MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > To people who did not play the videogame...

To people who did not play the videogame?

Did you find the trailer interesting at all? I still have no idea what the movie is about and the premise sounded kind of stupid, what was the point of sending him to the body of his ancestor like wtf, are we supposed to waste all our money in something that dumb in the future? And can he ever succeed or is it like a life sentence? I thought it was a terrible trailer unless you knew something from the videogame.


I don't play the game and not familiar with the story behind the game at all until I read that Fassbender is involved in it. So I'm really going to watch it because of him (and Marion Cotillard, although she has a smaller role I think).

So yeah, watching the trailer I was a bit lost, but I liked it, particularly how cool the action and stuntwork look.

And having read that Fassbender was sold on this film based on the backstory of Assassins vs Templars, and genetic memories (and there are studies that point to the possibility of this), I thought hey, Fassbender wouldn't do "stupid" movies. Even if he does, chances are, he'll be the best thing in it.


Yea I liked it.

What's missing in movies is same as in society: a good sense of work ethic and living up to ideals.


The trailer looks cool but only for people who really love the game I have to say. If it wasn't for Cotillard, I wouldn't watch it. I would go to Netflix or rent it online instead.


So if Cotillard wasn't in this movie you wouldn't watch it? 😞

I thought with your enthusiasm about this movie and all, that you'd be at least be an AC games fan, or at least fan of Fassbender and Kurzel(director). As for me, I've only played and finished the first game, but know enough about the whole storyline of the franchise since I've been watching the game movies that are posted on Youtube (so yeah, I'd say I know who is who and when and where etc).

I think people who like certain type of categories (within the broad action genre) finds the trailer to be cool. I showed it to bunch of friends (who don't play the games), and to my surprise, a lot of them liked it. I asked them and what I found common in their reasoning (for liking the trailer) were the following:

They like;

- Ninjas or shadowy organisation (or assassins/killers, but no guns, explosives etc)
- History
- Hand-to-hand combat
- Parkour stuff (not necessary video game like Prince of Persia or Assassin's Creed, but movies like District 13)

Of course, that's no guarantee in any way that they'll actually see the movie itself, but at least it was a positive reaction.


I think the film has the ingredients of a nice action film but it's not enough. Persia, Hitman all had amazing stunt scenes and were very entertaining but both bombed hard. I don't know what's the issue with videogames adaptations to be honest, I really don't. I just think studios should spend less money making them so when it comes out they don't have to gross a lot to break even.

I'm only watching it for Cotillard, true. I'm a big fan of her only, the rest of the cast is great but I wouldn't buy tickets to see them on screen. Why? As much as I find game's universe amazing in some cases and they look a lot like films, I find it lame to watch this universe translated on screen, with real people. They should be on the videogame only, it's cool to play games, not watch them.


I think (at least one of) the problem with Persia and Hitman was, that none of them were too faithful to the source material. With Persia, with the exception of the dagger and some other details (such as MC doing parkour etc), it didn't really resemble much of the game, and both Hitman films were a mess with writers adding in all sorts of stuff that just made the fans angry (such as Agent 47 going for kills with guns blazing and explosions, etc).

Assassin's Creed film is in better situation (at least) regarding faithfulness to source material because Ubisoft took more hands-on creative control with the script (much more-so than Persia, their other IP). Though whether that translates to box office success is another story (since all sorts of factors influence it).

I find it lame to watch this universe translated on screen, with real people. They should be on the videogame only, it's cool to play games, not watch them.

I don't get what you're trying to say here. Are you trying to say Assassin's Creed should only be accessible through the games, and it's lame to see the story told through a film? If that's the case, πŸ˜’πŸ˜’. Almost sounds like you're wishing for this film to fail 😞.
Though, if that's not what you're trying to say, I apologize in advance.

I know the situation doesn't look too good (with the release date, and Fassbender's Box office track record recently, etc), but I'm trying to not lose hope (despite it all), at least until it's released, and I see some articles on Box Office (like Box Office Mojo, etc) saying it's a Domestic (U.S.) failure.

As for me, I'm glad this film was made (whether it's a BO success or not). Since following the games, I've always wanted to see an AC film in live action, and now it's only 5 months away before it's released.


Warcraft did what A. Creed is doing and it still underperformed. I really think ordinary people either don't care about videogames or gamers just prefer playing them instead of watching their adapted films. Many go watch films but many don't either.

I appreciate your optimism though! Maybe the film can have a decent run, who knows? I just think it would have more chances if they realised Fassbender isn't a draw and videogames usually fail and chose instead a weaker release date. In early 2017 or late November they could have a better result.


I think your problem is not with the movie but with Fassbender

Because I can prove to you that actor name is not necessary as you think


Oh yes it is. My main issue is with the release date though. In a less competitive date the film would have more chances to become a hit.


yes for what ? thar you have issue whit fassbneder or actor name is not necessary

just you say (My main issue is with the release date though. In a less competitive date the film would have more chances to become a hit.)

You admits that actor name is not important


Of course it is!!! Big names still sell films or do you think The Revenant would be a huge hit without Dicaprio? Or the hits Tom Cruise has would have been hits if a B-list actor starred in them? It's not something that guarantees success anymore but it does make a difference to promote a blockbuster with a big star and a much less famous one. Why do you think Fox regretted casting a bunch of nobodies in The Man From UNCLE after the film became a huge bomb?

So the actor name DOES MATTER, especially in a competitive release date. But on AC case, the bigger issue is the RELEASE DATE for obvious reasons. It doesn't have a big star leading it but in a less competitive date it could have a better performance. If they expect a huge hit on CHRISTMAS, without a big star leading it, they are insane.


if the actor name really have big impact then why Serena get just 176 000
with Jennifer Lawrence & Bradley Cooper.

if big star really mater then why joy and Concussion lose money

if big star really mater then why Tom Cruise movie loss to movie that dont have big star
Edge of Tomorrow vs The Fault in our Stars

the actor name have limited impact that what I'm trying to say from the beginning and Box office figures proved that.


Like I said, a big name does help selling a film. It doesn't guarantee success but studios rather make a film with famous guys than nobodies. You can be sure that Uncle would have made more money if Cruise had done it instead (he dropped the film). Many factors have influence on the box office. On AC case, the main one is the release date IMO. Not having a big star doesn't help a lot but the biggest issue for me is the extremely competitive release date.

Check Tomb Raider for instance. They chose a March 2018 release, they couldn't have been more right about it.


You saying Fassbender isn't a big star? Look at all the moneys that Apocalypse brought in. But, yeah, the release date is going to hurt it. You have Star Wars on one side and Christmas on the other. Fox is really hurting themselves this year. The one movie that did awesomely they didn't want to make and put it in a place where it wouldn't do all that good.

"Truth sounds like hate to those who hate truth."


He's far from being a big star, nobody watches films because of him, there was even a research last year about his lack of popularity. XMA was a box office disappointment actually and even if it was a hit it wouldn't be because of him, it's X-Men. If a nobody played Magneto people would have watched it anyway.

Fox is doing a bad promotion and they chose an awful release date. When this bombs everyone will say "We should have picked another date, we should have been to Comic-Con". Sometimes I think producers and distributors like to lose money and then cry about it.


I am puzzled by the choice of Michael Fassbender over Scott Adkins or someone like like Scott. The casting choice seems like a missed opportunity.


All of the Ezio games are great. Aswell as Black Flag. The first one was a bit repetitive but still had decent characters.



I actually found the trailer to be interesting. It explained the plot quite well and the concept is interesting.
