I don't remember any of the murderers of 20 women being castrated. The first one got an axe to the chest, the second got his ass kicked and was finished off with a rock to his skull, the third was strangled, and the fourth one hanged himself. And this "violence against men" was to four brutal murderers who hunted down and killed 20 women. Yet no thought that these four killers were "woman-hating" men? Wow. This movie wasn't about four innocent helpless men who were violently killed by a man-hating woman. They got their much deserved comeuppance.
If you are that butthurt as a man to see other men (like you?) get what was coming to them, then I STRONGLY advise you to stay away from the film "I Spit on Your Grave". You'll be upset that your buddies were schooled by a woman too. Grow a pair, or pray that they get larger, among other things. Have a nice day.