MovieChat Forums > Europa Report (2013) Discussion > I guess I'm one of the few that loved it...

I guess I'm one of the few that loved it?

Seems like it's pretty unfairly getting picked apart. I know it's not perfect, but I can't help but love how genuine it felt. There were no forced conflicts between crew mates, no love triangles, no overly exaggerated personalities, just seemingly real people trying to fix a problem on a planet they know nothing about. Personally I loved the speed of the film, or lack thereof. I guess I don't understand the need to point to minor inconsistencies as if they somehow diminish what was otherwise a refreshing take on the Michael Bay-esque plots we've all gotten so used to. This is everything I wanted the horrid Apollo 18 to be.


It was a dumb movie. Full of just as many cliches as the next. It also generously borrowed material from Danny Boyle's Sunshine. Right down to the stupid montage at the end with the sweeping score playing in the background.

Watch Moon or Children of Men if you want "intelligent" sci-fi


I agree.

I actually rated Europa Report for the sheer mood for 9/10.
I gave Gravity 8/10.

While the production values weren't that high, it hardly mattered. Turn off lights and watch the movie uninterrupted. You'll be mesmerized.



I actually enjoyed the movie, right up to the end where the mechanical light thing with suctions comes sweeping out of the water. That was just silly. Space and the dark unknown is fear enough and more realistic


I don't think it was mechanical but an actual alien living thing so complex with its irridiscenct glow that it blew their minds.

You're so wise. You're like a miniature Buddha, covered in hair.


I agree with pretty much everything you said. Good, solid movie.


I also loved this film. Quality science fiction is rare. The action packed films made for the masses are fine, but I loved this one. I truly prefer this type of sci fi. I didn't have issue with its pace, either. I agree with everything you said.


I really liked europa report too. I found it intense and realistic.


I also agree, awesome movie.


You're not the only one. It felt very genuine.


I would say most people liked it rather than not. Imdb is the only website that seems it have people who think otherwise

Solid flick


totally agreed..............i think it is one of the best sci-fi movies i have ever watched.

Secondly,to underline the fact ,the same thing happened with me ,as i checked to see how much time has passed and it was like 45 min into the mvi.

MOreover,accepted that were plot holes and blah blah but then again name one mvi that is based purely on science and shows everything accurately and perfectly . hell even gravity had some inconsistencies and it was a big budget film.

so any person checking out this thread please watch the mvi and decide for urself where this mvi stands.
it is worth a look.....
