Diversity Fatigue

It looks like a great movie, and I love Jamie Foxx and Cameron Diaz. However, I can’t stand the promotion of miscegenation and mixed-race children. I’m tired of seeing this pushed relentlessly, all in the name of worshiping diversity. It’s repulsive. Sadly, I’ll have to pass on this one



As long as they make diversity trash, I'll be here to point it out.


I’m white and suffer from diversity fatigue too but I have mixed children.

So fuck you.


So you chose to throw away your White genes, your heritage and legacy through race mixing. Sad.


And your mom decided not to abort you.

Truly sad.

My legacy is raising incredible, brilliant kids who are helping make the world a much better place.

Too bad your parents can’t say the same.


I have no doubt that your children are wonderful, productive members of society. What saddens me is that they are not White. The White race constitutes only about 10% of the global population and is steadily declining. Rather than contributing to the preservation of our people by having White children, you’ve added to this decline — accelerating the possibility of our extinction. That is what I find truly heartbreaking.

I’m not sure why you're being so hostile. I’m simply expressing my concerns about our race and stating facts.




Scurry away you filthy little rata.


Nope I'm good right here bitch.


No, you're not. No one wants you here. You are not welcome here. This is no place for filthy vermin.
Now scurry away rat


Make me leave lol.


If you had any integrity, you'd leave on your own, knowing you're not wanted. But someone as filthy and garbage-ridden as you would never have the decency to do that. You're nothing more than a cockroach.



Lol only by right wing incels. You aren't wanted here either. I'm a mixed person myself. Go fuck yourself.


I’ve been contributing to this site for years and have earned the respect of many here, including people who disagree with me — even progressives. I have plenty of fans here because I bring value. You, on the other hand, are a waste of space. You contribute nothing of value, and you're a detriment to this site, just as you're a detriment to society. You’re a disease. Now run along rat. We don't want your kind here.


Yeah no. You are scumbag piece of shit who deserves no respect. You won't be violating rules on here.


Fuck you. Go ahead and report me rat.


Watch your tongue. I am glad people like you are miserable. It makes me giddy. Go cry about stuff you aren't forced to watch bitch.


You will always be beneath me — forever inferior. I can’t help but laugh at worthless trash like you. I exist to expose creatures like you, dragging you into the light so everyone can see you for what you truly are — so they can laugh at you too.


Ha no. You are older than me bald and disgruntled. You are an incel piece of shit who has overdue child support and a dog who won't even sit in his lap anymore. I hope you ex wife took your ass to the cleaners. I would laugh at you.


Being an incel and having kids is, quite obviously, a contradiction. It’s clear you haven’t thought this through — par for the course from a low-IQ imbecile like yourself. You toss out absurd labels you’ve picked up online, parroting others without the slightest understanding of their meaning or the context of the conversation you’re in. It’s beyond embarrassing. If you had even a shred of self-awareness, you’d log off this site in utter shame.

But alas, I’ve already wasted enough words on you. If you’re desperate for a conversation, might I suggest reaching out to my good friend Paul Miller, @jokerwaffenfren on Twitter? Scroll through his videos where he does “community outreach” to the Black community — you’ll find his insights truly enlightening.


Oh it was sarcastic. I know a low life like you had no children and thank God. I'm glad you have no kids. You are truly human trash.


Go check out Paul Miller. He loves black and mixed race people. He's got so much to say to them. Maybe you could report him too. See if you can get him cancelled.


No I'm good. I don't take any recommendations from fuckfaces like you.


You're missing out. You'd just love Paul Miller's videos. He has so much to say to members of the African-American community.


Nope I am not taking any recommendations from your stupid ass. You destroyed your credibility, not that you had any to begin with.


What are you afraid of pussy? Go watch the videos. Then go report them.


I'm truly sorry you have had to deal with Curiousmind101. He truly is a bigoted piece of filth.


You are human garbage. The world would be a better place without you.


505 is like a cockroach; hiding and skulking ... waiting to strike.


He is easily one of the most repulsive creatures on this site. A cockroach is a fitting comparison — he's a pest, pure vermin. There's no one I despise more on here than him. He's like a disease, spreading nothing but filth.
I am against banning anyone. It goes against my principles. But I would ban him without hesitation because I don't even consider him to be human.


