Ethan Hawke made a comment that although he was a child actor, he would never allow his child to go into acting. It's too much too soon. Especially with the dialogue kids are expected to say in this "modern" age of cinema. And I know in the 30's, Shirley Temple was punished on the set for not knowing her lines by being placed on a block of ice in an ice cart, in the dark. Alone, afraid and shivering.
Sexualizing children with words and actions is wrong. It's very, very sad.
My son toddled around the Sportsmen's Lodge in Studio City and I got approached all the time to put him in commercials. So glad that I didn't.
This film represents everything that is wrong in Hollywood, today. Laughing at children and putting vulgar words in their mouths is not entertainment for a civilized world. I feel sorry for the boy that starred in this dumb movie.
I felt sorry for the kid, too. Some people will yell at us for being prudes or whatever, but it's not about that. While most kids I spent time with when I was growing up were familiar with the subjects of sex, foul language, crime, etc., there were tons of other things in the world to explore and to occupy us.
In a story like this it's supposedly entertainment to see a kid being encouraged by a middle-aged man that he barely knows to move past that more innocent time in life. Just because some adults are in a hurry to expose kids to those types of things, it doesn't mean the rest of us have to think it's cute.
Wow, I expected to come here and find a nasty reply, but glad someone else feels that way too. I know what you mean; kids today get exposed to so much more sex and gore than in the last few generations, (especially with the internet); why exploit it?
I adore Jason Bateman and grew up watching him on Silver Spoons and It's Your Move. I just didn't find the humor in this film. Teaching a cute kid to say "moth#$-f*c#er" just doesn't get the laughs for me.
Bump for sanity. There are many repressed sociopaths that this movie was created for. At least it's somewhat hopeful that the movie didn't gross too well.
It could have been just as funny without the vulgarity.
It would have been a completely different movie (one that has probably been done to death, go watch one of those).
Who cares if he has kids or not? Kids see this stuff every day. To act like they don't is ignorant. This kid was paid very well to say these words. Obviously his parents were fine with it. Parent your own kids. They probably need it more than the Indian kid from this movie.
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This film represents everything that is wrong in Hollywood, today. Laughing at children and putting vulgar words in their mouths is not entertainment for a civilized world. I feel sorry for the boy that starred in this dumb movie.
I agree. What a cynical, unfunny, scurrilous, meanspirited, awful movie. Has nothing to recommend it...with the possible exception of the boy who played Chia. What a charmer he is, which made all the worse the scene with the hooker and the words the script put in his mouth.
There is no reason for this film to exist. What was Bateman thinking?
Sexualizing children with words and actions is wrong. It's very, very sad.
This is correct, however this film doesn't do that. No child is 'sexualised'. The worst thing that happens is that a boy who is approaching the age of puberty sees a pair of tits and says a few swearwords when told to by a mean man.
This film represents everything that is wrong in Hollywood, today. Laughing at children and putting vulgar words in their mouths is not entertainment for a civilized world. I feel sorry for the boy that starred in this dumb movie.
There was no 'laughing at children' at any point. The laughs were at the expense of Bateman's character, who was purposefully mean-spirited and vulgar to them. The children were all the 'good guys'.
I fully understand the viewpoint that children shouldn't be exposed to things until they're mature enough to really grasp the reality of what it means, but I don't think this film specifically flouts that viewpoint. Children swear, everyone swears. Swearing isn't, in my opinion, an evil thing. It doesn't corrupt the mind. It can actually be fun.
Maybe we just have different views on what is acceptable, and that's fine, but I feel like you're initial post, although respectful and well-intended, is a bit 'molly-coddling' of children. They can't be wrapped up in cotton wool forever.
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You are missing the point. This is a comedy. There are children under 13 in it. The humor is crass and sexual and the children are being used for the laugh. It's not funny. I get that children sometimes swear because they get it from their parents, (or movies like this), but the envelope keeps getting pushed further and further to the point of no return. It's s reflection of the decay of society.
To add to my point, when I was a waitress in Hollywood, a group of British soccer players came in and sat down. Soon after a woman with a few kids came in and sat across from them. One of the soccer players asked me if I would move his group because, "We are going to be using a lot of language that's not fit for children's ears!" These men were true gentlemen and I was so impressed!
You've said it isn't funny but that's subjective. Its rating on here based on over 35,000 votes suggests quite a lot of people did find it funny.
It isn't any proof of a decay in society whatsoever. The film won't be watched by children, and none of the children involved will be in any way upset or affected by what they were told to act. In fact, I'm sure they would have loved it.
I'm happy to debate the role forms of media such as films play in the shaping of children's outlooks and/or views with you.
I feel like you've an axe to grind and taking it out on this film whilst using strong suggestions of child exploitation. I'm also not at all sure why you're mentioning Shirley Temple and how she was treated in the 30s, as if child actors are still treated as such? That's really odd and again suggestive that you have a beef with something and making dubious comments on this film is your outlet.
I didn't notice any of your points whilst watching it, found the film quite different and funny myself.
I was making a comment on a film I didn't like and drew parallels to the treatment of child actors through the short history of film. That's why I quoted Ethan Hawke and mentioned Shirley Temple.. but as you state.. how ODD!
No ax to grind, it's called thoughtful