Why do so many people hate this movie when it was first released and advertise that people were going crazy on the internet and there was a lot of hype especially critics loved it why do people hate it all of a sudden now that its release it exists and its on DVD? I personally loved it sure wasn't pervasively laugh out loud raunchy funny but it did have funny moments and it does teach you that there are times to have fun there times to be an adult. I mean what do people want in a comedy? Seriously.
Because for some reason people find it fun to hate on a movie. Dunno why....they're just really bored, hell if I know why. Don't get me wrong, there are movies I hate as well...but you don't see me all over those movies talking about how much I hate it, how much it's a waste of time, it's the worst crap put on film, etc. I could....but I don't see the point. I guess people have a right to do that....I just find it pointless myself.
I love this movie. Just turned 40 a few weeks ago, found it hilarious. Saw it in the theater when it came out last year, have seen it a few times since. Laugh my ass off every time. But I'm also a Seth Rogan fan and I do like most of his movies. Except the Green Hornet....just couldn't get into it. Oh and that one with Adam Sandler. This movie isn't as funny as Pineapple Express or This Is The End....but it's still a pretty funny movie.
"Thank you very much you son of a bitch"--Stone Cold Steve Austin
I agree with every word you said. But were you serious when you said people have fun talking trash about movies on the Internet and bickering about them?
I prefer this film over the majority of frat/party raunchy comedies. Most of those rely on gratuitous nudity or gross out moments without having any actual humour. The nudity in this movie was fake and there were actual jokes instead of frat boys doing stupid things.
I think the movie is moderately funny, but I think the presence of Zac Efron alienate part of the audience that was expecting to see, at least, a more "light" comedy like "17 again", this movie is not extremely good, but don't deserve to have a worst average rating than "The Interview", you read the reviews on Imdb? People is talking like they watched "A Serbian Film"
My guess would be lots of younger people and foreigners who don't understand the humor. You really have to be American, over 30, and look at college kids as a bunch of damn morons who are usually totally unprepared for the real world to understand the humor in this movie.
That seems to be the moral which I have seen. Frat guys spend all their time partying having fun and little to no time getting an education and they're extremely unprepared for real adult world and employment. That's the message I learned from this movie,that's why I enjoy this movie.
Yes,aware that it's ok to not like a movie but and yes I've heard of and seen animal house which I didn't really care for. To me this movie is funnier and better than animal house.
Yes I have heard of and seen the movie animal House which I didn't care for and I wanted to forget. IMO Neighbors is better and funnier than animal house and had a good moral in it.
This is an awful waste of time. I watched most of it on fast forward, because I thought, maybe, it might have some redeeming values, but I was wrong. Thankfully, I didn't pay for it. I got it from the library.
People who can't accept the fact that someone else doesn't like something they like. Having to remind people that this is a discussion board and not a fan board. I saw that some of you suggested that maybe you shouldn't come to these boards because of negative comments. I think you're right. You obviously can't handle other people's difference of opinion.