So you do believe in banning lol. So much for freedom of speech.


Freedom of speech applies to human beings. Human beings have rights. You are subhuman. Rights don't apply to you. You have no rights. You are a disease.


And who determines this? You?


Yes. Though I'm sure many others here would agree with my assessment of you.
We all consider you subhuman and we laugh at you.


Nope you have no authority here incel.


iNcEl!!!111!! hErP a dErp. LOL
You are truly the stupidest and most pathetic person on this board by far.


Fuck off into your corner bitch. Incels are truly terrible.


How fucking pathetic and retarded do you have to be to still use "incel" as an insult in 2025? It’s not just beyond cringe — it’s the desperate flailing of a low-IQ degenerate with nothing better to say. LOL


You mean how you scream woke or bitch anytime you see a mixed race couple? Funny explain how if you are not being forced to watch something is it being forced on you? Go ahead elaborate fuckboy. No one is forcing you to participate in watching a film it's your choice.


I'm calling out race-mixing propaganda. Our culture shouldn't be polluted by such garbage, as it undermines traditional values. Race-mixing should be discouraged and those who engage in it should be shamed, just as they were in the 1950s and 1960s. In fact, miscegenation should be outlawed, just as it once was not that long ago.


Yeah no. Fuck that shit. I am a product of race mixing and my parents are upstanding people. So what should happen to mixed people fuckboy? You mean when whites ruled everything before the Jim Crowe laws? Nope your ass isn't getting that back fuckboy.


Paul Miller is livestreaming right now on GoyimTV. You should come and join us in the chat. We just love doing community outreach to the black community.
The links are on his twitter (Joker going Live). Come and join us if you have the balls. You're going to love it.


Fuck you. I have no interest in the bullshit you recommend. It's not because I'm afraid I just don't want to see more fuckboys like you in this world.


Settle down, Adolph.


White Power!


You can be fine with the idea of interracial relationships while also being tired of the obvious social engineering that Hollywood is doing.

It seems increasingly rare to see people in movies, TV shows and commercials in romantic relationships with people of their own race. Why is that? It's weird.


Few years ago, Hollywood and the U.S. Left went on a massive diversity push in everything.


Another action film ruined by woke policies.


What a bigot. Imagine being that mad. Taking the time to post about hatred says a lot about you. Sounds like you got hit on the head pretty hard on 1/6. Go back to the Ozarks and choke on your moonshine. I'm sure you'll find the peace you're looking for.


I’m not a Trump supporter, nor am I some backwoods hillbilly. I’m European. I am, however, a racist — and unapologetically so.


Kudos for admitting it, then. Openly in life to others you don't like, or only behind a computer screen.


People in real life know I’m a racist — but I’m a charming racist, so they put up with it.


It's a movie - not a MK Ultra project.


Yes, but it’s not just one movie. Nearly every new release in the past year seems to feature a mixed-race couple. It’s blatantly obvious that this isn’t a coincidence — it’s a contrived trope Hollywood is relentlessly pushing under the banner of diversity and I'm sick of it.


Then simple solution, don't watch it.


Our culture shouldn't be polluted by race-mixing propaganda, as it undermines traditional values. Race-mixing should be discouraged and those who engage in it should be shamed, just as they were in the 1950s and 1960s. In fact, miscegenation should be outlawed, just as it once was not that long ago.


Fat chance. It isn't happening in your lifetime champ. So sit your old fat out of shape ass down and let the adults speak.


Oh it's going to happen. When the fascists come to power, and they will come to power, we are going to rollback civil rights 150 years. It's going to be awesome. You're going to love it.


Lol nope. get back to me once that occurs. Until then it's a fantasy from your fatass.


It will be back to the cotton field.


I am right here bitch. I'm not going anywhere.


That's unfortunate. No one wants you here. You're like a bull queer, forcing yourself onto the unwilling denizens of MovieChat. Disgusting. How does it feel to exist as a filthy cockroach?


Your race is going extinct. You better get out there and make a difference fatass. I get it a black man took a woman you desperately wanted. He didn't steal her your ass wouldn't get her. It isn't the black man's fault.


