The little girl travelling alone
How many people do that? Just curious. If I had a kid I wouldn't
shareHow many people do that? Just curious. If I had a kid I wouldn't
god point there. my wife and i. her name is Jane Mumfern. we placed our daughter, Ernestine Mumfern upon a plane to be flown to her grandparents in their city of residence upon the year 1979 in the Pan American airline and that was the last time we saw our child. The so called experts said that she was most likely taken by a child abductor at the airpoet of Oslo when arrived upon December 22 1979 and possibly mirderd, so be wary of doing such with your child. Ernestine would become 65 of age this next May 22.
Yep... its very common.... my son went on holidays to visit his friend in Denmark from when he was about 7 through till about 15....
it is all very safe and secure....the airline chaparones accompany the child all the way onto the flight, at Heathrow they have their own private departure lounge with XBox and goodies..... on the flight the cabin crew pay them a lot of attention and get them the best food.... and a chaparone meets them at the other end to escort them to the person waiting to meet them.
All the identity checks have to be completed in advance and are checked by the chaparones.
Its all a very smooth process, relatively cheap and the kids love it :)
BTW on one flight my son's plane was diverted to Hamburg because of bad weather. We were rung by the airline about every 30 mins to give us an update on what was happening. They contacting my friends in Denmark to keep them informed to. When the plane finally arrived my son's biggest complaint was that they hadn't let him off in Hamburg to have a look round !! :)