MovieChat Forums > Upstream Color (2013) Discussion > Worst movie of 2013 -- Grown Ups 2 or Up...

Worst movie of 2013 -- Grown Ups 2 or Upstream Color?

I very seriously think it is one of the two, but cannot decide on which left me feeling more abused as a viewer by the time I had finished watching. They could both be aptly described as "a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing." But which tale signified more nothingness and which storyteller was the bigger idiot? Any thoughts on which was the worst movie of 2013 would be appreciated and any alternates will be considered.
"Movies, movies, politics and movies."


If you're going by the merits of filmmaking, Grown Ups 2 is much worse. Whether you liked the content of Upstream Color or not, you have to admit that the sheer technical feats of editing and cinematography are unbelievably beautiful.

I love Upstream Color in the same way that I love Malick's films. If you're not a fan of either, I'd understand not enjoying this movie. But don't go around pretending it's one of the worst of 2013 simply because you didn't enjoy it.


How refreshing!--a Philistine posting on IMDB how much he hated a movie! Thank God for you and your impeccable taste. Without you, we wouldn't know what's good...


Ah, but you liked Elysium because it "got a lot right." Good. Close one, for a second there, I thought maybe you were just a simpleton, but you're a Matt Damon fan, so it must be all good. Please don't spare us any further erudition. I'll sleep better now...


definitively upstream color.


I just viewed Upstream Color. I'm a big fan of his first movie Primer, but this film was difficult to comprehend. However it did have some beautiful cinematography. It was far from the worst film of the year.

I have not seen Grown Ups 2 (or one), but since it's Adam Sandler I know it's a terrible film, and might possibly be the worst film of 2013.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar, and / or doesn't.


GROWN UPS 2: 0/10
