
Seasons 1 and 2 were great. But season 3 episode 1 definitely did what it said it would. A total "Nosedive". You go from a show with interesting stories to some statement on ratings of people? Some of the other episodes had statements, but this is just shoving it down my throat. A nosedive is right. A show going from a 9/10 to a 7/10 fast.


Completely agree. This topic has already been addressed many times and much better. Thus was too in your face. Yes we people have a dependence on not just social media but the Internet itself... yes society is fake blah blah we get it...


Completely agree. This topic has already been addressed many times and much better. Thus was too in your face. Yes we people have a dependence on not just social media but the Internet itself... yes society is fake blah blah we get it...

That is how felt. I got what they were trying to say, but they said it in such an annoying and over the top way that it just turned me off.

Worst of the series and the first one I truly didn't care for. I turned it off after 30 minutes.

I am happy for those who liked it, but you're probably just sucking up to get rated higher. :)


I don't care.

It's ranked number 3 in my top 13.



don't care.

It's ranked number 3 in my top 13.'re just trying to get the writers to give you a '5'



By far the best episode of the entire series. This episode is basically a species detector: humans love it, *beep* hate it.


the 2 issues i had with the ep were that someone that's a 4+ I didn't understand why she would spam the rating system. The fact she gives out 5's to everyone would have to stuff up her rating in regards to it's worth. Only reason i think it's true is the fact her ratings helper was telling her the people at the party were all 4+ so she would be getting a boost off the fact they are top level users but I couldn't see how spamming the 5 rating would mean her rating was of the same level.

2nd Why would someone of that level rate people first. That would seem like you wouldn't do after been in that system for more then a day. If you have a higher rating you wait for them to rate you, because if they *beep* you over with a 1 star it might drop her from a 4.2 to a 4.0 but she could drop a 3.5 to a 3.3 (or maybe less if i'm wrong and her ranking point are worth more cause of her own ranking).

By ranking them 5 stars first she gives them all the power to *beep* her over. If she held back voting and waited for them to go first they would have to debate if giving her a low score is a good idea or not as she could just burn them back and being of a lower rank it may effect their job/life worse then it will effect her


She doesn't completely understand how the rating system works she just thinks that giving everyone 5 will increase her rating. When she sees the rating anaylst, he is an expert, think of it like SEO on your website. So she has a better understanding of the system and how weighted ratings count as the most important.

If she was still 4+ and behaving as society dictates then she would have been accepted by all the high 4s and they give each other ratings which means they will never drop below 4.5 and since she would have been in the same social circle they would automatically rate her 5. This is how it works in a class system. The upper class of society stay there and the lower classses are always fighting to reach higher.

If she rated one star for one of the 4.5+ It would have had very little effect to their rating, probably 0.01 because her rating is lower and has less weight behind it. And with all their 4.5+ friends, their rating would have bounced back straight away.

Her rating took the nosedive because she was on double damage and in the 3s. So when a 4.5+ rated her 1 it could knock 0.2 of her easily.


I don't understand your point about spamming the 5's - they live in a society where they are expected to rate each other after each and every social interaction, as well as to post the minutiae of their day on social media for everyone to rate.

Not rating anything or anyone wouldn't have gotten her anywhere.
