MovieChat Forums > Final Girl (2015) Discussion > another man-hating film where the girl k...

another man-hating film where the girl kills all the boys

Any other guys tired of castration scenes? Even when voilence against women is protrayed on film, you hardly ever see it on screen, it's always cut away before the graphic stuff happens (watch Hostel 2) but violence against men is totally fine. Im over it



"Don't be butthurt because this isn't a flick where the hero is a man. Isn't that theme overused?"

Actually, this is a genre where it's often a 'Final Girl' that survives or defeats the (usually male) antagonist- you point this out yourself. This genre is not really about 'heroes'.

Besides, since the 'final girl' is in fact a remorseless killer herself going through her own sick initiation, as a woman who kills men. There is no real reason to root for anyone on a good and evil axis, in the end- it sounds like folks should watch this movie if they want to watch men being defiled by violence. Which is fine, if that's what you want. As a horror fan, I can see the appeal.

And women who kill men deserve to be castrated. Case closed.

I guess it works both ways... but probably won't in this movie.


And women who kill men deserve to be castrated. Case closed.

Even if the man is guilty of hurting/raping/abusing women?

I don't think so.


Well, you kinda let slide the part about 'men' not a particular man, and plucked that line from the middle of my rant, as it was referencing the line made previously by the poster above me but with genders reversed, but you did make a good point.

My argument here is that mass murderers (IE: criminals) are not people I can root for as protagonists in this sort of context. She is supposedly also a soulless killer, and so I'm supposed to choose between two sides, both of which are quite frankly irredeemable?

And, even if they were gang-raped/tortured and are seeking revenge, they (as in the victim) don't deserve to be killed for it, but it doesn't mean that I can sympathize with EVERYTHING they do- "torturing torturers is still torture". I believe it's why it's a horror staple, actually, because all of the story is horrific when seen from a less-biased point of view- The original, horrific crime, the protagonist's slide into madness/deviousness/revenge, and the gristly retribution... makes for a rough ride, like "I Spit On Your Grave"(1978).

Oh, and that goes for men as well! Sorry, maybe that is where I should have clarified my point of view, I don't believe that women are exclusive to this. Men who for whatever reason are mass murderers, are also just that in the end. Castration or elimination is usually foremost on my mind when a mass murderer is the main character, man or woman- it takes a really great story to make me see otherwise, and it's still not something I can shake easily.

Sorry if I was coming off as sexist... but I guess if I post in a thread called 'another man-hating film where the girl kills all the boys', I should try to be more clear at least.


My minor gripe about the film is that she was engineered to be vengeance. I'm not sure I can explain why, but I would've found it far more darkly entertaining if they had chosen her at random and she had just happened to be a trained assassin. It would be more "you made your bed, now lie in it"


another man-hating film where the girl kills all the boys

Can you think of any other films like this?

A superhero never reveals their true identity



That's okay. That's plenty, thank you. I love these kinds of movies!

Robin wishes he was me


In all but one of those movies, there is a rape or an attempted rape. I would be more concerned about rape being used as a plot device than any violent revenge scenes.



Well, Hostel 2 really shouldn't count. The rest do, and the rest are utterly tacky.
This seems kinda interesting with the "trained assassin" angle

Death Awaits (Horror forum)



Because it has 2 of the girls being brutally killed and tortured too? The first one was a group of guys, it makes sense to do a group of girls for 2.

Plus, she killed the female villain at the end too. And they used her head as a soccer ball.

Death Awaits (Horror forum)



hard candy. ellen paige was in it.


Oh look, another "straight white man problems" thread. I'm over it.




Umm... Hostel 2 had more graphic violence against one of the girls than any of the guys in 1 got. Lol. (The blood-bath scene...)

But yeah, if they genderflipped movies like this, Teeth, or I Spit On Your Grave it would be incredibly controversial. there's definitely a double-standard present

Death Awaits (Horror forum)


That’s because it’s incredibly rare for women to rape men. Men raping women, is unfortunately not that rare.


LatvNetworks, you're a special kind of stupid, aren't you!?


"" luoS siH eM dloS liveD ehT ""



Probably because it's more realistic for a man to be in that position. Enjoy the trend of superhuman invincible female leads while it lasts though. Any need for the racism?



......because there just aren't enough films where 'boy kills all the girls', i.e.: films where people like yourself can go to watch a male killer stalk and kill a woman/many women- the premise (or significant element) of well over 50% of all films within the slasher, horror, thriller, and torture porn genres. Yep, not enough of those.

Or is your complaint that in the types of films listed above, women being killed in a more graphic and gratuitous fashion?

Another poster spoke to the difference between make kills female(s) vs. female kills males

You don't even rank as a sick twist, just a dumb-f^*k.
