Ugh...Child Abuse

Ethan Hawke made a comment that although he was a child actor, he would never allow his child to go into acting. It's too much too soon. Especially with the dialogue kids are expected to say in this "modern" age of cinema.
And I know in the 30's, Shirley Temple was punished on the set for not knowing her lines by being placed on a block of ice in an ice cart, in the dark. Alone, afraid and shivering.

Sexualizing children with words and actions is wrong. It's very, very sad.

My son toddled around the Sportsmen's Lodge in Studio City and I got approached all the time to put him in commercials. So glad that I didn't.

This film represents everything that is wrong in Hollywood, today. Laughing at children and putting vulgar words in their mouths is not entertainment for a civilized world. I feel sorry for the boy that starred in this dumb movie.


Agreed, most don't make the transition to adult acting and are screwed up by it. Generally perpetrated by greedy parents desperate for the validation they never got.



I have to say I agree with you, and I am certainly no prude. I worked in movie theaters for 8 years, and video stores for 4 more. I've probably seen more "objectionable" movies than most people ever will. I got fired from working at a parochial school because I carried adult movies in my video store. But the one thing I've always been bothered by is putting R rated words in G rated mouths. Of course, it's nothing new. This goes back to The Exorcist (although the words were dubbed), The Bad News Bears and The Goodbye Girl. I appreciated the story and the underlying point it was making, but was disappointed in the execution. For the young actors, there is no going back. You've dropped the f bomb on film, now you'll be expected to do it all the time. Ask any actress who has done a nude scene if that's not true.

If we all liked the same movie, there'd only be one movie!


Comes with the job. His parents should have known what they were potentially getting into when they allowed him to be an actor, and that is their right... Anybody else also has the right to feel uncomfortable with it, of course - but they don't have the right to say it shouldn't be allowed... Anybody who wants to change or dictate law should enter into government; as it stands, nobody making this movie did anything wrong by filming what was in the script.

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"


Kids are sexual in an innocent way. I don't know at what age you think a child is ready to have sex?

When I was 8, if I heard someone use the "f" word, it gave me a stomach ache. The only time I heard that word was when my parents argued.



Yea i have to agree with original post of this thread. I enjoy a good dirty laugh and love stand up comedy but this movie ain't funny at all...terrible


Wow, Ethan Hawke, the adulterer, said it. So what? A lot of other actors have said it, too, are you going to list them all?

I think if that had happened to Shirley Temple she would have mentioned it in her autobiography. She didn't. I call BS.

This movie is rated R for a reason. Children shouldn't be watching it. If you took your kids to an R rated movie, shame on you!

"I don't love pink. Pink loves me."


I did read it in her autobiography, Child Star! Did you read it?



You get to do what you want with YOUR kid... but his parents were obviously OK with it, so your opinion of what they did with theirs is irrelevant... If it's legal, it ain't child abuse, so don't exaggerate.

Don't feel sorry for him. I think he's OK.

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"


That's just it. People do what they want with their kids, because they can. Kids are abused, raped and murdered every day by adults. I don't care if you think my opinion is irrelevant. And I'm sorry but just because something is legal, doesn't make it right. There's nothing to exaggerate...just look at the facts. This is a film made for entertainment and I'm not entertained by it. Get it?


Abuse, rape and murder is illegal. This isn't.

You're entitled to not be entertained by it... but your personal feelings don't get to dictate what other people should be allowed to do. The law does. THE FACTS (since you're so keen on them - except I gather only when it suits you) are that they are within their rights. End of story.

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"


My personal feelings DON'T dictate whether people are entertained by the abuse of children. You seem to think adults can do what they want with them because of ownership. END OF STORY.


It's not abuse, because if it was, it would be illegal, and it isn't.

Who said anything about "ownership"?! I trust a kid's parents to know more about what they can handle, than somebody (you) who doesn't even know the meaning of the terms they're throwing around... I'm done, because you have no argument. You're perfectly fine to say it makes you uncomfortable, but that's not the same as it being wrong.

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"


It's not abuse, because if it was, it would be illegal, and it isn't.

Hey dum dum. There have been countless incidences of abuse in Hollywood that occur in LEGAL circumstances. Ask Corey Haim.
