MovieChat Forums > Neighbors (2014) Discussion > why do so many people on IMDB hate this ...

why do so many people on IMDB hate this movie?

Why do so many people hate this movie when it was first released and advertise that people were going crazy on the internet and there was a lot of hype especially critics loved it why do people hate it all of a sudden now that its release it exists and its on DVD? I personally loved it sure wasn't pervasively laugh out loud raunchy funny but it did have funny moments and it does teach you that there are times to have fun there times to be an adult. I mean what do people want in a comedy? Seriously.


Theres no hate.
If I were 12 years old, I might have giggled at parts.
But I'm an adult
It's just a terrible movie.


You hit the nail on the head. It was stupid and gross.


Yep, it was offensively awful. Pure crap with no redeeming value at all. I pretty much can't stand any of the "actors" in the POS.


Horrible movie like Dirty Grandpa with Deniro. Seems Seth Rogen plays in everything with jewish links or references and they always normalize drug use and improper behaviour.

I have to agree, basically it's another script to dumb down our children and to make things that are morally or ethically wrong seem normal.


Smoking pot was normal before Seth Rogan was even born, sorry you didnt get the memo


No it's not its a good movie. There was so much hype over this film sure its bot pervasively LOL hilarious but it's a good movie and good comedy.


Bad movie, waste of money, waste of time, not funny.


I think people like you are becoming picky with comedies like this. I watched this movie at sunrise mall theatre and I enjoyed it.


This movie is really the worst movie, next to Tusk of last year that I saw.

Sincerely, The (\/đŸ·\/)


What's wrong with it? It's just like other successful comedies especially Seth Rogen comedies.


The worst thing about it is not even that it is absolutely not funny and worst acting ever, but that it is an Apple commercial. I think people are just sick of this money octopus reaching out into the world sucking wallets dry for *beep* products.


It's not very often for me a movie is bad enough for me to stop watching it. This was so bad I stopped watching and I'm done watching this guys movies - I've been burned too often
I can't believe Hollywood green lights anything he's involved in


Seth Rogen is simply not funny. No amount of grossness in deed or language hides that fact.


by sparta126 » Thu Mar 12 2015 08:20:24
IMDb member since November 2014
Seth Rogen is simply not funny. No amount of grossness in deed or language hides that fact.

Even IF you hate Seth Rogen, I can not imagine how someone wouldn't laugh at his ass going into the ceiling ... then his buddies... then (an den!).


I wonder for the people that hated this, what was their opinion of other Seth Rogen movies. I think if you like Rogen, you would like this. Maybe they are Efron fans.

I thought this was surprisingly good. I didn't care to watch it when it came out in the theater because I thought it would be toned down but it wasn't.
