and I want it painted black.




I mean, we already had a long-running tv show that made Watson an Asian chick. (Shrugs)


Fair point. Probably just not as "threatening" to those genuine bastions of literary purity...


We’re more accepting when it’s hot chicks.


There's literally nothing wrong with refusing to ever watch another movie or show with a gay race swap in it and shittalking it online either.
Such a shame certain cultures are so lacking in content they need to appropriate it from others.


It probably is wrong for the US to appropriate British culture but it can't all be superhero films I guess...


I just wonder if black people will ever tire of the hand-me-down culture from whites that modern mainstream media keeps offering? It seems not, it'll probably continue to get lapped up with a load of hooting and hollering and not much thought put into it beyond sticking it to da man.


Well we've verved off topic a bit here but black Americans have been in America for hundreds of years, so American culture is very much their culture as much as it is white Americans' culture.

But as I said, it's more worrying and quite sad for Americans to keep stealing British culture and appropriating it as their own.

Couldn't they make up an origin story for their very own sleuth and medical sidekick adventures instead of stealing / taking from this hand-me-down British culture?


No no, virtue signaling race swaps is very much the topic, you're the one who keeps trying to dishonestly shift it to "American culture" because you don't actually have a defense for it but don't think it hasn't been noticed. Take that da man.

Kinda hilarious how you try to pretend white and black people share a monoculture tbh but that's what you subversives do, as if the very same virtue signaling isn't going on in Britain too with black Anne Boleyn etc, but again hooting and hollering about it because take that da man.

It's all so cringe and the result of years of pandering, black people have been coddled in media for years now with massively inflated overrepresentation, it's bound to result in massively overinflated egos along with it.


Sorry, I thought the topic in this particular strand was to do with Americans stealing and appropriating British culture. I specifically replied to your comment:-

Such a shame certain cultures are so lacking in content they need to appropriate it from others.

And I don't think there's anything particularly "subversive" about pointing out the fact that black Americans have been there for hundreds of years and therefore are embedded in American culture... πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ


You're not sorry and you're being dishonest again because your OP was all about justifying race swaps (ha take that da man) but you got all in your feelings about what I said and tried unsuccessfully to uno reverso.

Unfortunately I have been reliably informed over the last decade or so by blacktivists that representation is incredibly important, but in the same way YT doesn't represent blacks, black people in no way represent me.

So I cannot in good conscience support any race swapped nonsense. Because the human experience wasn't enough for some fragile black people to relate to I can no longer relate to the experience of black people on a human level either and must see a representation of my white skinned people. πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ


You're not sorry and you're being dishonest again because your OP was all about justifying race swaps...

True to an extent. But it wasn't about "justifying" anything. As I said, only a complete moron would believe you had to justify anything about a fictional character...

But for the second time, I responded to YOUR reply and even re-quoted it in my last response. So there's absolutely no dishonesty on MY part here.

You know how threads work right and how they evolve? I specifically responded to your comment about Americans lacking in content and having to appropriate from British culture.

Go back up and slowly re-read from the point of your reply onwards. It's all still there...


True to an extent. But it wasn't about "justifying" anything.

Of course it doesn't actually justify anything at all but the intent was there either way

As I said, only a complete moron would believe you had to justify anything about a fictional character...

Take that da man!
I wonder what culture your older wiser "siblings" will be handing down to you to play with next?


I love the hypocrisy of your position and irony in failing to recognise it.

You have made absolutely no counter to my point re what I thought you were talking about, i.e. Americans stealing and reappropriating British culture.

But yet you want to be able to own and apply that same "outrage" because a show features a character taken from British culture who's been portrayed as black.

It's hilarious that you'd have no issue if he was a white American...


I'd have zero issue if he was a white American because I'm white British and American culture originally derives from British culture. White Americans represent me, Ngbomma Kuwikatawinu from Africa doesn't represent me. I didn't make the rules but they're very simple.
It's hilarious you think racial solidarity is something only non whites are allowed to practise.


