Forced Diversity
This show is part of the long list of media that stands as testament to the UK becoming less white. Future generations will use shows like this as a chronicalling of the elimination of white people.
shareThis show is part of the long list of media that stands as testament to the UK becoming less white. Future generations will use shows like this as a chronicalling of the elimination of white people.
shareNothing forced about it...
This started out as a UK show. Have you even been to London?
It's arguably the most cosmopolitain city in the world... by far... Has been so for a few decades... it's 2018... A portrayal cannot be considered "forced" if it mirrors (pun intended) what is being portrayed...
Even the creator of the show, a blond Englishman, is married to a British woman of Bengali ancestry...
As for the themes of the show, only the fourth season has any overtly racial themes and that really only comes into the last episode, Black Museum which is about the American prison and criminal justice system... It's weakest episode and one that doesn't relate to the UK.
Also, white people aren't being eleminated from the UK. It is still majority white by a large magin and there are Brits living well as expatriates around the globe, maintaining their British identity abroad, so this sentimental narrative that whites are being eleminated rings hollow, not only at home, but even abroad...
"Not forced diversity"
"Have you even been to London?"
YES I have been to London. It's one of the best examples in the world of white people being replaced in their own homelands. Whites still have a majority in Britain? For how long? Many estimates put it at somewhere between 50-100 years before whites are no longer a majority in England.
Why is this not being said about other non-white countries? Where are all the current major cities in Asia or Africa that are expected to have the ethnic majority replaced soon? Tokyo? Shanghai? Mumbai? Cairo? Bangkok?
Seoul? Why is it only white cities that are expected for the ethnic majority to be at risk?
And whatever answer you supply always ends with - white people are being created as a minority in their own country because.... xyz.
This is a modern day form of genocide. Where large waves of immigration from non white countries in to white countries using the tax money of the white people to pay for the welfare of the people meant to replace them. It would make for a Black Mirror episode because of how horrible it is. White people are literally being replaced in their own countries all around Europe. And this ethnic replacement is only happening in white countries.
Genocide? There is no mass killing of people... You are being hyperbolic...
Having a city or country's demography, politics and culture change due to immigration is not the same as killing people because of their ethnic identity or race. Genocide means killing off a group of people and destorying them.
Words have meanings.
I understand the point that you are trying to put across, but please try to be a little less hyperbolic. Otherwise no one will take your comments seriously, nor will they engagge with you.
As for the title topic of the thread, it is not "Forced" diversity if the show depicts s reality thst exists today, or plausably could exist in the near future (as it is sci-fi). From your comments on London you seem to agree that it is diverse.
In the smaller, wealthy Arab gulf states... Expats and migrant workers are between 50 - 80% of the population in some cases... Dubai, Kuwait, Abu Dhabi, Bahrain and Qatar are all city/states that have minority natives now due to economic immigration.
Singapore was built on migration and settlment of people from elsewhere. Different languages, cultures and religions. Even then 39% of the population of Singapore today is foriegn born. In Dubai the figure is 80%+
You could easily set a Black Mirror type show in Dubai or Singapore.
It seems like a capitalism thing... Countries and cities that buy into the free movement of capital and people in order to be more integrated in a global economy trade a homogenious homeland for a cosmopolitain workforce and professional class... However, it is certainly more complicated than that, given the post-colonial context of the countries I mentioned...
Japan has a falling population, but has resisted the concept of immigration for the most part. That is an alternative scenario.
I don't expect people to migrate to worse places, of course they're going to go to the better cities. But you already said you didn't want these kinds of answers, so I won't get into a long discussion.
Words also change in time due to different circumstances. Having levels of immigration that overwhelm the native population, by a group of people that outbreed the native population, while the taxes of the native population pay for the very immigrants that are to replace them is a modern form of genocide.
>no one will take your comments seriously, nor will they engage with you.
I'm not going to cater my message. Either you are willing to except the reality I'm stating in a very straightforward tone or you don't give a shit anyway.
>As for the title topic of the thread, it is not "Forced" diversity if the show depicts s reality thst exists today
The show is depicting the reality... of forced immigrations into the UK and how whites are increasingly becoming a minority in their own country.
>In the smaller, wealthy Arab gulf states... Expats and migrant workers are between 50 - 80% of the population in some cases... Dubai, Kuwait, Abu Dhabi, Bahrain and Qatar are all city/states that have minority natives now due to economic immigration.
In most of these countries the immigrants are slaves or borderline slaves, and many will NEVER hold citizenship. Please look into the atrocities being done to these migrant workers. They are not being allowed into the country to act as equals to (and later replacements of) the native populations.
>Singapore was built on migration and settlment of people from elsewhere. Different languages, cultures and religions. Even then 39% of the population of Singapore today is foriegn born. In Dubai the figure is 80%+
You're going off on a tangent. I'm not saying migration should never happen. I'm saying overwhelming non white migration into low birthrate white nations is making them minorities in their own homelands and setting the stage for them to be either extreme minorities or erased all together.
>It seems like a capitalism thing
A capitalist / cultural marxism blend
Europe should follow its lead and genuine concern for its native people and culture.
i understand the situation you are describing. However it is not called genocide. The word Genocide means to kill, en masse. There is no killing. No blood on the streets, no gas chambers, no killing fields, no mass graves, etc... What you are describing is not genocide, it is a different social phenomena.
