MovieChat Forums > V/H/S (2012) Discussion > Scariest movie that you've seen?

Scariest movie that you've seen?

Ok, I liked this movie. It had some pretty creepy parts despite some bad acting/writing... but it got me to wondering, what do other people consider the scariest movie they've ever seen? I really want something SCARY..that'll keep you up at night... so tired of watching semi-scary movies that you forget as soon as the lights are out. Just looking for some good, recently made horror in the past 10-15 years... because I've seen a lot of old stuff and that stuff is great. Any recommendations?

Personally I dig Rosemary's Baby...The Exorcist... Halloween.....Texas Chainsaw Massacre... the stuff that has scared me the most unfortunately hasn't been straight horror movies (the T-1000 in Terminator 2, Predator, Alien, Martyrs...) so I'm kinda wondering where all the good, recent horror is at?

{Never can say goodbye...R.I.P MJ}


Tbh I don't always go off other peoples opinions purely for the fact that sometimes I won't feel the same way. A lot of people found The Blair Witch Project really scary and I wasn't affected by it at all. I don't know if it was because I really didn't like the characters or mostly it's probably to do with the fact that I've lived next to a woods my entire life so horrors set in woods don't usually bother me. Films about ghosts tend to get to me more but that's because I believe that they do exist whereas other people probably aren't affected by the supernatural sort of horrors as they don't believe in it at all.
Horror movies are probably the most subjective type of movies because it is all about personal preferences, fears etc.

"This is my age! I'm in the prime of my youth, and I'll only be young once!"


The only true scary movie in the story of cinema is JUHONG, which is the original The Grudge version, thats scary even for the most skeptical.


There is only one truly "scary" movie in my book. That title goes to A Nightmare on Elm Street (with a close runner up going to The Exorcist and Halloween 3).

Keep in mind, I was raised on the horror genre. My mom took me to see Poltergeist in the theatre when I was just 6 years old. It was the first movie I'd ever seen, and I was hooked. But in no way was I ever prepared for A Nightmare on Elm Street. That single film literally ruined my childhood from 1984 onward. I was so traumatized that I couldn't even sleep in own my own room any more (because I was afraid of Freddy sucking me into the mattress). Up until I was 18, the living room couch had to serve as my new bed. I was also no longer able to take a bubble bath (because I was afraid that Freddy was lurking below and was going to drown me).

There is certain horrific imagery that is just so powerful, that in the hands of a young child it can be dreadfully dangerous. When we fall asleep, after all, is when we are most vulnerable. So there is no other plot device that one can employ to bring about our most primal fear than being trapped in an unconscious state -- yet unable to discern whether you are awake or asleep, while being stalked by a malicious predator. As a person who has suffered in the past from sleep paralysis, I can vouch for the fact it is beyond terrifying being physically unable to escape from a dream state even while you are literally fighting just to regain consciousness.


I guess my taste is different than most. I found Session 9 absolutely ruined by the always dependable overacting of David Caruso. His "fck you" line was memorably funny. I give it some props for being different.

Now I will take my lumps by mentioning my list of ten scary movies:

1) The Mothman Prophecies (beyond creepy)
2) The Others (the hand behind the curtain scene is powerfully scary)
3) Cloverfield (it grabs and forces you into the action for a scary thrill ride)
4) Inside (watch this movie if you dare-besides the unbelievable gore the atmosphere is pure insanity)
5) Come Out and Play (evil kids always creep me out)
6) Insidious (yeah the ending bites it but the ride up to there is pure fright)
7) The Loved Ones (Let me drill a hole in his forehead, daddy!)
8) The Exorcist (back in the 1970's I waited in line to see this movie and a guy came out from the previous showing shaking uncontrollably. I shared the same experience later.)
9) Evil Dead (evil run amok)
10) Drag Me To Hell (even the talking goat was scary)

Now for ten movies most people find scary that I do not:

1) Session 9
2) The entire Paranormal Activity Series
3) Blair Witch Project (even though I once knew a girl named Blair who acted like a witch and was truly scary)
4) Scary or Die (should be named Not Scary Just Death)
5) The Descent (the underground critters were ridiculously unbelievable)
6) Quarantine (the original was better)
7) Silent House (so predictable-then again it featured the only Olson sister who has breasts)
8) V/H/S (I still do watch home movies on VHS format and THEY are scarier than this movie)
9) Audition (slow and boring)
10) Any Hostel or Saw movie

Honorable Mention

1) Saturday Morning Mystery (was that Scooby Do running from a demon?)
2) Splinter (now when I get a sliver I wonder if my arm will fall off)
3) The Mask (1961) (No not Jim Carrey-this early 3D gem still makes me shiver)
4) The Day (it shouldn't get to me but inexplicably it does)
5) Last Night / These Final Hours (tie)-(End of the world movies creep me out.)
7) Return of the Living Dead (Burt oh Burt we have a problem here)

And now for the scariest movie ever made:

The Mist (the black and white edition from the DVD or Blu-Ray set, NOT the color version that makes the CGI look bad) I realize that 95% of the viewers hate the ending but I love it. Few movies involve you like this one does. Incredibly believable with both actual and human monsters everywhere.

You don't have to know someone to know someone.


The Frighteners on the big screen with a potent tab of acid. Some of the scenes (mostly towards the end) actually had me terrified - especially that old mother.


The Exorcist is the only movie that truly scared me as an adult. I don't know why, but it just freaks me the hell out. I've enjoyed many other horror movies. Halloween, Jo Un (sp?) and Jaws (does that count?) are some of my favorite movies, but just don't frighten me. The Exorcist just causes me to feel that I'm not alone in the room.


Some horror movies that terrorized me for quite long time:
- The Omen series
- Shutter (original version)
- The Ring (original version)

And maybe also Rec (original version) as close contender.

On a different definition of horror, The Purge is my choice. It's not about the scenes, but more about the more realistic enlightment, that people don't need devil/satan/demon/evil entities to be capable of doing horrible things to others.

~ It's not a good critics, until you let others criticize your version on how it should be done ~


The Ring
The Shining
The Exorcist
Texas Chainsaw ('74)
Jacobs Ladder
The Blair Witch Project

out of those... it is split between the exorcist and texas chainsaw

But, If you want to actually watch an amazing film, all the while being disturbed/ horrified, I think it is only appropriate to mention director David Lynch, although he himself would not agree that he makes horrors. His films though, are undoubtedly nightmarish, and will haunt you for days.

Examples: Inland Empire, Mulholland Drive, Lost Highway, Eraserhead.

all of those.. in one way or another, at the age of 22- had me creeped out, scarred, and most importantly, intrigued.

also, Blood Simple by the Coen brothers. extremely well written, very creepy


The Very best Found Footage movies.

Here is my recent list of the best FF movies IMO

Let us share our lists and suggestions, so we may all perhaps find something new to watch, one worthy!

Check it out, The Best movies ever made. (I think)
