MovieChat Forums > Neighbors (2014) Discussion > why do so many people on IMDB hate this ...

why do so many people on IMDB hate this movie?

Why do so many people hate this movie when it was first released and advertise that people were going crazy on the internet and there was a lot of hype especially critics loved it why do people hate it all of a sudden now that its release it exists and its on DVD? I personally loved it sure wasn't pervasively laugh out loud raunchy funny but it did have funny moments and it does teach you that there are times to have fun there times to be an adult. I mean what do people want in a comedy? Seriously.


What did you you think would be toned down?


I turned it off 35 minutes in. I thought I was a good 1 hour in, but nope... it just went that slowly. I laughed maybe once or twice, but gg... I think I'm done with party movies.

It is still better than This Is The End.

I'm writing this signature in bold so people know it's a signature


by Baldy_Nohairs » 6 days ago (Sat Mar 28 2015 14:37:59)
Post Edited: Sat Mar 28 2015 14:38:48
I turned it off 35 minutes in. I thought I was a good 1 hour in, but nope... it just went that slowly. I laughed maybe once or twice, but gg... I think I'm done with party movies.

It is still better than This Is The End.

I was not all that impressed by the first 30 minutes - but I did watch at least an 45 minutes or so and it was OK. Later I finished the movie and the last bits were LOL funny - at times, typically revolving around the party house. The brother hood even had a special "call" to alert the brothers of any possible issues during the party ...

Yes, this movie was better than The End, though I do like both - I think Neighbors maybe should be a solid 7, or possibly an 8.

by christopher-townsend44 » Sat Mar 7 2015 22:10:00
Why do so many people hate this movie when it was first released and advertise that people were going crazy on the internet and there was a lot of hype especially critics loved it why do people hate it all of a sudden now that its release it exists and its on DVD? I personally loved it sure wasn't pervasively laugh out loud raunchy funny but it did have funny moments and it does teach you that there are times to have fun there times to be an adult. I mean what do people want in a comedy? Seriously.

I would say that some people don't like Seth Rogen, though I would wonder why they would go see (or be forced to see?) one of his movies? I mean if your girl is that clueless, maybe she shouldn't be your girl anymore?

There were a few gross parts - the "adults" did over react a bit ... at times - though it could have been worse (like a Ben Stiller movie!).

The adults won, in the end - through superior tactics - even though that one dude put the "frat logo" in Hebrew (but it was funny - how they put that bit together).

Some adults are too series to have fun ... they can no longer act or think like children - or even young adults, so they may not like seeing adults doing juvenile things.

Finally, most things - such as comedy - are subjective - so not everyone will like it but I think some of the "hate" would be coming from the fact that young "adults" would not like to see their peers "defeated". Also if critics were praising the movie - that can be a two edged sword (or big hype in general) when someone may be "pushed" to see it because of all the hype - then they are let down and they feel cheated ... then if they are childish they rant or troll on the IMDb boards! :o


I kind of agree with you on your last paragraph. I also related to how some adults are too serious to have fun and there are times to enjoy life like a young adult and times to come back t reality and live like an adult. That's the message that caused me to enjoy the movie in the sunrise Sacramento theater;the only time I actually enjoyed myself.


I think hating this movie is almost as funny as the movie itself. Taking it seriously is funny. I'm not hot on ratings movies as that means I have to compare them with other movies if I were being objective. On the contrary I had some free time so when I saw the first half hour I sat down and saw I was going to enjoy myself.

One way I saw this movie was a sort of verbal slapstick. Try taking seriously what they were saying and the joke is that is ridiculous. Here are characters withstanding and fighting against what you and I wouldn't tolerate. Listen to the dialog. I had to stop and play some of it over again just to get it. Relish the ridiculousness.


That's what I did. How is people hating this movie funny?


I was very disappointed in this film as I like Seth Rogen very much. I thought that it would be funny but it was mostly quite dull.


How is this movie dull to you?


They're pathetic, miserable losers who expect a movie to fill the hole in their soul.

☕Death before decaf.☕


I know,right?


It's sad but true. No movie will make these people happy. What makes them happy is complaining on the internet.

☕Death before decaf.☕


I agree. Should I stop reading imdb message boards to avoid whiny complaints on message boards?


Not if you love to hate whiny complaints.

☕Death before decaf.☕


Good point. I'll have to avoid looking at imdb message boards from now on. One question:Did you like the movie?



You can call me Oeth.


Good. I'm glad you,open ended trouser,like it. So do I for my own reasons like it. It's as much as an enjoyable comedy as the mask,dumb and dumber,office space and the 40 year old virgin.


The problem with this movie is that its starts out really lame and then it's becoming really good at the end. And then you see why it was lame at the first place, but then it's too late if you turned down the movie after 30 minutes.


Ok. Maybe I will try it again, but I turned it off after a half hour. I didn't care for Rose Byrns' acting. When the police came to their house and accused them of being the boy who calls wolf, at 4:30 in the morning and a party was going full swing, I just rolled my eyes and thought the script was lame. If it really improves after that, maybe it would be salvagable.


This movie was flat out pitiful. God awful in every respect, Rogan can do better


I disagree with all of you who say it's awful. This happens to be one of my favorite comedies. I haven't seen anyone tell me they're reason for not liking it,if people aren't going to tell me they're reason then I'm not going to check the message board I posted.


That's just IMDB for you, people here hate every movie that comes out, especially comedies. No matter how good a movie is people will still hate on it here.

Haters always like to make themselves heard too.

A 6.4 is a decent score for a modern blockbuster comedy on here.


I wonder if I should stop looking at imdb meassage boards permanently.


Actually, I don't think he can.

