MovieChat Forums > Black Mirror (2011) Discussion > People who like to "figure out the twist...

People who like to "figure out the twist"...

Not just with this show, but with any movies or shows. Somehow I have always been annoyed by those people. Or people who ask "have you figured it out yet?" when you're watching a movie with them that they have seen before. Or even after a movie when people you're with will immediately start asking "how long did it take you to figure it out?"

Not sure why, but those people always strike me as dull. I don't want to "figure it out". If I wanted to "figure it out" I would go to work and start a new project.



Yes, there are a lot of dopey people out there who set their mind to attacking a movie or TV show as though it were a problem to be solved, rather than a journey to be taken on. They are too rigid and want to control everything, instead of letting go and giving in to the art of the experience.

Ironically, these same people will usually go on about how 'intelligent' that approach is (as some are in this thread), completely missing the point that such an approach is ultimately shallow, & lacks soul.



There's no such thing as the establishment. Everyone knows that!


...people out there who set their mind to attacking a movie or TV show as though it were a problem to be solved, rather than a journey to be taken on.

This ^ Thank you.



He... didn't say anything...

There's no such thing as the establishment. Everyone knows that!


In my experience, it is more fun to be surprised by a twist than to figure out a twist (especially early on, where the movie just keeps going and you're well ahead of it, looking at you The Village.) This is why I don't watch the commentary on dvds. I don't want to be thinking about how you achieved that particular FX trick or why you chose that camera shot or that Lead Actress was thinking about her dad dying at Christmas to get those tears to well up in Scene X - I want to experience the film and be immersed.

It would certainly annoy me to have someone *mid-movie* asking me if I'd figured it out yet. A) If you don't have funny/interesting commentary, shut up, I'm watching a movie and B) No, you aren't smarter than me because you figured out a movie twist.

But that said, if it is more fun for someone else to see stuff of this type as a puzzle, no skin off my nose. Just don't be overzealous in your Sherlocking.


Many things do have a predictability. With long running crime procedural who dun its we expect that our protagonists will end up alive and a case or two solved. Generally the obvious suspects will turn out not to be so guilty.

How about the many who stand in front of [chaotic] art just taking the Picasso cubes, the geometric shaped faced weeping woman. Who will be the one to work it out with these works.
Emperor's new clothes sycophancy to each other. Do not understand this art form and will not join in other than to say so.

Black Mirror has held my attention for all the years it has been on. Brooker amuses me even though at times it an almost saliva dripping rant.

While some have a top ten [19 now] I have enjoyed the vision of quite near and the not impossible futures. Most tales are of moral values.

I have just watch HATED IN THE NATION. Of course I only worked out why when we get near to the end. It is true that on many sites we can scroll down and see comments that really wish for someone's demise. I assume that A Ms Hopkins type is the first casualty. The lack of blue lights sirens guns going off etc may lose a certain type of audience. Many of these tales will have an underlying big brother government input. That is disturbing that so many feel is so plausible. With so much relying on the digital side we now have hacking that can shut down so much. Imagine wire flown planes dropping out of the sky due to a piece of code.

Black Mirror has shown a few egamples of what can go wrong and much may well have been taken from other media efforts. The acting [while not a requirement in most stories] is up to the job and when required special effects do the job.

I can say that this [moron] has been easily pleased with Brooker's work here and I have no outstanding memory of anything that I thought BAD. To those who have a problem with accent variations from our sceptred Isle in Hated By the Nation Kelly McDonald pleased your screen and ears in HOW many episodes of Boardwalk Empire? Regrettably she was asked to play as an Irish immigrant instead of her full scottish lilting voice. She did a good job of a politely spoken young Irish lady. In Hated those who would normally play the accent up in other things I hardly noticed regional variations other than Kelly who spoke the Queen's english throughout other than the foul language which Charley has borrowed from the SHAMELESS scripts.

Enjoyed this and recommended to others.


I consider myself one of the people who likes to uncover the twist before it happens. BUT, I'm also very dead-set on NEVER revealing anything in a movie when watching it with or before a friend. Film is meant to be an adventure. And part of that adventure is figuring things out on your own.

I enjoy discussing a movie with others and am unafraid to mention when or even if I figured out the twist. AFTER the movie is over. But, during? That's always seemed disrespectful to me. I mean, how fair is it for one person to experience the magic of a film and then dash it for someone else all because they either a.) Couldn't hold their tongue or b.) Wanted to show how much smarter they are than everyone else. I've got friends who do that and it annoys me to no end.

I do openly discuss a movie and it's possible twist if I'm in the right company, though. I've got a few respectful film buff friends and they're the ONLY people I like to hear talking during a serious movie. Unless it's a comedy or even a less-serious horror, I can't STAND when someone talks during an entire movie.

In regards to Black Mirror, I'm the only one of my group who's seen the show so I've got to bite my tongue on A LOT of discussions. But, I plan on it. Because being surprised by the show and its twists is part of what makes it amazing.

