MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > To people who did not play the videogame...

To people who did not play the videogame?

Did you find the trailer interesting at all? I still have no idea what the movie is about and the premise sounded kind of stupid, what was the point of sending him to the body of his ancestor like wtf, are we supposed to waste all our money in something that dumb in the future? And can he ever succeed or is it like a life sentence? I thought it was a terrible trailer unless you knew something from the videogame.


I didn't think much of it. But I have never played the game.

It didn't look bad, just fairly routine.


I played the first one pretty much through.

The story was alright as far as games go, especially dumb action orientated ones where all you need is an excuse for the action... But the PREMISE, that was pretty weak.

Accessing ancestral memories that are passed down in our genes that are accurate as a movie - um, I can't remember more than a few frames of my childhood and that's using my complete brain. But apparently we store the entire memories of lengthy events that our ancestors 8 generations back had in our genetic code.

Yes, that's the premise. Actually insulting to anyone with any intelligence unless they make it some mystical, spiritual connection which side steps science completely.

Surprised they got Fassbender to do it, frankly. But then there's probably a bit of $$$ in it for him.


You really are talking crap you know that ?

The story of the AC franchise is genius.


I thought the story was pretty amazing. One of the best given on display in the video game medium.

The Animus?@! Who the fk cares about the animus. It's just a devise that drives the movie forward. Sure they will explain some more how it works. But it still will be just a bunch of mumbo jumbo.. Every movie has its MAGIC TECH that is needed to push the movie forward.... Alien, Matrix, Back to the Future.... whatever.

The better question you should ask yourself is, what could be so important about something that happened that far in the past, that a corporation will spend so much money on building the Animus, kidnapping the main character, spend so much money and break countless laws to gain what they hope to achieve. What is the goal abstergo?

I am sure if you wanted to google it, you could find all the answers about what will happen in this movie, but it WILL totally take the fun out of it. It's better to see how things will evolve on screen. I could answers all your questions but I will not in case your are like me and rather be surprised.


Yah i mean, that is exactly what is wrong with the trailer summed up, it doesn´t tell a story, someone already explained it a bit, your whole third paragraph is what the trailer was supposed to do, it failed at that. You love the videogame so its hard not to be biased since you already know the whole story, as an audience who has not played the thing I am not thrilled. They will need to market the heck out of this as an ¨event¨ movie. Or just do better trailers...


Stop overthinking it you dweeb



Meh. It has Fassbender, so that's a plus for me. But yeah, the whole gene-past life-big metal whatsit on his back....... I don't know what that is about, I don't know if it's important, and it's certainly not original, and that's a little more alienating for me. It's looking like a mix of The Matrix, Prince of Persia, and the whole jumping off building shot is done to death since.... Well, The Matrix once again. I liked it done in Underworld too, but it's not as impressive in this movie when it's all CGI.


The Assassin?s Creed movie has very few CGI. The leap of faith is not cgi it's real stuntwork.



Thanks, sounds a bit difficult to tell at least the first act.


Wow..if I did not want to see it before, this just confirmed it to me..bunch of silly little nerd boys analyzing a video game


Wow..if I did not want to see it before, this just confirmed it to me..bunch of silly little nerd boys analyzing a video game

This post reads like satire. I'm not sure if that was intentional or not. Poe's law indeed.

PSN ID: Kev_Cypunk


I've played some AC1 and Black Flag. Both absolutely terrible games. So I don't really know the stories. With that being said: I think it could work out pretty well in movie form. I really liked the trailer apart from the music.
So I definitely stay interested in the movie.


by megaruda » 3 hours ago (Wed May 11 2016 22:37:17) Flag ▼ | Reply |
IMDb member since January 2007
Did you find the trailer interesting at all? I still have no idea what the movie is about and the premise sounded kind of stupid, what was the point of sending him to the body of his ancestor like wtf, are we supposed to waste all our money in something that dumb in the future? And can he ever succeed or is it like a life sentence? I thought it was a terrible trailer unless you knew something from the videogame.

I toyed with the demo, but didn't play the game, and to answer your question the movie looks like it has the same problems as the game.

It lacks total credibility.

Games today are designed to make pre-teen boys and teenage boys feel "empowered" and "super". There's no game in today's games.

It'a all about "cool moves" and "feeling powerful".

Which means that the game really isn't a game because all you're doing is going through a pre-programmed story designed to make you feel good. There's no challenge. And that's what the movie is going to be like.

Same with the movie's story. You already know what's going to happen and how you're going to feel and what the outcome's going to be, even though it lacks any kind of reality.


You're probably the kind of guy who play Dark Souls with a laptop beside you to see how to play every part and then do it and brag about how you beat the game and show off your trophies...


Dark Souls is not really a hard game. The hardest thing is to understand the basic functions of the game. After that it's pretty smooth sailing.


Yeah Dark Souls is like all the other 3rd person games on the market. You're given an inventory, a world to explore and some moves, but most of the time you're just walking through the map waiting for the next thrill to make you feel good.

There's no challenge to it, so it's really like all the other software out there.


I don't play video games at all, and I thought it was very cool. I'll definitely give it a watch.


He is not sent into the body of his ancestor, he is reliving the memories of his ancestor


Just finished watching Tyrone Magnus' reaction to the trailer. I think people that did not play any of the games will find the trailer and maybe movie interesting. Tyrone hasn't played any of the games but is still kind of familiar. He said that even if he knew nothing about the games from what he saw of the games' actual trailers, he'd still be interested and find the movie trailer interesting. He overall liked what he saw.


I mean I am kinda forced to react that way but because of social pressure rather than actually liking the trailer lol. Just look how that ninja guy reacted when I said I did not see a plot in the trailer. The socially acceptable thing to do is to say ¨even tho I havent played the trailer is awesome¨ (cos thats the reaction that will get likes and is socially good. IMO the most you can say its a teaser and they will eventually will get an actual trailer. The problem with this is that by lying you will hardly get better videogame to movie adaptations or at least decent marketing.


I am kinda forced to react that way but because of social pressure rather than actually liking the trailer

The socially acceptable thing to do is to say ¨even tho I havent played the trailer is awesome¨ (cos thats the reaction that will get likes and is socially good

Why do you feel social pressure to like the trailer? And how is it "socially-acceptable" to say the trailer is awesome? Socially-acceptable by the gamers, AC fanboys?

From what I've read on this board and other places, there are others, ardent gamers included, that don't like the trailer and think the movie will be just as bad. So you're actually in good company.


Socially-acceptable by the gamers, AC fanboys?

From what I've read on this board and other places, there are others, ardent gamers included, that don't like the trailer and think the movie will be just as bad. So you're actually in good company.

As a fan of the games I agree with this. Assassin's Creed isn't Star Wars. You're not gonna get pressured into liking it just because there's a big fandom for it. To me, based on the trailer alone the movie looks slightly better than the Prince of Persia movie (which was okay at best). And they picked a really poor song choice to cinematically introduce the series with. I'd like to give this movie a chance but so far I'm not impressed.
PSN ID: Kev_Cypunk
