MovieChat Forums > Tammy (2014) Discussion > Why do people keep harping on her size??...

Why do people keep harping on her size???

Okay, so Melissa is a bit heavy-set. Who cares? That still doesn't eliminate the fact that she's funny, likeable, and becoming quite successful in the movie industry. It's really a shame how quickly she's condemned because of her weight, and yet, other stars who've done considerably worse damage to their own health are continuously revered. Look at Keifer Sutherland and Zac Efron, two megastars who were both treated for problems with alcoholism. Look at Samuel L. Jackson, who acknowledged that years prior to his box-office successes, he was addicted to crack and living on the streets. At that's only a few. Case in point...NONE of us can afford to throw stones or put on pious airs. I'm sure Melissa McCarthy looks at herself everyday in the mirror. So what's the point in hating on her if it's entirely HER business what she eats?


Okay, so Zac is a bit alcoholic. Who cares? That still doesn't eliminate the fact that he's funny, likeable, and becoming quite successful in the movie industry. It's really a shame how quickly he's condemned because of his drinking, and yet, other stars who've done considerably worse damage to their own health are continuously revered.

The Doctor is out. Far out.


Okay, so Melissa is a bit heavy-set. Who cares?

She does, that's why she kept harping on about it in the film that she wrote, produced and starred in. To the point where her own grandmother calling her fat was supposed to be the big turning point in her life, she is going to sort her life out now because of that. If she doesn't want people to talk about her weight she shouldn't write a script that does it.
She got big success in 'Bridesmaids' by playing a fat slob and her career has now evolved to her writing herself the character of... a fat slob. Oh yeah, don't forget that squirrel face that she always does too.
Because she is overweight, she is permanently talked about as an inspiration for making it in Hollywood despite not being thin, but when you're only repeating the fat slob schtick, that's all you're going to be seen as. And sadly, it looks like she only thinks she will keep getting films if she does just repeat that. I think that is part of the problem of her wanting to be the star of films.
Now, I saw a trailer recently for 'St. Vincent' in which Bill Murray is that star and she is more of a supporting character, and the trailer makes it seem like she will just be a normal character, not even one that is trying for laughs. It doesn't seem like her size will be a factor at all, except for the possibility that Murray might make a mean comment about her. Hopefully, her character WILL just be a regular one and it will show that she has more to her than what we're seeing in tripe like this.
Because as of right now, she isn't funny or likable.

"God, when I meet you, I'm gonna be pretty. If it's the last thing I do. I'll be a beautiful angel."


She reminds me of John Candy(he was funny!).

The New York Rangers suck. And Sidney Crosby is a cry baby!


Heavy-set? She's disgustingly obese as well as being disgustingly untalented!


Because, plain and simple! She's FAT! Not exactly a healthy looking woman.


So what? America is a fat unhealthy nation so shouldn't it be reflected in it's movies?
Why live in a fantasy? that's more unhealthy in the long run.

'thats the thing about the evil - their amazing work ethic'



She's now typecast as the fat crazy woman.
I use to like her in Gilmore Girls, she was quirky and funny. Not funny for her size..just a likable quirky character. I wish she'd go back to that.


I find it amazing [and that's a good thing] that she is as agile as she is.

that means she is healthy in a way -- she at least keeps herself limber and stretches.

Reading the paper can really be depressing. Mr. Dithers fired Dagwood again.


It seems Melissa lost about 50 pounds for the Academy Awards and wore a pretty gown. I'm sure she's well aware of how dangerous it is to be obese. I wish her continued success in her weight lost.
