Ugh...Child Abuse

Ethan Hawke made a comment that although he was a child actor, he would never allow his child to go into acting. It's too much too soon. Especially with the dialogue kids are expected to say in this "modern" age of cinema.
And I know in the 30's, Shirley Temple was punished on the set for not knowing her lines by being placed on a block of ice in an ice cart, in the dark. Alone, afraid and shivering.

Sexualizing children with words and actions is wrong. It's very, very sad.

My son toddled around the Sportsmen's Lodge in Studio City and I got approached all the time to put him in commercials. So glad that I didn't.

This film represents everything that is wrong in Hollywood, today. Laughing at children and putting vulgar words in their mouths is not entertainment for a civilized world. I feel sorry for the boy that starred in this dumb movie.


The only abuse I can see in that movie, is to show how parents push their kids to perform in stupid contests just to feel better about themselves! Spelling competition - how stupid it is! Instead of letting them live their childhood, they lock them alone in hotel rooms to learn by heart thousands of words - for what purpose? I question your moral values if you can't see abuse there.


A lot of people seem to have thought that a movie about spelling bees was going to be a kiddy-friendly movie. They should pay more attention, and they also should lighten up. No children were abused.


sucks for slumdog
