MovieChat Forums > Non-Stop (2014) Discussion > Beyond political correctness. It's far l...

Beyond political correctness. It's far left fascism.

A review from John Nolte 1 Mar 2014

**SPOILER ALERT** Most of the suspense and therefore enjoyment of Liam Neeson's new action thriller "Non Stop" comes from trying to figure out who the villain is and why this person is doing what he or she is doing. If you read the rest of this article, it will spoil the entire movie for you. Period. You have been warned.

There is no question that "Non-Stop" is a well-made, involving, not-terribly-dumb action-thriller that delivers plenty of suspense and endears Liam Neeson further into the heart of those of us who love well-made, involving, not-terribly-dumb action-thrillers. "Non-Stop" is a good movie. Heck, it is darn near very good. But the left-wing sucker punch at the end is a new low, even for Hollywood.

Here come the spoilers. You have been warned.

On an international flight over the Atlantic, burnt-out alcoholic flight marshal Bill Marks (Neeson) is hoping for a nice easy flight in first class where after sneaking a smoke and drink he might even be able to catch a little shut-eye. A text message informing him that one person on the flight will die every twenty-minutes unless $150 million is wired to an account, ruins that plan.

Counting pilots and crew, there are around 150 souls on board. Marks has 20 minutes to figure out which one is the bad guy. Red herrings abound. Is it one of the many actors whose faces we recognize but names we can't remember? People start to die. Marks is fingered as the hijackert. Who's doing this? Why are they doing this? What is their motive?

Here's the answer:

It turns out that the villain is not a hijacker but a terrorist -- someone who wants to murder everyone on the plane to further a political goal.

You ready…?

The terrorist is a 9/11 family member. Yes, you read that right; the terrorist is a 9/11 family-member who lost a loved-one in the World Trade Center on that terrible September morning.

It gets worse…

After 9/11, this 9/11 family member-turned-terrorist then joined the military but found himself disillusioned by the pointless wars.

And now…

The 9/11 family member-turned-terrorist is upset because America hasn’t done enough to ensure there will never be another 9/11. And so he figures that if he can get an air marshal blamed for a terrorist attack, America will wake up and anally probe us before we're allowed on a plane, or something.

It gets worse…

The villain's sidekick is a member of the American military willing to murder 150 innocent people for a payday.

It gets worse…

The one passenger on the plane who is forever helpful, kind, reasonable, noble, and never under suspicion is a Muslim doctor dressed in traditional Muslim garb including a full beard.

Screw you, Hollywood.


Thanks for the heads-up. I'll go see "Rear Window" instead and Liam Neeson can go suck a geriatric Irish dick.


i find more disturbing that you have problem with the middle eastern not being a bad guy

it's never Joan Van Ark- Marge Simpsons


Because there's nothing in the real world to justify that?


Is there nothing in the real world that doesn't justify that a Muslim person can be a nice helpful person?

Also is there nothing in the real world that justifies portraying Americans wanting to kill each other for less reason than the one given in the movie (oh hey Zimmerman)?

Oh wait, there are *beep* loads of examples to justify these things in the real world!

You're just listening to right wing propaganda yourself!

I love how right wingers attack left wing propaganda by using things they learned from right wing propaganda...ahahahaha



Muslim radicals. Americans seem to think just because one sub group of a religion are radicals and terrorists that it makes any member of that religion a terrorist.

Yeah self defense, because the guy was definitely armed and George Zimmerman was definitely just walking around with his rifle for no reason. Wait, he probably was walking around with his rifle for no reason...BECAUSE HE'S AN AMERICAN!!! bahahaha

Let's just shoot all drug addicts? Why not?

And let's look back on Christianity...Hmm the witch hunts? The Spanish Crusades? So I guess all Christians are people who love committing mass genocide...

Are you Christian? Well a sub group of your religion killed thousands of women for no reason at one point in time so that means you kill women and all your family and friends are killers.

How do you like your own logic you dumb *beep*?


And by the way, I as well thought that the motivations of the villains were stupid and implausible.

But there is just as much right wing propaganda as there is left wing propaganda. There is tons of both.

What I noticed was how the only black male that didn't talk like a gangster, that was nicely dressed and educated and apparently helpful turned out to be a bad guy.


Ronald Reagan was best buddies with the Mujahideen/Taliban anyway


^ This.



He was good buddies with Saddam as well. Kept him well tanked up!

Its that man again!!


It turns out that the villain is not a hijacker but a terrorist -- someone who wants to murder everyone on the plane to further a political goal.

You ready…?

The terrorist is a 9/11 family member. Yes, you read that right; the terrorist is a 9/11 family-member who lost a loved-one in the World Trade Center on that terrible September morning.

It gets worse…

After 9/11, this 9/11 family member-turned-terrorist then joined the military but found himself disillusioned by the pointless wars.

