4 minutes into this...

I'm 4 minutes into this and I'm already wondering... wtf is Kevin Costner doing??? That Amber Heard or whatever her name is desperately trying to act like Jodie Foster in Silence of the lambs... why did they make this B movie piece of sh7t...?

I used to expect better of Costner...


Haven't seen this movie yet. But was Amber Heard really that bad? I always thought she's a decent actress. May be the script or the director?



Luc Besson has a few admirers so maybe KC thought it was worth a try. I was just happy it wasn't one of his cowboy flicks.

Lose the family subplot and Amber Heard and it might be OK.


...i realized it wasn't based on 'three to kill' by jean-patrick manchette. that book was good.




It's awesome that you still read and yes I feel sorry for myself.


huh... most of you are either stupid, wont give the film a hance or just Liam Neeson loving fag boys... I enjoyed the film, why because it had someone in it that used to be a major star unlike Neeson who will never have the stardom guys like Arnold Sly or Even Kevin... So Neeson made a few big films, hes relevant for this stupid generation that has no style...

Your a bunch of dumb hillbillies




To VMF-1 re your post in reply to the poster who said "Such a trash action flick is a disgrace to his carrier." Your answer is priceless!

I've bee reading all these posts just now 'cause I just rented it tonight & read it fast and my brain changed "carrier" to career and I didn't pay attention until I saw your glorious, brilliant answer:" which one, Sprint or AT&T?"

I applaud your wit; you made me laugh out loud & it's like 4 am & I'm tired and should be in bed and I loved it. Congratulations.


SCIENCE of the Lambs?? Did you call it SCIENCE of the Lambs?????


After just "Four Minutes" you had mostly made up your mind about this film? I gave it the full 117 minutes and ended up liking it. BTW, I didn't see "The Science of the Lambs" I don't think many people did.



Wtf does everyone talk about "going to watch a movie", ever heard of the internet? I feel sry for anyone that paid money to see this heap.


Wtf does everyone talk about "going to watch a movie", ever heard of the internet? I feel sry for anyone that paid money to see this heap.


It's not that bad. At least it's a bit better than that Lego Movie crapfest.


Oh come on. I have seen this 7 times yes SEVEN times. It gets better each time. What is wrong with you people?????????????? It's a really interesting, exciting, fun movie. The location is pretty, the actors are great, the music very nice. The whole thing is perfect to me.


Oh come on. I have seen this 7 times yes SEVEN times. It gets better each time. What is wrong with you people?????????????? It's a really interesting, exciting, fun movie. The location is pretty, the actors are great, the music very nice. The whole thing is perfect to me.

Are you serious?... No, I don't think so... Really.

