MovieChat Forums > Black Mirror (2011) Discussion > Anyone notice any easter eggs?

Anyone notice any easter eggs?

Not sure if someone else has pointed this out already but in Hated in a Nation, when the news channel is on at the bottom of the screen they have other news stories, one was about cookies having human rights (White Christmas) and another was about SaitoGemu's new game (Playtest) there might have been others too I think.

So did anyone else see references in any other episodes?? I assumed that they all took place in separate universes but maybe some are connected?? :)


The symbol from White Bear appears in the whack-a-mole discs in Playtest


Oh wow so maybe she's not really going through that in white bear and it's just a simulation.
"Whoa, Summers, you drive like a spaz!"


I am sure I saw Mike from monster's Inc in the 'haunted' house. On an oil painting..... OK maybe not an easter egg maybe I a bit blind. But I'm sticking with it


In shut up and dance, there's a Waldo sticker on Kenny's laptop


In Playtest, 'Portal 2' is on the shelf of video games. Director Dan Trachtenberg made the short film Portal: No Escape. Thought it was a cool little nod.



Not really an Easter egg but I think in Nosedive at the wedding when it pans across some of the guests Charlie Brooker and his wife Konnie are there. Also near the end of it I think his wife Konnie was the one who held up her phone to take a pic of the main girl.


Wasn't the song sung in the bar by the guy's girlfriend in White Christmas the same song Abi sung in 15 Million?
(\ v /)


I think SaitoGemu was Kojima. And the Harlech Shadow must be his Silent Hill.
