MovieChat Forums > MaXXXine (2024) Discussion > Shocked by how bad this was

Shocked by how bad this was

Didn't even feel like Ti West had any ideas for this. He just wanted to make another movie with Mia Goth and a tribute to 80's Hollywood and make it a flimsy conclusion to the X trilogy. The story is an absolute mess and all over the place. The whole Night Stalker/slasher element felt like an after thought and was way less prevalent than the trailer made it seem. Hell, this wasn't even a horror film at all and there was absolutely zero tension. And don't even get me started on the third act. We get to where this trilogy has been leading up to and THAT is what you came up with? I wasn't crazy about X or Pearl, but they were miles ahead of this. Felt like just a lazy cash grab by Ti West so he could do an 80's movie.


Same. Liked X, loved Pearl.

This was just terrible.


Saw it last night, it was awful


I thought it was ok until the last act. The stupid cult, the shootout with the 2 police detectives and the ending were ridiculous.


And don't forget the horrible character of the poor Kevin Bacon.

Bad written movie, It looks Ti didn't have any truly good idea for this.


Kevin Bacon was one of the better things about this movie.


Ehh I liked Kevin Bacon in this - a twisted guy. He was like the only bright spot


I remember getting to the part with the satanic cult and shootout and felt like I was tripping on acid.. what was West thinking with that ending?! This entire movie just never really got going - it had the setting and the characters but just no story worth telling


Well definitely the weakest in the trilogy... With Pearl being the standout and best of the 3... But I don't think it was terrible a bit mediocre sure and the ending a bit silly... But the first hour was quite good if you ask me...

But if you didn't even like X or Pearl why even watch Maxxxine?

I would rate Pearl 8.5/10
X 7.5/10
Maxxxine 6/10

So I think both Maxxxine and X being solid films... but as I said Pearl was the standout... but all in all a quite good trilogy by Ti West.


Wasn't as good as the other 2, but I liked it. It could've been better.


Film sucked


its shit


I yeah I agree on everything .. I loved the trailer for Maxxxine and thought X was good enough.. add in the Night Stalker, a twisted Kevin Bacon and 80s grime and how could you go wrong? Well Ti West found a way .. what even was this movie? It’s not horror or a thriller as there surprisingly was no tension .. I don’t even care for the main character lol.. then you have Bacons character and the serial killer and the ending was so bad that I felt like I was being punked ..

Something went wrong in the filming as there’s no way this was what was planned
