Is it true squatters can't be removed from our home?
Eventhough they break-in, damaged our doors and painted our house walls to whatever they like and sleep at your beds?
shareEventhough they break-in, damaged our doors and painted our house walls to whatever they like and sleep at your beds?
shareSome of this may be true but some of the anecdotes and 'experts' here are talking out of their butts.
The story of the squatters in Florida suing the homeowners because of the fire and one of them dying? - urban legend and complete b.s.
Squatting in Paris is a civil offence not criminal. And yes, eviction is not possible in Winter. Police would regard damage separate to squatting itself.
Hey, it's France! They want Socialism and all the good that come with it. It's not really your house. it's ours. No one owns anything. It's collectively our houses, so pick one and stay in it whenever!
shareThat's ridiculous if true. The homeowner should be allowed to evict them and murder them if they won't leave voluntarily. They are stealing!
shareNo, this is CRAP. The police in the film make no attempt to ascertain whether the squatters are needy before they tell Ethan that he's got to wait to spring before evicting them. If this was true, anyone could break into anyone's home, change the locks, and have free accommodation over winter. Anyone - even a multimillionaire playboy. CRAP, CRAP, PARANOID FASCIST CRAP.
shareI'm from France (not Paris) and I guess the movie does it right (with shortcuts).
It is implied that the CIA Kevin has been away from his flat for a long time. In an overcrowded city like Paris, where it is most expensive to live (the ex wife place is HUGE: she must be really wealthy), you don't let homes empty. I don't know the specific terms of the law, but when away for too long, and if squatters manage to get in (and stay in for an specific amount of time) you can't throw them away in winter. And I find this to be rather common sense.
A home is a place to live. Empty, it has no reason to exist... If someone has something that he doesn't need (which is one of the subjects of this rather silly-funny movie: what CIA guy really needs is his family, not a flat for himself), and that someone else needs it, why not use it?
You French are odd people. But I gotta admit the squatters in this movie were incredibly friendly and respected his room/stuff, if I was living alone I wouldn't mind living with them lol...
real life squatters must be stinky *beep* birds though.