Well, you kinda let slide the part about 'men' not a particular man, and plucked that line from the middle of my rant, as it was referencing the line made previously by the poster above me but with genders reversed, but you did make a good point.
My argument here is that mass murderers (IE: criminals) are not people I can root for as protagonists in this sort of context. She is supposedly also a soulless killer, and so I'm supposed to choose between two sides, both of which are quite frankly irredeemable?
And, even if they were gang-raped/tortured and are seeking revenge, they (as in the victim) don't deserve to be killed for it, but it doesn't mean that I can sympathize with EVERYTHING they do- "torturing torturers is still torture". I believe it's why it's a horror staple, actually, because all of the story is horrific when seen from a less-biased point of view- The original, horrific crime, the protagonist's slide into madness/deviousness/revenge, and the gristly retribution... makes for a rough ride, like "I Spit On Your Grave"(1978).
Oh, and that goes for men as well! Sorry, maybe that is where I should have clarified my point of view, I don't believe that women are exclusive to this. Men who for whatever reason are mass murderers, are also just that in the end. Castration or elimination is usually foremost on my mind when a mass murderer is the main character, man or woman- it takes a really great story to make me see otherwise, and it's still not something I can shake easily.
Sorry if I was coming off as sexist... but I guess if I post in a thread called 'another man-hating film where the girl kills all the boys', I should try to be more clear at least.