It was boring. Why no one* admits that?
Don't get me wrong, I love the Coens. I've seen almost all of their movies and I like most of them. Even the less good ones are still 6/10 in my book. But I don't understand why this one is praised so much. High user rating and extremely high critics rating. I'd give it a 5/10.
Of course it's not bad in any sense. Coens can't do a honestly bad movie. The dialogues, the characters are O.K., good acting, nicely filmed etc., etc., I just don't know what to enjoy in this one. Little of Coen's black humour, little of funny situations, no tension, and the story is uninteresting.
"Why no one admits that?" --> this question wasn't meant for everybody. I'm sure half of the praisers are actually enjoyed it for whatever reason, but I'm also sure there's another half who didn't and acts like they did because it's the Coens and they look smarter enjoying an "art" movie.
*EDIT 2015.12.26.: English is not my first language. Incorrect word "noone" was fixed. It confused some people who didn't understand the point, and kept pointing it out for almost two years.