Disappointed with the new portrayal of Chucky as a human.
Granted, in the first Child's Play movie, we only see Chucky in human form for about 5 minutes, but during that time, he comes across as a ruthless street thug and a serial killer. He more or less keeps this persona as a doll in all 6 films, sometimes coming across as more sadistic, sometimes more mellowed out. But during the flashback scenes in this one where it shows him as a human, he comes across as a family obsessed, love stalker with mental issues rather than a criminal and a killer. It made him feel more like he needed mental help, like Norman Bates, rather than a vicious killer as he's been portrayed in all his doll incarnations and his human appearance in the first one. I don't know, I just had a real hard time identifying human Chucky with doll Chucky in this film, the two just seemed so different.