And now…

The 9/11 family member-turned-terrorist is upset because America hasn’t done enough to ensure there will never be another 9/11. And so he figures that if he can get an air marshal blamed for a terrorist attack, America will wake up and anally probe us before we're allowed on a plane, or something.

This is all true and all so very dumb. What I don't agree with in that review was when he calls it a "not-terribly-dumb action-thriller." No, it IS a terribly-dumb and poorly written. So many logic flaws that it makes the viewer constantly roll their eyes.

Some minds are like concrete. Thoroughly mixed up and permanently set.


Thank you for posting that. I'm sure the Liberal haters out there are doing their best to throw vile insults at you, and probably claim you're delusional, and ignorant, and racist, etc.

It makes me sad and bewildered that someone would make such a movie with those "villains." It just shows how Leftist beliefs and the Leftist agenda has advanced into our once great nation.

"Careful, man, there's a beverage here!" - The Dude


^hyper conservatism: A mental illness. get help sicko.


^ Hate and B.S. from a Communist. I've done my job.

"Careful, man, there's a beverage here!" - The Dude


I'm not a communist you retard troll, Try again.


^ Typical lying Communist. Anyone who disagrees with him is a "troll." Or "uneducated." Or a "knuckle-dragging inbred hillbilly racist Nazi."

It never ends.

"Careful, man, there's a beverage here!" - The Dude


Do you even know what fascism means?

It seems your denouncement of this film is where the fascism is. You're basically saying any material that isn't nationalistic, pro-war, or anti-foreigner is unacceptable.


The op is spot on this is a disgusting propaganda filled piece of trash!

My only difference is that all sides are as bad as one another and it doesn't matter who you have in power neither care about you, only lining their own pockets and power

So they say in this movie that they have not taken enough freedom from people and that's why he is pissed off. Ok so TSA child groping perverts is not enough? Oh who have caught not 100, not more than 50 but zero, nada, none yep not one terrorist caught but a great deal of fondling going on, a perverts wet dream of a job.

So if that's not enough what is? This is the message this movie puts in your head amongst many others and to those that actually research this kind of stuff they can see this was pure propaganda through and through so get ready for more liberties to be taken away in the name of false security but in the truthful name of control.

Oh just so you know I am from Scotland so I'm not here to argue left this, right that, I just care about the entire planet as one and where I see wrong doing no matter where it is I take time to educatè my self on such matters because one thing I do want is the people to be free and that word means very little these days im sad to say.


Oh I found on the review posted with more than just pasted by the op in case some are interested .......

The following is the full paste of what is most likely the source the op used but not just the review, the entire article.

EVERYTHING after this sentence is quoted from and may not reflect entirely on personal views of my own, I just thought some may be interested in the full read, my writing ends here.


With “Non-Stop,” Hollywood doesn’t just jump the shark, it embraces it (BIG TIME SPOILER ALERT)

Just yesterday, I pointed you to Roger L. Simon’s post arguing that conservatives are making a terrible mistake when they bail on the movie industry. Our intensely media-driven age, means that increasingly hard-left Hollywood is a superb propagandist that often provides the only information people get on a subject. The beauty of Hollywood propaganda (if you’re a Leftist) is that it’s so subtle. Hollywood doesn’t do clunky Soviet-era posters; instead, as Ben Smith ably demonstrated, it wraps core Leftist messages in rip-roaring good humor, gauzy tear-jerkers, or uplifting homilies. Polemics put people off; entertainment sucks them in.

We’ve gotten used to the Leftist tilt in entertainment over the years. We whine about it to each other (as I have here, here, here, and here), but that’s about all that we do. We accept it as not a necessary evil but an inevitable evil. That attitude encourages a certain passivity.

Sometimes, though, it’s worth making a loud noise, and that’s the case with Hollywood’s newest action flick, Non-Stop. The film has a high-profile star (Liam Neeson), lots of interesting cameos and co-stars, a big budget, and a clever plot about a well-disguised terrorist on a plane who is killing a new victim every twenty-minutes. (Thinking about it, for all it’s flash and newness, the plot is simply a re-hash of Agatha Christie’s And Then There Were None.)

Superficially, it sounds like a fun movie for those who, like me, enjoy a well-produced, fast-paced thriller/whodunnit. Indeed, John Boot, writing at the conservative PJ Media, says that it’s a fun movie, and enjoys the way the ending is unexpected. (He also noticed the Agatha Christie parallel.) It’s that surprise ending, though, that has stirred outrage across the conservative blogosphere. You see, it’s not merely a surprise, it’s a “jump the shark” kind of surprise.

(For the uninitiated, the phrase “jump the shark” originated with the last season of Happy Days, when the show had gotten irrevocably stale. In an effort to jazz things up, they put the Fonz on water skies and had him jump over a blatantly mechanical shark. If a show has to stoop so low, it should already have been put out to pasture. Since then, the phrase is used not only to describe shows that should long-since have been shark chum, but also to describe plot turns that are too stupid to exist even in the magical entertainment universe.)


