MovieChat Forums > Into the Woods (2014) Discussion > 6.3 Rating?? That's actually ridiculous

6.3 Rating?? That's actually ridiculous

I'm really disappointed so many people on here can't enjoy this.


From the looks most votes are in the middle as expected. There's some spamming for 1 and 10 as also to be expected.

But i take it for some odd morale boosting reason people act like people that aren't film nerds with a purpose vote on IMDB ratings? They don't.

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I ordinarily love musicals. I had never seen the play of "Into the Woods" so I don't have that to compare the movie to.
I really enjoyed the first half or so. If they would have ended at Cinderella's wedding,I would have rated it quite high. I loved the quirkiness, the costumes and thought the songs quite witty. The second half though was pretty dull, draggy, and a bit depressing. It brought the movie as a whole, down for me.
I'm really glad we rented it through Red Box and didn't waste money going to the theater.
Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, If any of you really liked this film, good for you. What I dislike is the way people (trolls) attack others if they disagree with them. If someone doesn't like the film, it doesn't mean they don't understand it, or have no taste, it means they just don't like it. If you love it,you shouldn't be bashed for your opinion either. It's just an opinion. If we all agreed on everything, that would make life boring.
I personally gave the movie a 5. It's one of those musicals I would never care to ever see again.
My favorite musical is Les Miz. That movie was decent, but live theater so much better.


f someone doesn't like the film, it doesn't mean they don't understand it

I am almost sorry for saying this but in your case it does. Everything in the first half of the movie - the one that, as you said, you enjoyed - was building up to what happened in the second half.

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You don't have to be sorry for saying what you think.
Just because I didn't like the second half, doesn't mean I didn't understand what they were doing with the film. I just prefer a "happy ending." We have enough death, disillusionment,abandonment and evil in the world today. I don't care to see that in my films. Just my personal preference.


I prefer sad endings. I like films to be real. People who like happy endings are wussies. Though they are appropriate for some movies, most movies don't need them.

Joseph Chastainme


Into the Woods has made almost $200 million worldwide. No one at Disney cares about the 6.3 IMDb rating.


So, clearly many don't have the mental capacity to appreciate a genre they're not familiar with, or just leave it alone, and therefore felt compelled to give a ridiculous 1 star rating. Despite this, they must have been more than negated by those who do appreciate it to average at 6.3, so take consolation from that.


Its just an average of 55 thousand scores in what is basically
a popularity contest and not an unbiased view into the movie especially when people punish things they don't like with 1's or 10's in the opposite case.


6.3 is ridiculously high for this. Chop off the last 45 minutes of despressing sadness, and it becomes a 10.


That last 45 moments are the entire point of the story. You're saying the movie would be better if it didn't have a point.


What IS the point you refer to? That some modern writer can take beloved fairy tales that have pleased children and adults alike for 500+ years and change the ending to depress everyone?


The point is that fairy tales themselves have some pretty irrational values attached to them, and that the adult world isn't as black-and-white as those tales make it out to be. They didn't just add a second act for no reason. The point is right there in the final song, "Careful the things you say, children will listen."


That life doesn't always have happy endings. That actions have consequences. That there aren't always right answers to life's problems. Loss.

These are all important themes to the story. Take out the second act and you just have a kinda quirky retread of stories everyone already knows.



I gave it 1 star. This movie was just horrible on so many levels. What a waste of a good cast. I like a good musical, but this was not one. There are very few movies I walk out on, but I could not finish this one. It was SO boring. If they had cut 30 minutes out it might have been an Ok flick, but it just went on and on and on.... snore.



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