MovieChat Forums > Room 237 (2012) Discussion > For Those That Dont Get It: Room 237 is ...

For Those That Dont Get It: Room 237 is a CRITICAL THEORY Documentary

OK, I have to put this out here. There seems to be a shockingly large amount of viewers commenting on this board as if they were watching a documentary which was supposed to sway you one way or the other, or answer your lingering questions regarding loose-ends, continuity, plot, and etc. I see why you would have approached the film that way, given the press/trailer/your past experiences with documentaries, but let me be clear:

NO. If thats the case then you are looking for something only you can answer for yourself.

This is a documentary that explores the practice of Critical Theory applied to one of the most mysterious, most perfect films in American cinema history and arguably ever made. If you were to enroll in an English Literature Critical Theory seminar at your local University you would learn the theory


Namely, with lots of pseudointellectual yakking.


This movie tells us that "A lot of holywood movies have got subliminal message for illuminati. You have understood a lot messages and put them on youtube, but damn you! how did you miss this movie? Ok. this movie could be old but come on! we have done it in this movie too. Let me show you..." And this movie.



100% percent correct, with the omission of the source of critical theory and the group that's been pushing it all along but that would make you "anti______" if you pointed out what that group was.


No it doesn't. Sorry they are not exploring the practice of critical theory, they are attempting it themselves and doing a very poor job of it. This is nothing more than trendy, basic cable-type, Da Vince code nonsense.



Good OP with which I concur.

In the midst of winter I found there was, within me, an invincible summer


I agree with the OP. It was near the end of the movie however, before I realized what the purpose of this documentary actually is. I'm pretty slow on the uptake.