I'm white British and American culture originally derives from British culture. White Americans represent me...

πŸ˜‚ What a complete fuckw-t... This is EXACTLY what I was getting at.

Sherlock Holmes was written by Arthur Conan Doyle, first appearing in 1887.

The American war of independence (from er, GREAT BRITAIN) ended in 1783 - i.e. over ONE HUNDRED years before!

So there's no derivation. It's 100% appropriation from the culture of a completely different country, separated by an entire ocean.

But you want to claim that black people who have actually lived in that country for hundreds of years have less legitimate right to share in that appropriation!! πŸ˜‚

That's clown level idiocy right there...


Blah blah blah, gaslighting, bad faith dishonesty, blah blah blah

I literally couldn't care any less about your excuses for why race swaps are OK, I care about them as much as I care about the concerns of brown people which are nothing to do with me. And you can thank brown people for that.
Continue your hooting and hollering though by all means, maybe the Hollywood massas will give you another hand-me-down for your lacking culture?

We Wuz Literary Characters n Shieeet


literally couldn't care any less about your excuses...

"Excuses"? What - pointing out that America was an independent country over a hundred years before Sherlock Holmes was even written? πŸ˜‚

Yeah, Woop woop indeed 🀑...


We Wuz Literary Characters n Shieeet 🀑

Gloat away faggot you fool nobody. Just remember it's your exact attitude pushing everyone in Europe and America further to the right, so don't go crying about fascism or deportations or any of the usual tears.


Haha, all attempts at actual argument have now completely disappeared since you've been proven to be a racist fool with no actual logical basis for who's appropriating what... Very amusing to see someone broken like this.

Anyway, unfortunately we've now reached the point where the thread is too thin to realistically expect anyone to still be reading and those who have will have seen your reduction here. So nothing further to add...

Good day to you Sir πŸ‘



Racismus Exposo!

>post gay race-baiting OP gloating and gaslighting
>cries racism when called out for it

Like clockwork with you faggots tbqh.


Significant/iconic cultural, historical and religious characters should not be race-swapped or gender-swapped AND their portrayals should remain faithful to the original source material.

The producers of these shows need to avoid alienating the existing fanbase instead of focusing on their target audience. A lot of media executives mistakenly believed that social media posts reflect the modern audience instead of focusing on paying customers.

I am fan of Sherlock Holmes and I have zero interest in seeing this bastardization of an iconic character who has become a symbol of a great nation. Dr. John Watson is British and he is white. He is more than a character and he will never die. Chestnut isn't even British!

A lot of media companies have been purchased by corporate conglomerates that don't care if these shows are profitable or meaningful. A majority of Disney's profits come from their parks so their movies don't have to be profitable in the short-term. Amazon makes money from so many other ventures that their tv/movie division does not need to focus on profitability or quality. These companies can focus on meeting the DEI checklist while churning out crappy shows and movies. I contend that Disney is damaging their brand by churning out crappy DEI movies and this will hurt their parks.

Nobody cares about the small stages so the schools can do their crazy casting in Podunk Tanzania or North Dakota. Hollywood is making content for millions of viewers so they have an obligation to be respectful of the source material.

Another poster noted that Chestnut starred as Dr. Rosewood for two seasons in a show called Rosewood and it was also about a doctor who investigated medical mysteries.

Significant/iconic cultural, historical and religious characters should not be race-swapped or gender-swapped AND their portrayals should remain faithful to the original source material.


It's their show, so they have a right to do whatever they want, no matter how stupid it is. Dr. John Watson has been established in literature, plays, films, and television series since the 1880s as a white man. There's no good reason to fuck with the character now. Be creative. Write something new about a black character.


Ok. How about a veteran black US Marine Corpsman who comes back from the Afghanistan war on a medical discharge and forms a consulting detective agency in partnership with an eccentric genius?
