I personally found this movie hilarious, don't know why people are hating on it so much. It's just enjoyable and easy to watch. ANYWAYS... I had to comment on this... Te part where they're having a Robert DeNiro themed party and Dave Franco is his character in Meet The Parents, he kept saying 'are you talking to me?? I'm watching you' omg I ended on the floor by laughing so hard. Didn't anyone love this part??
like....the part when Zac and franco fight...franco just zones...and zac is like "why are you so calm"...and you know what happens...so yeah...it made me laugh... yeah.
by nikkiten1979 » Mon Dec 29 2014 08:36:59 It was gross and fcking weird as hell...
You say that like its a bad thing! So, seriously, there were some "egh" moments in the begining and middle, I guess, though maybe they did not bother me.
The movie was terrible, but it did have a few VERY short moments of "funny" like the Deniro scene. Zach did a good job, but even his flawlessly beautiful face and ridiculously cut body couldn't save this disaster... the parents were the worst part of the movie.
Is that because they remind you of your parents or someone else'?
There were many good parts... I do not think any actual parent would do what these parents did, but they were new parents and they did protect their baby (mostly)!
Maybe it should have been titled Young Adults vs College Kids? Or Young Parents vs. College Seniors - OR - parents vs seniors! reply share
The fight scene between Effron and Rogen. Wenn Effron goes "I'M BATMAN!" and throws the beer can into his own face. I always crack up. But that whole scene is great. That being said there aren't that many funny scenes in this movie. It was ok, but nothing more.
Assjuice flashback is good as well, especially how he snaps out of it.