MovieChat Forums > The Last of Us (2013) Discussion > Your top 10 best video games

Your top 10 best video games

Her is my top 10 personal video games not in a particular order.
1)The walking dead
2)The Last of Us
3)star wars knights of the old republic 2 the sith lords
5)alice madness returns
6)bioshock infinite
7)deus ex human revolution
8)Dragon age origins
9)Mass Effect 2
10)Dark souls



1. The Last of Us
2. Beyond Good and Evil
3. Heavy Rain
4. Uncharted
5. Prince of Persia Sands of Time
6. Tomb Raider Definitive Edition
7. GTA San Andreas
9. Halo
10. Red Dead Redemption


1.) Shadow Of The Colossus
2.) legend of zelda ocarina of time
3.) Metroid Prime
4.) Goldeneye
5.) Resident Evil 2
6.) Resident Evil 4
7.) Super Metroid
8.) Metal Gear Solid
9.) Final Fantasy 7
10.) Chrono Trigger

I like your nurse's uniform, guy.


1. Resident Evil 4
2. The Last of Us
3. Elder Scrolls v Skyrim

^ These are all joint favs really

4. Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars
5. Indiana Jones & the Fate of Atlantis
6. Streets of Rage 2
7. The 7th Guest
8. Command & Conquer: Red Alert
9. Age of Empires 2: Age of Kings
10. Sonic the Hedgehog 2


Good call on Broken Sord and Indiana Jones.

It would have been great if they made The Fate of Atlantis into a movie instead of the stupid Crystal Skull.

I declare that everything you are saying is stupid.


In no particular order and my list is constantly changing. Also this list just contains my favorite stories, not necessarily gameplay-wise as a complete package:

* Mass Effect trilogy (I consider this to be one large story)
* The Wolf Among Us (TellTale)
* Deus Ex: Human Revolution
* BioShock Infinite (Love the entire BioShock franchise: 1, 2, Minverva's Den, Burial at Sea. I could pick anything from the BioShock series and be confident with the choice)
* Red Dead Redemption
* Dead Space 2
* Binary Domain
* Halo 4
* Splinter Cell Blacklist
* Spec Ops: The Line

Notable mentions:
* Jade Empire
* Enslaved: Odyssey to the West
* DmC: Devil May Cry
* Brutal Legend
* Psychonauts
* Gone Home
* Remember Me
* God of War
* To the Moon
* The Walking Dead (best storytelling of the entire Walking Dead franchise)
* Planescape: Torment
* Knights of the Old Republic
* Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
* Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
* Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
* The Last of Us
* Dragon Age Origins/Dragon Age Inquisition


Dyslexic Christians believe in Dog



Of all time, in no particular order:

Assassin's Creed 2
Metal Gear Solid (1 & 3)
Final Fantasy 6
The Last of Us
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee
Red Dead Redemption
Monkey Island 2: LeChuck’s Revenge
Tekken 3
Chrono Trigger



I have many favourites. Here are ten of them:

- The Last of Us
- Chrono Trigger
- Uncharted 2
- Persona 3
- Red Dead Redemption
- Far Cry 3
- Phoenix Wright (the series, but 1 and 3 are my favourites)
- Batman: Arkham City
- Breath of Fire IV
- Portal 2

'Save me, Barry!'


1. The Last Of Us
2. Arkham City
3. Arkham Asylum
4. Arkham Knight
5. Heavy Rain
6. Beyond Two Souls
7. Uncharted: Drake's Fourtune
8. Uncharted: Amoung Thieves
9. Tomb Raider
10. Watchdogs


1. The Last of Us
2. Grand Theft Auto 5
3. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
4. Grand Theft Auto IV
5. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
6. Grand Theft Auto III
7. L.A. Noire
8. Red Dead Redemption
9. Uncharted 4
10. Max Payne 3