I'm not asking you to cater your words for others to make the concepts seem nicer, rather stating that when you call something a genocide and there are no mass killings people will naturally think you either do not know what you are talking about or are just being hyperbolic and overreacting... Therefore they won't engagge with the ideas you present seriously. Therefore they won't think or discuss the nature of immigration, of national culture, of family formation and birth rates, etc... What large scale immigration means for democracy and such. Worthwhile topics, but no one is going to discusss it with someone who is saying there are mass killings of ethnic white people in Europe when there clearly aren't.
Places like Dubai & the UAE for example are trying to have their cake and eat it. They want to have immigration, but keep their autocracies as well as preserving privilege for nationals and a class based system based on race, nationality and wealth. I doubt it will work in the long term.
There are already almost as many British, European and Western nationals in Dubai as there are nationals, so even disregarding the migrant labour organising for their rights (they can't and are forbidden by the draconian state) it is not hard to envisage a scenario where these Western expats could start to influence policy or even seek self determinatiom given their increasing economic power. The state is trying to increase nationalism (partly because of their regional wars) and is even trying to encourage more births among local Emirati nationals by giving financial support for people who take more than one wife.
So yeah, different cultures are dealing with this differently...
Japan and South Korea are going to have a hard time. S Korea's birth rate is 0.78 and that is propped up by some foreign brides. Their population is projected to more than halve in 2070. Nothing wrong with that on its surface but can you imagine the economic and social instability associated with that juxtapositioned with their economic system?
Have you seen what is happening outside big cities in Japan? Small towns are dying, consolidated to a point before those are too far gone as well. Why have they been in a decades long recession? Because population is contracting so there's no new demand. Corporations have money but won't invest for that reason. They have to work ever longer hours which further craters birth rate. It's a death spiral.
You realize why you aren't seeing majorities being replaced in China? Because it already happened over centuries. Do you think Han Chinese were the majority in all of China historically? They conquered / immigrated / replaced / assimilated. A chunk of Han Chinese weren't actually Han Chinese, they just assimilated over time. Some of the last names can still be traced to minorities that sinicized themselves, you just might not be able to tell from a cursory glance.
Some countries are souring to immigration. We've seen it in Denmark, France, Austria, Germany, Italy, Sweden, UK. Some of these parties have won power or are still growing in support.
One reason they have been so pro immigration is because their birth rates fell and their social safety nets require working age people to pay in as they were set up as ponzi schemes or the govt just spent the excess at the time. Now working age people has fallen they use immigration unwisely to prop it up but instead they should have been stricter like Singapore where they are mostly guest workers who eventually go back to their countries. That prevents them adding themselves to the ranks of the aged. They also set up social programs responsibly.
In most of these countries the immigrants are slaves or borderline slaves, and many will NEVER hold citizenship....that is key
share@Renovatio: Wrong. Thats only part of it. The UN defines genocide by these measures:
Killing members of the group
Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group
Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part
Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group
Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group
"Even the creator of the show, a blond Englishman, is married to a British woman of Bengali ancestry"
Suddenly, all the forced diversity on the show and anti white narrative of the show makes all the more sense.
It's arguably the most cosmopolitain city in the world... by far...share
I am so sick of forced diversity. If I see it on a tv show, I stop watching.
shareWhat do you consider forced diversity?
sharewhen one 10th of a population suddenly becomes 1/3 or half of everything shown
shareWhich population? The diversity in London is very different than say Cork, Ireland, which is different from New York, and again different from Yellowknife in Canada.
You said that you had no issues with race specific shows being made. Considering that the creator of Black Mirror isn't American, and is in an interracial marriage, I would think that this should fall under a show you find acceptable.
Here in Australia where we still have an overwhelmingly white population (thank you White Australia Policy that was only fully abandoned in the mid 70s which limited postwar migration to people from white countries) you'll find pretty much every second advertisement on TV that features a family will have a mixed race couple/homosexual couple/mixed race homosexual couple. I live in a fairly biggish town with a population of around 200,000 and I rarely see people of colour, but over the last 10 years there has been an increasing amount of Indians that have immigrated here. 9 out of 10 Uber drivers and 9 out of 10 711's are run by Indians. I have noticed quite a few Somalians in Melbourne though.
shareAre the stories good? That's all I care about.
Yes they are and Black Mirror has always been diverse. Give it a try if you have never seen an episode. Really good.
shareI love the show. I also like Room 104 although some of those episodes are complete trash.
shareI’ve never seen Room 104. It’s not on any streaming service in the U.K. at the moment, but I will keep a lookout. :)
shareIn Canada it's on a TV service called Crave. It ran four seasons. All set in the same hotel room.
Sadly not available on DVD yet.
Here's an online option but if you're going to pay for individual episodes - be careful. This is one time I'd trust the average reviews on a site like IMDb as some of the episodes are bad.
Each episode is a separate story, so if you don't like one of them, try a different one.
shareYes as @ssissg mentioned, every episode is different, so you can watch in any order if you like.
My favourite Black Mirror episodes are (in no particular order):
Season 1: Episode 3 - The Entire History of You
Season 2: Episode 2 - White Bear
Season 3:
Episode 1 - Nosedive
Episode 3 - Shut Up and Dance
Episode 6 - Hated in the Nation (Brilliant. Like a film)
Season 4:
Episode 1 - USS Callister
Episode 3 - Crocodile
Episode 4 - Hang the DJ
Episode 5 - Metalhead
Season 5: Episode 3 - Rachel, Jack and Ashley Too
Season 6:
Episode 1 - Joan Is Awful
Episode 2 - Loch Henry
Episode 4 - Mazey Day - It's getting a lot of hate, but I really enjoyed it.
If only that's all the writers cared about