I don't know about you, but I LOVE making love to women from all around the world. If Old World racists have a problem with that, they're free to kiss my pale ass!


Making love to women is one thing, bestiality is another.


I don't think anyone doubts that. Just google sexy (insert race color) women and your little willy will get stiff.


It’s undeniable that Hollywood and the creative elites are promoting miscegenation, almost always by pairing black males with white females. You can just watch a dozen random TV commercials at any time and see this. But if you merely point it out, people get hostile and call you hateful, because they would rather appear accepting and tolerant than use their common sense.


Couldn’t have said it better myself. Don’t fear their labels. If they call you a racist, don’t get defensive or deny it — just own it. Say, ‘Yes, I am. So what?’ And never stop calling out the woke cancer that’s rotting away our culture.


Absolutely. The modern concept of "racism" was created less than a century ago to prevent white people from having in-group preferences like all other races do.

As long as we're objective and honest on our observations, other people's labels will have less and less consequence.


You’ve got a solid grasp of what’s going on — very impressive. I couldn’t have said it better myself, and I have nothing more to add, other that to loudly and proudly say:
White Fucking Power!
That one always makes their woke heads explode.


It wasn't like that.

It was like a movie where you know the main characters are really the actors and you want to see them doing something fun.

A Jim Carey movie is like that. It has nothing to do with a literary level character but rather it's fun to see Jim as any character because you know he's going to do Jim Carey stuff.


I get what you're saying, and I can accept that. But my issue with this movie isn’t about singling it out — it’s part of a much bigger pattern. Hollywood is literally pushing miscegenation in almost every other movie as part of their diversity agenda. I’m so sick of it. I just want to see normal, heterosexual, same-race couples in interesting stories like we used to. This constant stream of woke propaganda is exhausting.


That has been going on since the 90s.

It is extremely bizarre at this point.

The formula is nearly always a black guy and white woman.

I'm sure you know who owns and runs the US media. One of their "holy duties" is to undermine the civilization of the infidel.

They have been extremely successful with making women think poorly of men. In the 60s/70s it was a thing where a liberated white woman would have sex with a black man to virtue signal.

Meanwhile, the whole thing is racist because it's not about love but using people as objects.

With that being said, my family had other races in it and it was obvious that they liked each other and got together naturally. Meanwhile, the media repeatedly has a formula that clearly has an agenda since it has appeared nonstop in the same way.


Yes, there’s definitely an agenda at play, and I’m aware that different iterations of it have been pushed for decades. But I’m specifically referring to the current version that began about three years ago. Diversity was already being pushed hard, but the issue arose when you had movies with a central cast of two characters — like a romance or couple-based story — where the main characters were likely to be the same race. So, the choice was clear: either cast them as the same race, or force diversity, which would result in mixed-race couples. These woke zealots, so blinded by their dogmatic agenda, of course chose to push diversity. And now, we have this new trend where every other movie seems to feature a mixed-race couple.

And, as you pointed out, it’s usually a black man with a White woman. But lately, even that isn’t enough for them. They’ve gone a step further, pushing what is, in most cases, the least likely and least believable pairing: a White man with a black woman. And we’re not talking about a light-skinned, "Tyra Banks" type here. No, we’re talking about a fugly ghetto Shaneequa, the kind of woman you might see at your local DMV — a black woman in the most stereotypical sense. It’s absurd. A perfect example of this was in the 2023 series Justified: City Primeval, where you had an older, distinguished White man — think George Clooney — romancing an obese woman of color who looked like she worked at the city DMV office. It was beyond absurd, and frankly, disgusting. This is all being done deliberately to infuriate White people. They hate us, and their goal is clear: to destroy us.


I agree, but it's not working.

It's likely to create a backlash, finally, where stuff like this just fails.

That's a problem Disney is having where people just aren't watching things they make.

The other day I was watching a show about a supposedly good Star Wars program that no one watched and so it could be that people are automatically rejecting any content these people produce. Since no normal people have mass control of the media that's the way to go.

I have been watching films from China and India regularly because they have good values and are just exciting stories. I also never used "free" streaming services because I'd rather pay to watch something I'm interested in, but I'm not paying as much as possible. So, they can make crap in an attempt to trick me into watching propaganda but the trick is on them.
