In no particular order and my list is constantly changing. Also this list just contains my favorite stories, not necessarily gameplay-wise as a complete package:
* Mass Effect trilogy (I consider this to be one large story)
* The Wolf Among Us (TellTale)
* Deus Ex: Human Revolution
* BioShock Infinite (Love the entire BioShock franchise: 1, 2, Minverva's Den, Burial at Sea. I could pick anything from the BioShock series and be confident with the choice)
* Red Dead Redemption
* Dead Space 2
* Binary Domain
* Halo 4
* Splinter Cell Blacklist
* Spec Ops: The Line
Notable mentions:
* Jade Empire
* Enslaved: Odyssey to the West
* DmC: Devil May Cry
* Brutal Legend
* Psychonauts
* Gone Home
* Remember Me
* God of War
* To the Moon
* The Walking Dead (best storytelling of the entire Walking Dead franchise)
* Planescape: Torment
* Knights of the Old Republic
* Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
* Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
* Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
* The Last of Us
* Dragon Age Origins/Dragon Age Inquisition
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