Judging by the movie’s review at Breitbart, John Boot is correct that Non-Stop’s creators managed to avoid having a predictable ending. They did so, however, only by pushing a hard-Left world view that is going to be swallowed whole by every uninformed adolescent and young person who sees the movie. That is, while one can appreciate that the ending makes for a good movie, it is so unreal — such a high jump over a such a hideous, faked shark — that it should be soundly castigated, rejected, and ruined.

As I mentioned above, the plot device is Agatha Christie on steroids: people trapped in an enclosed space with a hidden killer bumping them off. Today’s headlines say it ought to have been a Muslim, since they’re the ones using terrorism against the rest of the world. If you’re a filmmaker who wants to add a good twist to reality, you make sure your terrorist is a well-disguised Muslim, along the lines of the British, Christian-born Black Widow who headed the grotesquely violent attack against a Kenyan shopping mall.

Having that kind of ending, however, would have failed to advance the movie’s real purpose: propaganda. Breitbart explains precisely what agenda the movie is pushing (and this is your last warning that there are spoilers ahead that will make watching the movie forever unnecessary):

Counting pilots and crew, there are around 150 souls on board. Marks has 20 minutes to figure out which one is the bad guy. Red herrings abound. Is it one of the many actors whose faces we recognize but names we can’t remember? People start to die. Marks is fingered as the hijacker. Who’s doing this? Why are they doing this? What is their motive?

Here’s the answer:

It turns out that the villain is not a hijacker but a terrorist — someone who wants to murder everyone on the plane to further a political goal.

You ready…?

The terrorist is a 9/11 family member. Yes, you read that right; the terrorist is a 9/11 family-member who lost a loved-one in the World Trade Center on that terrible September morning.

It gets worse…

After 9/11, this 9/11 family member-turned-terrorist then joined the military but found himself disillusioned by the pointless wars.

And now…

The 9/11 family member-turned-terrorist is upset because America hasn’t done enough to ensure there will never be another 9/11. And so he figures that if he can get an air marshal blamed for a terrorist attack, America will wake up and anally probe us before we’re allowed on a plane, or something.

It gets worse…

The villain’s sidekick is a member of the American military willing to murder 150 innocent people for a payday.

It gets worse…

The one passenger on the plane who is forever helpful, kind, reasonable, noble, and never under suspicion is a Muslim doctor dressed in traditional Muslim garb including a full beard.

Screw you, Hollywood.

Non-Stop didn’t stop at just jumping the shark. Instead, it embraced it and then made mad, passionate love to it. The filmmakers weren’t going for an element of surprise; they were sending a message to those credulous, uninformed Americans churned out by America’s public school system: Americans are bad; Muslims are good. Ignore the headlines telling you otherwise.* Hollywood knows better.

So what can you do? Well, I don’t recommend giving out spoilers unless people ask for them. Otherwise, you will be deservedly hated. However, to the extent that word-of-mouth is the most powerful advertising any Hollywood movie has, start mouthing off. If someone you know, in real conversation or on social media, expresses an interest in it, you can honestly state something along the lines of “I heard it was stupid” or “It’s supposed to be really bad. I’d never pay $14 to see a really bad movie.”

As a sort of tag, given that the movie stars Liam Neeson, I can’t help but remember that in January 2012, Neeson expressed a serious interesting in converting to Islam. Maybe he’s done it already and this movie marks his coming out.


*The usual disclaimer: Not all Muslims are bad. Most Muslims aren’t bad, but to the extent that almost none of them take a stand against the terrorists in their midst, the silent majority are complicit in the Muslim-inspired terrorism taking place in North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Australia, Eurasia, the Middle East, and Asia.



The op is spot on this is a disgusting propaganda filled piece of trash!

I do seriously wonder if it was written intentionally in to the script or they thought using ex-military and a 9/11 family member was being clever? Is this engaging in far left foolishness or is it just plain stupidity from a bad writer?

Some minds are like concrete. Thoroughly mixed up and permanently set.


Thanks, you just saved me about 50 bucks, I'm sick of this Hollywood liberal propaganda BS


Yeah, I can see why the Muslim not being a terrorist would piss you off. On behalf of all Muslims, I apologize for the damage to your sensibilities from how the movie defied all your stereotypes. I guess they used the Muslim guy as a red herring so d***heads like you would immediately assume he was the culprit. Guess they didn't realize you'd be offended. Racist *beep*


So its an attack from inside our own government. Sounds a lot like 9/11 to me, nothing like a good old false flag operation.


John Nolte is a far-right idiot. How much you wanna bet he is really a Communist in disguise?

If he got hit by a car and died, I'd cheer.


Fascism is far-right, you dunce!

Your feeble skills are no match for the power of kittens.


Brain-washed much?


It's still a crap film.

Some minds are like concrete. Thoroughly mixed up and permanently set.
