4 minutes into this...

I'm 4 minutes into this and I'm already wondering... wtf is Kevin Costner doing??? That Amber Heard or whatever her name is desperately trying to act like Jodie Foster in Silence of the lambs... why did they make this B movie piece of sh7t...?

I used to expect better of Costner...



I watched the whole thing and regret it. Best part I thought was the "guido" part. So flippin dumb and cheap humor but damn it I found it funny.


I made it through the full 2 hours but around the 30 minute mark I got somewhat fed up and started to text my girlfriend. she knows i am bored when i text her a lot, which says something about our relationship!?

Anyway, horrible film. So dull.

It isn't as funny or sweet or intense as it wishes it was. But to be fair, I blame myself for choosing to watch a McG movie (i only put in on because I like Costner). McG should stick to music videos because I bet even he would struggle to sit through his films.

Amber Heard was incredibly pointless in this film, and what was the actually tone that this movie was going for???

If I had to compare it was like a very, very sh!tty cross between 'Taken' and 'Matchstick Men'.





You obviously fail to fully grasp the purpose of this movie.

This movie is intended to be a snapshot of the current state of American degeneration. One can probably say that every factor that led to the degradation of the today's US population to its current sub-human Nazist brownshirt level is represented in this movie in one way or another. If USA manages to dig itself out of this third world hole, then maybe one day it will look at such movies as a reminder of what can happen when a country gets infected with the virus of Nazism.

It is indeed painfully unwatchable. But it is supposed to be that way to a normal person. Your eyes are supposed to be rolling non-stop. If they are not, there's something seriously wrong with you.
